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Roadrunner Rundown
May 28, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Marshall Road Families,
We hope you had an enjoyable Memorial Day Weekend. For our families who were remembering a loved one who gave their lives in service of our country, we hope you felt communal appreciation for your loved ones. To our current military families, thank you for your collective service!
We are very proud of our students who play an instrument and/or sing in the chorus. These students have worked hard this year and are excited about their upcoming performances. Our upper grade students will have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful music during the day on June 6. Families are invited to attend the evening concert at 6:30 pm.
We are looking forward to the final weeks of school. There is still much to learn and many activities for students, families, and staff to enjoy.
Have a great week.
Much peace.
Matthew Chapman, Sue Kirby and Antoinette Nauflett
School Events and Information
The yearbooks have arrived! All 6th graders that pre-ordered a yearbook will receive it on Tuesday, June 4. Pre-orders for all other grades will be distributed by the classroom teachers on or after Wednesday, June 5. We have a limited number of extra yearbooks that will be available for cash and carry ($20.00) from the office AFTER all the pre-orders have been distributed. We are unable to accept any additional pre-orders at this time.
End of the Year Library Reminders:
As we approach the last day of school, please remember to look for and return all Marshall Road Library books. Student Library books are due on May 29th. This allows the Library time to receive all student checkouts, look for missing books, and organize/inventory the Library collection before summer break. Please try to return books on or as close to May 29th as possible. If a student has checked out or overdue books after the 29th, those students will receive a notice. Contact Librarian, Lisa Hoffman, anytime with questions or concerns: lahoffman@fcps.edu
Student Laptop Collection MRES 2024
Student laptop collection will take place at Marshall Road Monday, June 3rd-Friday, June 7th. Each classroom is assigned a different day for laptop return. All student laptops and chargers must be returned to school on their assigned date. Fees for lost or damaged laptops or chargers must be paid by Monday, June 10th.
Students attending an FCPS approved summer program (ESY, SOAR, etc.) will RETURN their laptop with the rest of their class. A different laptop will be assigned and sent directly to their summer site for use during their summer program.
For more information, including guidelines for backing up student work, cleaning laptops, and steps for paying for lost or damaged equipment, please visit the Student Laptop Collection page on the MRES school website.
Summer Reading
Summer Reading is almost here! Students can participate by choosing activities to do from the MRES Summer Reading Challenge. Click HERE for resources, book lists, and for more information about participating in summer reading with Marshall Road ES. Email Librarian, Mrs. Hoffman, anytime with questions: lahoffman@fcps.edu.
Lost & Found
Please check our Lost & Found if you are missing a water bottle, jacket or other belongings. All unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the school year.
PTA Update
Seeking Volunteers to Assist Eco-Club on Thursday
Our MRES Garden Educator is looking for parent volunteers to help 6th grade Eco-Club students paint 3 storm drains on Marshall Road campus. The group will be painting Thursday, May 30 from 2:00-3:00 pm. Sign up here. *Wear something that can get dirty. Questions? Christene Hendon chendon@fcps.edu
Year-End Gifts for Teachers & Staff
The 2023-2024 school year is coming to a close. For those that would like to give a gift of thanks to a teacher or staff member that has made a difference for their student or family this year, please use this GiftCrowd page to leave a note and gift. The list includes all teachers and staff, so you can give to as many people as you’d like, all in one place.
Gift recipients will be able to use their gift towards one or more gift cards from a selection of over 400 top brands. Participation is completely optional. The receiver will see the names of people that contribute but will only see the grand total of money contributed. The deadline to contribute is Monday, June 10th at 10:30 pm.
Save the date: D4D at Pizza Vienna and Bruster’s Ice Cream
Join us for dinner and dessert - or maybe it's dessert then dinner! Join us all day at Pizza Vienna and Bruster's Ice Cream from 4:00 pm to close on Wednesday, June 5th. A portion of the sales that day will be donated back to MRES! Simply mention Marshall Road Elementary School at checkout.
2024-2025 School Supplies on Sale Now
School supply kits for the 2024-2025 school year are on sale now through June 25. Simply go to www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks and enter the school ID, MAR000 (3 letters/3 numbers). PTA volunteers will deliver your school kits directly to your classroom before the first day of school. If you would like to donate a kit, simply enter 'GIFT' for the first and last name and we will make sure it is delivered to a student who can benefit from it.
Note: The PTA offers these kits as a convenience for families. This is not a PTA fundraiser. Questions? Email schoolsupplies@marshallroadpta.org
If you have a rising 7th grader that will be attending Thoreau Middle School in the fall, the Thoreau PTA has also partnered with EPI to offer this convenient service. Order supplies now with school ID, THO119 (three letters, three numbers). Items will be shipped to Thoreau and waiting for your student at the Open House before school starts.
Stay Informed and Get Connected!
You can find the most up-to-date information on our website, and PTA Facebook and Instagram pages. You can also complete your membership and join the PTA here.
FCPS Communications
Enjoy Learning, Fun, and Helpful Information at the Extravaganza!
Stop by Woodson High School on Saturday, June 1, 9:30 am-2:30 pm for the FCPS Summer Extravaganza! Families are invited to participate in engaging educational activities designed to spark curiosity and inspire growth. In addition to learning activities, enjoy tips and helpful information for families. Enjoy face painting, food, music, a moon bounce, a petting zoo, storytime, and student performances — at no cost!
Fairfax County Puzzle Hunt
Fairfax County is hosting its 1st Puzzle Hunt on June 15. The Solving Fun Puzzle Pals have been hard at work, creating an exhilarating adventure for puzzle solvers. This is a unique community event that will take you on a journey to the wonderful parks in Fairfax County. Starting this summer, solve one puzzle or do them all. Puzzles are filled with creative thinking, logic, and wordplay. They are designed to be challenging and accessible for all skill levels. Solve the puzzles and then find clues at the parks for a final meta-puzzle. Walk, bike, and roll at our wonderful local parks with friends and family. For more information go to www.solvingfun.com/fairfax. More information can be found in these flyers. English Spanish