Last PTSA meeting of the year! May 21st at 5:30PM!

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Please join us for the last PTSA meeting this year, Tuesday, May 21st at 5:30PM

Our next PTSA meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 21st at 5:30pm at Stone Middle School’s Library. -Come learn more about Stone’s PTSA and what it does for our school.

Also, consider running for one of the open positions: President, Secretary & Vice President of Communications. This is a great way to get involved!!!

President:  The PTSA President is responsible for making sure the PTSA meets regularly throughout the year (at least 3 times). They meet with the school principal to help set the goals and agenda for the year. The President convenes the executive board to set the agenda for meetings and plan events throughout the year.

Secretary:  The Secretary attends all board and general meetings taking the minutes for each meeting.

Vice President-Communications:  The VP Communications is primarily responsible for sending PTSA communications via email and social media (Facebook).  Maintains social media accounts and assists in maintaining the website.

If you are interested please email:

We will also be discussing the positions at the meeting and would be happy to provide additional information if you need!