Weekly Message


Mrs. Campbell's 3rd grade class identified an issue with our field, created a plan to fix it, and began their repair.  This responsible class determined that the “pond” or “puddle” on the top of the field was a safety hazard for students as well as a potential mosquito hatching area.  To fix it, they planned to:

  • Drain it
  • Dig out existing soil that isn’t draining
  • Replace the soil with a mixture that they identified during their soil PBL as being the most fertile
  • Grow grass on top

Kudos to our environmental engineers! Thank you for keeping our school grounds safe.

lost and found

Please visit our Lost & Found before the last day of school!  All items not claimed will be donated.


band and strings

Band/Strings Enrollment for 2024-2025

We are actively planning for an amazing 2024-2025 school year.  A key part of that planning involves our music program in grades 4-6.  At this time, we are seeking intentions for which music program your child will enroll in next school year.

Please take a few minutes to complete the appropriate grade-level form below to help us plan effectively.  We need to hear from everyone as to whether your rising 4th, 5th or 6th grade child will participate in band, strings, or neither (which means they will take general music).   Additional information on the programs is below.  Please complete the form one time for each child who will be in grades 4 -6 next year by Friday, June 7, 2024.  

Students in grades 4-6 have the opportunity to enroll in strings (grades 4-6) or band (grades 5-6).   Band and strings instruction will occur once a week during the specials block again this year.  Students who do not enroll in band or strings will participate in the general music program.

Below is information about our Band and Strings programs:

    • Band Teachers – Ms. Cockey and Ms. Holscher
    • Strings Teachers – Ms. Frank and Ms. Skeen

Please complete student sign-up form by Friday, June 7, 2024:

Rising 6th grade form

Rising 5th grade form

Rising 4th grade form

Please email Keith Eck, kaeck@fcps.edu if you have any questions.

medication pick up

End-of-Year Medication Disposal Guidelines

All medications currently in the health room must be picked up by parents—by June 12 at 2:00PM. For safety reasons, medicine cannot be sent home with children, nor kept by the school from one school year to the next. Medicine not picked up by parents will be discarded.

Medication authorization forms for next school year may be obtained from the school or online.  A medication authorization form is required for any medication, prescription or over-the-counter, to be kept at school.  For additional information, call our Health Aide, Ms. Sedra (703-937-6110).



playground fundraiser

Donate HERE!  

dining for $


Upcoming dates for OES:

June 4 - iReady Assessment (Reading) - Grades 4-6

June 4 - Kindergarten End of Year Celebration, 12:30PM - Auditorium

June 4 - Chorus & Strings Concert, 7:00PM - Oakton High School

June 4 - PTA Dining for $ - Oakton Domino's

June 6 - Field Day 

June 7 - Senior Walk (OHS, JMHS), 11:00AM

June 11 - 6th Grade Farewell Ceremony, 1:30PM - Oakton High School

June 11 - 6th Grade Party, 6:00-8:00PM - OES Gym

June 12 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - Dismissal @ 2:00PM

June 12 - PTA Dining for $ - Ben & Jerry's, 2:00-10:00PM

August 16 - SAVE THE DATE -  OES New School Year Open House, Times TBA

August 19 - First Day of School! 

summer band