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اس نیوزلیٹر کو دوسری زبانوں میں پڑھنے کیلئے ، براہ مہربانی ہماری ویب سائیٹ ملاحظہ کیجیئے۔
Rose Hill Families,
Field Day is happening Tuesday, June 4th and we are looking for volunteers! If you would like to come and help out for an hour or two or three(!), please click on the link below for the Sign-up Genius. Should it rain on this day, field day will be cancelled.
Below is the schedule of when grade levels will be participating in field day. If you have questions, please contact your child's teacher or Ms. Martel, PE teacher.
- Kindergarten - 9:30-12:00
- 1st Grade - 9:30-12:00
- 2nd Grade - 9:30-12:00
- 3rd Grade - 12:45-3:30
- 4th Grade - 12:45-3:30
- 5th Grade - 12:45-3:30
- 6th Grade - 12:45-3:30
- ECCB AM - 9:30-12:00
- ECCB PM - 12:45-3:30
- PAC - Please contact your child's teacher for when their class will be attending Field Day.
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