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 We are grateful for an active After-School Program! This week was the final week of late buses and After-School Activities for this school year.
Good afternoon, Franklin Community,
We have certainly had a lot going on here this week at Franklin Middle School! On Monday and Tuesday, we celebrated our newly inducted 7th grade National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) members and the pinning of our 8th grade NJHS students. Then on Wednesday, we had our end of year awards ceremony in which we celebrated the academic and growth accomplishments of our students. On Thursday, we celebrated our choral students in their final performance of the year. In my message to students on Wednesday I asked them to always remember to not only celebrate their achievements but also their growth along the way. Middle school is a transformative time and students really begin to forge their own paths and understand their true identities. With that comes many challenges and obstacles to overcome. While it might not always turn out the way they (or we) want, every opportunity gives us the chance to reflect on what they learned and how they have grown. I could not be more proud of the growth our students have shown academically, socially, and personally.
This week also brought a challenging situation to our school, which resulted in me sending a message to the community yesterday. I am so appreciative of the notes I have received from families about this topic but even more so, the feedback I have received from students about how you shared my letter with them. We face many challenges as a society but that partnership between home and school creates such a powerful and supportive community from which our students can learn how to be the best versions of themselves. So thank you for taking the time to have those conversations amidst the chaos of your work/school week. I will continue to share resources and will communicate the ways in which we are continuing the conversation with our students and staff as we move into next school year.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday weekend as we honor the sacrifices of those who gave everything. As always, please reach out to me at MLCase@fcps.edu with any questions or concerns.
Michelle Case
Interim Principal
Important Dates
May 27- Memorial Day
May 31 - 8th Grade Formal
June 6 and 7 - Laptop Collection
June 10 - End of The Year Celebrations
June 12 - Last Day of School, 2-Hour Early Dismissal
Memorial Day Holiday
All schools and offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, for the Memorial Day holiday. Learn about the history of Memorial Day.

