Glasgow Parents and Community:
Next week, your student will receive an “Intention Form” during their Panther Time class. This form should be given to you to complete and return to Glasgow if you do not intend for your child to return to Glasgow next year and will go to a different school for 7th or 8th grade. Knowing when students will not return to Glasgow for 7th or 8th grade helps us plan for the upcoming year. It is very important for you to complete the form and return it to the school if your child will not be returning to Glasgow for 7th or 8th grade. If your child will be returning to Glasgow or will not be returning because they are going to high school, you do not need to complete the form. Forms should be returned to Glasgow by May 31st. Thank you!
May 30th, 2024 will be the last day of After School. If you’re still looking for Summer fun and engagement for your student(s), VIP (Value in Prevention) still has space available. VIP Camp will run from July 1st through August 1st at Holmes Middle School. Camp hours are 8:30-3:30. Breakfast, lunch and transportation is provided. Here is the link to register your student(s) for VIP Camp.
Let's Finish the School Year Strong! Student attendance at school is important all year long, up to the last day of school. Attendance has an effect on student performance and on school accreditation. See how to:
- Check your child’s attendance record.
- Help your student stay engaged at school.
- Report future absences.
- Understand the FCPS school calendar.
Learn more about attendance resources. Academic Screener End-of-Year Family Reporting
Math Inventory (MI) and Reading Inventory (RI) reports will be distributed through SIS ParentVUE to most families of middle school students who took spring tests. A FCPS This Week notice on 5/22 will alert families to the expected delivery timelines.
- ParentVUE reports are expected to post the week of 6/24.
Victor L. Powell, Principal
Contact Information:
Twitter: @VictorLeonPowe1
Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow. We All Belong Here!
In FCPS, we all belong. From the first day of school, to the last day of school, every child matters. If your student is having a hard time finishing the year strong and attending school, please contact a trusted adult at the school—a teacher, counselor, or administrator. Visit FCPS’ website for more attendance resources.
Asiste a la escuela hoy; para tener éxito mañana. ¡Todo Pertenecemos Aqui!Todos pertenecemos a FCPS. Desde el primer día de escuela, hasta el último día de escuela, cada niño importa. Si su estudiante está teniendo dificultades para terminar el año con fuerza y asistir a la escuela, por favor contacte a un adulto de confianza en la escuela-un maestro, consejero o administrador. Visite FCPS’ sitio web para obtener más recursos sobre la asistencia
Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow. We All Belong Here!
After-School Activities
As a reminder, the last day of After School is Thursday, May 30, 2024. Late buses will also end on this day. If you plan to stay after with a teacher, please make sure you arrange for a ride home when you are done.
The 2nd Annual Little River Rumble was scheduled for Saturday, May 18th, but Mother Nature had other plans. We had to cancel the tournament out of an abundance of safety for our students and staff. We certainly apologize for any inconvenience.
Family Life Education Materials Available for Review
The recommended Family Life Education instructional materials are available for community review through Monday, June 10, at 4:30 p.m.
View details and a feedback form.
🚍 Student Bus Passes Offer Free Transportation All Year
All Fairfax County middle and high school students can get a Student Bus Pass SmarTrip card to ride the Fairfax Connector and Fairfax CUE buses for free! With the pass, fares are free from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days a week, all year. Learn more about the Student Pass. Complete the application and return it to our front office.
Our students can ride Metrobus for free, in addition to the Fairfax Connector and City of Fairfax CUE. Visit the Fairfax County website for details and approved Metrobus routes. Complete the application and return it to your school office.
Children 12 and younger ride for free on Fairfax Connector with a paying adult.
Community Review of K-6 Language Arts Basal Resources
Learn more about the Elementary Language Arts Basal Resources being reviewed for adoption for the 2024-25 School Year.
In compliance with the Virginia Literacy Act, Fairfax County Public Schools is adopting Elementary (K-6) Language Arts Basal Resources for the 2024-25 school year. The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) has released an initial list of approved materials for grades K-3 in June 2023, and will be releasing a second list of resources for K-5 in November 2023.
FCPS will be adopting a basal resource in accordance with the process outlined in Regulation 3004.
The 8th Grade Dance
The 8th grade dance will be June 8th from 6:30pm-9:00pm. Tickets will be on sale for $2 starting June 3rd during 7th/8th grade lunches.
Please sign up here to chaperone or donate snacks. Dress for the event will be semi-formal
Virginia Literacy Act
With the passage of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA) in the 2022 General Assembly, Virginia is taking the lead nationwide to improve early literacy outcomes for Virginia’s young learners. Through the VLA, the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) will support school divisions through a multi-year effort with tools, resources, technical assistance and funding.
Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year:
- Every student in kindergarten to grade five will receive core literacy instruction based in scientifically based reading research and evidence-based literacy instruction, as defined in the VLA. Students in kindergarten through grade eight will also receive evidence-based supplemental instruction and intervention, as outlined in an individualized student reading plan, if they do not meet literacy benchmarks.
- Every family will have access to online resources to support literacy development at home, and will be able to participate in the development of their child’s student reading plan, if their child does not meet literacy benchmarks.
- Every teacher will use evidence-based literacy curriculum, assess student learning using approved literacy screeners, use student-level data to inform instruction and intervention, and participate in pre-service preparation or training on evidence-based literacy instruction.
- Every reading specialist, in consultation with classroom teachers, will coordinate and oversee intervention for students not meeting literacy benchmarks, and will develop and monitor student progress on student reading plans, working closely with families and teachers.
- Every division will develop a literacy plan, ensure the use of evidence-based literacy curriculum, staff enough reading specialists to support intervention needs, and provide professional development to support teachers, reading specialists, and principals.
⏰ Share Your Thoughts on Middle School Start Times
Attend a forum to hear about adolescent sleep research from an expert, learn about FCPS’ ongoing middle school start times study, and participate in small group discussions. All forums will deliver the same presentation and provide the same feedback opportunities. Breakout sessions will be held for middle school students to share their voices. Students are encouraged to attend!
Register by clicking on one of the following dates:
While registration is not required, it does help with planning. Language interpretation and childcare will be provided. Learn more about the project exploring middle school start times.
⏰ Foros Comunitarios sobre el Horario de Entrada a la Escuela Intermedia
FCPS está explorando opciones para ajustar los horarios de inicio de las escuelas intermedias e invita al público a ser parte del proceso. Todos los foros tendrán la misma presentación y proveerán las mismas oportunidades de retroalimentación. Inscríbase para un foro en persona haciendo clic en una de las siguientes fechas:
Aunque la inscripción no es obligatoria, facilita la planificación. Habrá servicio de interpretación y cuidado de niños. Aprenda más sobre este proyecto que está analizando los horarios de inicio de las escuelas intermedias.
Required Immunizations for Rising 7th and 12th Graders
Immunizations are required for all students entering 7th and 12th grades this fall. Visit the FCPS immunization webpage to learn about the required vaccines. Caregivers should ask their private healthcare provider or the health department to review their student's immunization record to ensure that their student has received these required immunizations.
It is important to schedule immunizations early in the summer, as seventh grade students must submit documentation of the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines before they begin school in August. Twelfth grade students must submit documentation of the Meningococcal vaccine.
7th Grade Boys (rising 8th grade) BRYC AAU Basketball Open Gym/Tryouts
- Summer 2024
- Mondays 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
- Fridays 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm
- Fairfax Villa ES 10900 Santa Clara Dr Fairfax, VA
- (703)731-6913 for details
The same information can be found on our website as well:
Braddock Road Youth Club
⛱️ Summer Camp for Middle Schoolers
All rising middle schoolers are invited to attend a summer of fun and leisure with VIP Camp. VIP Camp — which takes place Monday, July 1, to Thursday, August 1 — is designed to encourage teens to develop healthy and positive recreation interests and features a wide variety of leisure activities and programs.
Registration is open. VIP Camp costs $100 to attend. Reach out to your school's after-school specialist for scholarship availability due to financial hardship. This camp is sponsored by Fairfax County Public Schools and Fairfax County’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.
☎️ Parent Information Phone Lines Available in Eight Languages
Parents/caregivers who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese may call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS. View the list of phone numbers.
☎️ Línea Telefónica de Información para Padres Disponible en Ocho Idiomas
Padres/cuidadores que hablan Amárico, Árabe, Chino, Farsi, Coreano, Español, Urdu o Vietnamita pueden llamar a una línea telefónica de información para obtener información general sobre FCPS. Vea la lista de números de teléfono.
How to Access Free Resources from
FCPS students continue to have unlimited access to live, 24/7, one-on-one online tutoring services through at no cost to families. Student participation is optional and parents/guardians can opt their student(s) out of accessing the services. Detailed information and FAQs are available on the Online Tutoring Services webpage.
Students can access via a link in Schoology. Additional information about how to log in and access a tutor is provided to families via the following: Middle & High - How It Works. Questions not answered in the posted resources may be sent to
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