RHES Community Newsletter | 05/27/24

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Rose Hill Students display Orginal Artwork in local Art Gallery

RHES Art Galler


Two weeks ago, several of our students had their art work on display at the Nepenthe Gallery located in Fort Hunt. Mr. Irby has been hosting an Art Club for most of the year and once a week, students stay after school to learn various art types, refine their techniques, and work on projects. It’s been a great avenue of expression for many students! Thank you also goes to Kate Pennington, our Familiy Liaison, for coordinating the show with the gallery.


New Assistant Principal Coming to Rose Hill

Current Assistant Principal Mike Staroscik will be leaving Rose Hill after this school year. Mr. Staroscik will be an ESOL Educational Specialist and will continue to support schools and teachers within Fairfax County. 

There were over 40 applicants for the Assistant Principal position and through a rigorous interview process, Ms. Christina Roehm has landed the position of the next RHES position. Ms. Roehm has been an early childhood special education teacher for over 10 years and has held various leadership roles as the Summer Site Director and Acting Support Administrator. Ms. Roehm will join Mrs. Miller and Ms. Edwards starting in July.

We are excited to welcome Ms. Roehm to the Rose Hill team and community!


No Parking on Rose Hill Drive

There has been a significant uptick in the amount of cars that are parking on Rose Hill Drive before and after school. This simply is not allowed. When you do this, you are creating a major safety hazard for cyclists, public transportation is not able to access their stops, and when students are crossing the road outside of a crosswalk, the danger increases that much more. You may either park in the neighborhood or go through the Kiss & Ride line. Please stop parking on Rose Hill Drive.

RHES PTA Board Elections

As, no additional candidates opted to "run from the floor" against the previously announced Officer Candidate Slate, the below-listed slate is now final for the 2024-2025 PTA Board elections. This slate will be presented for an Uncontested Election Voice Vote at the voting meeting (and final PTA meeting of the year) on June 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM. (Meeting link to follow.)

President: Dianna Lopez

Treasurer: Jennifer Olin

Secretary: Ashley Burris

For information on the above candidates, please click here.

Puzzle Hunt

Sign-up to Volunteer to help with Field Day!

Field Day is happening Tuesday, June 4th and we are looking for volunteers! If you would like to come and help out for an hour or two or three(!), please click on the link below for the Sign-up Genius. Should it rain on this day, field day will be cancelled.


Below is the schedule of when grade levels will be participating in field day. If you have questions, please contact your child's teacher or Ms. Martel, PE teacher. 

  • Kindergarten - 9:30-12:00
  • 1st Grade - 9:30-12:00
  • 2nd Grade - 9:30-12:00
  • 3rd Grade - 12:45-3:30
  • 4th Grade - 12:45-3:30
  • 5th Grade - 12:45-3:30
  • 6th Grade - 12:45-3:30
  • ECCB AM - 9:30-12:00
  • ECCB PM - 12:45-3:30
  • PAC - Please contact your child's teacher for when their class will be attending Field Day.

Health Care Coverage

Upcoming Events

  • Monday, May 27 - No School, Memorial Day Holiday
  • Thursday, May 30 - Chorus, Band, & Strings Concert, 6:00 pm, Rose Hill gym
  • Tuesday, June 4 - Field Day!
  • Tuesday, June 4 - Preschool End-of-Year Celebration, 6pm
  • Tuesday, June 11 - 6th Grade Promotion, 10am, gym
  • Wednesday, June 12 - Early release, 2:00pm, Last Day of School!

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