🪩8th Grade Formal
Franklin will host the 8th Grade Formal on Friday May 31, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Tickets for the formal will be $5.00 and can be purchased on MySchoolBucks-School Store through next Tuesday, May 28. No tickets will be sold at the door.
If you would like to volunteer to help for the evening or are able to supplement with some donations for the dance please fill out the sign up genius. We will provide pizza, drinks and cookies.
8th Grade Formal - Volunteer Sign Up
Donations Sign Up - Drop off by 5:00 on May 31
💻Laptop and Laptop Charger Collection Dates
FCPSOn laptops and chargers will be collected from FMS students during lunch periods using the following schedule:
- Thursday, June 6 - 7th grade students
- Friday, June 7 - 8th grade students
All ESY, Young Scholar, and IMAGINE students will keep their laptop and charger. They will return it after their program ends. Additionally, any student who wants to keep their laptop over the summer for educational purposes may do so. We ask that the student please see Mr. Simons or Mrs. Baker to have their names, ID number, and laptop barcode recorded. Families will need to bring the laptop back before the beginning of the next school year to exchange it for one that has been updated and refreshed.
Please have your students remove all stickers, writing, and world language shortcuts that they put on their laptops before turning in the laptops.
Please help your child account for their FCPSOn laptop and charger. Families are responsible for any lost or irreparable damage at the following costs:
- Laptop - $481
- Charger - $23
Payments for lost or damaged items can be made through the main office by check payable to Franklin Middle School (memo: Student Name) or through MySchoolBucks. Families will not be charged for laptop carrying cases but we ask that they be returned to the school for future use. Any questions or concerns, please contact Sarah Burrowbridge at 703-904-5228 or at scburrowbrid@fcps.edu.
🎉End of the Year Celebration
We're getting close to the End of Year celebrations! The PTA has lots planned, including an inflatable obstacle course, giant Connect 4, giant Jenga, friendship bracelets, popsicles for the 7th graders and Kona Ice for the 8th graders. There will be a few additional surprises just for the 8th graders to help send them off to high school with great memories.
The PTA is covering the costs with membership dues, spirit wear sales, Dining Days, etc. Additional donations would help them make sure the day is extra special. If you'd like to contribute, you can donate via PayPal here or by dropping a check off at the school.
Thank you to all who have volunteered to support the celebrations. There are a few volunteer spots left for the 7th grade party and for set-up early in the morning. Set-up will be complete by 8:30 a.m. You can sign up to help here.
Student Intention Forms
The school year is almost over and we are preparing for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are moving over the summer and your child is not returning to FMS next school year, please notify us by completing the Intention From and emailing Ms. Smith at kchevannessm@fcps.edu at your earliest convenience. This information will enable us to prepare transcript information so that it is available when requested by your child’s school.
Medication Pickup
The school health room is reminding parents and guardians that all medication stored in the health room must be picked up no later than 12:15 PM on Wednesday, June 12. Medications left in the health room after that time will be discarded. It is school policy that medications must be picked up by the parent or guardian. Medication cannot be sent home with your student.
If your child will be enrolled in a summer program sponsored by Fairfax County Public Schools, your existing long-term medication authorization form(s) may be used for the summer program. Please let the health room know if you would like a copy of the form(s).
If you have any questions, please contact your school health aide, Donna Long, at 703-904-5110.
🥗Remember to Check Your Student’s Lunch Balance
It’s a busy time of year, and we know there are many priorities on families’ plates. As we approach the end of the school year, it is important to remember to check your students’ MySchoolBucks account and pay any remaining school meal balance.
Families that earn less than 185% of poverty level qualify for free and reduced-price meals. However, an application must be completed and submitted each school year to receive that benefit. The application for the 2024-25 school year will be available this summer.
If families have a current balance and think they may be eligible for free and reduced-price meals, please fill out the FRM application for the 2023-24 school year. Get more information about free and reduced-price lunch.
🩺Sports Physicals 2024-2025 School Year
Athletic physicals are required for middle and high school student-athletes. FCPS high schools will offer athletic pre-participation physical exams for all students interested in school sports during the 2024-25 school year.
- June 3: Oakton HS
- June 4: Chantilly HS
These events serve as the primary fundraiser for our high school athletic training programs and each exam costs $50. Rising middle school students are eligible to receive a physical at no cost although donations to the HS athletic training program are welcomed. Pre-registration is highly encouraged; walk-in appointments may not be available. You can register here: Student registration. Once your registration is received, the school’s athletic trainer will contact you to confirm your appointment time. Athletic physical exams must be completed on this form: FCPS Middle School Sports Athletic Participation/Parental Consent/Physical Examination Form (PPE).
☀️ Enjoy Fun and Resources at the Summer Extravaganza
Stop by Woodson High School on Saturday, June 1, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., for the FCPS Summer Extravaganza. Enjoy face painting, food, music, a moonbounce, alpaca petting, storytime, and student performances — all at no cost! Additional food trucks will be on site selling a variety of treats.
Families are invited to take part in engaging educational activities designed to spark curiosity and growth. Community organizations will be providing tips, resources, and helpful information. Visit the Summer Extravaganza webpage for details and register to attend. Registration is not required, but it’s helpful for planning purposes.
Oakton HS Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS) Presentation
Unfortunately, there are unforeseen circumstances which cannot be controlled and the HIPS Presentation for 05/30/24 at OHS must be cancelled. A notice will be sent out to those who have registered for the presentation. My goal for next school year is to have a HIPS presentation in the Fall and Spring, open to parents and staff.
💃Oakton HS Dance Team Spring Prep Clinic
If you love to dance and are interested in trying out for the Oakton High School Dance team for the 2024-25 school year or the year after, the Dance Team is holding a Prep Clinic May 28 and 30 from 4-6pm at Oakton HS, open to students in grades 7-11. The clinic will teach a variety of skills and choreography that will be helpful for preparing for tryouts. If you are interested in participating in the Dance Team Prep Clinic, complete the Spring Prep Clinic Interest Form to receive the registration form and information. If you have questions, please reach out to Coach Rowley at kmrowley@fcps.edu.
👟Oakton HS Cross Country Interest Meeting
Rising freshmen are invited to an interest meeting on Monday, June 3 at 6:00 PM in the Oakton HS cafeteria. If interested students and/or parents can't make the meeting, please reach out to Coach Kate Vanderstelt or Team Parent, Sherry Lewis.

♟️Chantilly HS Chess Tournament
Chantilly HS will host a Chess Tournament on May 25 from 10 AM to 4 PM for K-6 and K-8 sections. If you have any questions contact Chantillychessclub@gmail.com. Use this link to register pre-registration link.
🏈Chantilly HS Football
Interested rising 9th Graders may begin joining us for strength and conditioning sessions at CHS Monday/Wednesday/Thursday from 3:10-4:15. Additionally, we have a parent/guardian info meeting scheduled for May 29 at 7 pm in the CHS library.
Scan the QR Code to sign up for more information from Coach Curry and alerts from Chantilly HS Football.
💃Chantilly HS Dance Team Tryouts
Want to be a part of something special? Tryouts will be on:
- June 12 - 4:00 PM -6:00 PM
- June 13 - 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- June 14 - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Join here to stay updated.

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