Wolf News - June 5

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Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.

Message from Mrs. Durso

Dear Wolf Pack, 

Can you believe there is only 1 more week of school left in the 2023-2024 school year?! We are making every moment count! 

Last week, we had our band concert. It was amazing to see how talented our 5th, and 6th graders are. Thank you to Mr. Sarisky and Ms. Porter for their hard word and dedication to our students!

Band Concert


Additionally, our 3rd graders, led by Ms. Peterson and Ms. Hood, demonstrated their amazing skills on the recorders. They've worked so hard to develop their musical skills this year. 


3rd Grade Recorder


This week, our grade level picnics returned to Oak Hill - with an added bonus. During our grade level picnics, our students are highlighting how they grew within a certain Portrait of a Graduate attribute. Students are about to discuss how they grew and show evidence to prove it! We are so proud of our Wolves. 

POG POL at Oak Hill


We hope this last week of school is a great one for you. We are looking forward to celebrating all of our students and their growth this year over the next few days. 

In partnership, 

Kelly Durso, Principal

Cali Loewenberg, Assistant Principal

Yearbook Distribution

Tomorrow, Thursday, June 6th, yearbooks will be distributed to 6th grade students who have pre-ordered.

On Friday, 6th grade students who did not pre-order may buy a yearbook in Mrs. O'Malley's room ($20 cash or a check made out to Oak Hill ES).  We have a limited number of extra yearbooks available so it will be first come, first served.

On Monday, June 10th, all other pre-ordered yearbooks will be distributed.  If there are extra yearbooks remaining, they may be purchased in the office on Tuesday, June 11th.  First come, First Served.  Please bring $20 cash or a check made out to Oak Hill ES.

Student Medication Pickup

  • ALL medications need to be picked up NLT 1:30pm on 12 June.
  • Medication left in the Clinic after 1:30pm on 12 June cannot be saved and will be discarded according to FCPS and FCHD policy.
  • Earlier pickup of medications is encouraged during clinic hours: M-F, 8:45am-3:30pm.
  • Extended pick up hours 8:15am-4:15pm on Monday June 10th and Tuesday June 11th and 8:15am-1:30pm on Wednesday June 12th.
  • Pick up of medication is restricted to PARENTS ONLY.
  • REMINDER: New medication authorization forms are required for each school year.
  • Questions (?) Call: 703-467-3510

Laptop collection graphic

All 3-6th grade students should bring their laptops and chargers to school on Thursday, June 6th to stay for the remainder of the school year!  

  • Please make sure all stickers are removed from the laptops along with any sticky residue left behind.  Often a disinfectant wipe can do the trick!
  • If your student is attending SOAR they will not need to keep their laptop for summer as they will be provided one at their SOAR site.
  • If your student is attending ESY or an identified FCPS summer camp that needs access to technology, your student will bring their laptop and charger back home for the summer and return it to the Oak Hill ES office once the program is complete, but no later than August 5th.
  • If your student is missing their computer or laptop charger, please go into MySchoolbucks.com to pay for those items before June 12, 2024.  

Oak Hill Library – All books due!

ALL books were due Monday, June 3rd, but students should continue to turn in books if located after this date.  Students should search for and turn in books as soon as possible.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Melissa Dolenc at mrdolenc@fcps.edu.  Thank you for supporting the Oak Hill Library!

Physicals only Needed for Original Entry into School

The yellow school physical form, MCH213G, is only needed for kindergarten or the child's original entry into FCPS schools.  You do not need to submit it again in subsequent years.  

Mathematics Independent Learning Options for Families 

Summer enrichment opportunities can provide students access to review and support meaningful learning experiences aligned to course objectives.

Here are some options your child might use this summer.

Summer Learning Options Mathematics ES

Summer Learning Options Mathematics SS

School Supplies for 2024-2025

School supply lists are available on the Oak Hill website.  A copy of these lists was sent home.  If you need financial assistance, please reach out to our counselor, Mr. Mitchell at asmitchell@fcps.edu

You may purchase supplies on the list directly from Walmart, Target, etc.  OR

You may take advantage of School Supply kits from EPI, sponsored by the PTA. Those supply kits will be delivered to your child's classroom prior to the first day of school  For questions about the EPI kits please contact Diana Hiltbrand at dmhiltbrand@gmail.com.  A flyer about the EPI supply kits went home in theThe deadline to order from EPI is June 25th, 2024.

If you order from EPI,
1. Go to www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks.
2.  Enter the school ID, OAK249
3.  Follow the directions to complete your order
4.  Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.  Tax will be charged at checkout.

News from PTA

The new PTA board was unanimously approved:
-President: Cindy Meylan
-1st VP: Willem Burger
-2nd VP: Open
-Treasurer: Marti Londal
-Secretary: Aparna Nagaragadde

We are still in need of a second VP. Please review the position description below. If you are willing to serve in this role, contact our incoming PTA president, Cindy Meylan (secondvp@oakhillpta.org).

Second Vice President Duties:
Organize after-school activities for fall, winter, and spring: Coordinate with vendors, prepare forms and activity calendar, manage registration, prepare rosters, find volunteers to monitor programs


In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:

  • School Board Adopts 2025 Budget
  • Online Campus Summer Registration
  • Family Life Education Materials Available for Review

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, please sign up today


FCPS Puzzle Hunt


Fairfax County is hosting its 1st Puzzle Hunt! 

When: Launches June 15, 2024

The Solving Fun Puzzle Pals have been hard at work, creating an exhilarating adventure for puzzle solvers. We are thrilled to announce the Fairfax County Puzzle Hunt, a unique community event that will take you on a journey to the wonderful parks in Fairfax County. Starting this summer, solve one puzzle or do them all. Puzzles are filled with creative thinking, logic, and wordplay. They are designed to be challenging and accessible for all skill levels. Solve the puzzles and then find clues at the parks for a final meta-puzzle. Walk, bike, and roll at our wonderful local parks with friends and family. For more information go to  www.solvingfun.com/fairfax.


Register Today for FCPS Summer Camps

Registration for FCPS Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts (IFTA/E-IFTA) camps closes on Friday, June 7. Tuition is waived for students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Bus transportation is available from select FCPS high schools and middle schools. Learn more about Summer Learning and Fun

Upcoming Events Calendar

6/10                               Sixth Grade Moving Up Ceremony, 9:30 am 
6/11                               Sixth grade party, 1-3 pm
6/12                               Last Day of School, 1:30 pm dismissal

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