Forest Edge - End of Year Events!


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End of Year Events


Hello Forest Edge Families


Fourth Quarter Achievement Assembly

June 4th

We have had an awesome school year.  We feel it is important for us to share and showcase the wonderful strides our students have made this school year. We are very proud of our school family, and we want you to share in our students’ spotlight. As a result, we will have our fourth quarter student assembly to acknowledge and celebrate our successes. Our first assembly is scheduled for June 4, 2024. Our Pk-2 grade assembly start time is 9:30 and our upper grades 3- 6 will start at 1:30. The assemblies will be held in the gym.


Other Important End of Year Events

  • May 29th - Spring Music Concert (evening)
  • June 4th - Achievement Ceremony (see above)
  • June 5th - Preschool Promotion
  • June 6th - Field Day!
  • June 10th - Kindergarten Promotion
  • June 11th - 6th Grade Promotion
  • June 12th - LAST day of School - 2 Hour Early Release - dimissal beings at 1:35 PM