Let's Finish the School Year Strong!
Student attendance at school is important all year long, up to the last day of school. Attendance has an effect on student performance and on school accreditation. See how to:
- Check your child’s attendance record.
- Help your student stay engaged at school.
- Report future absences.
- Understand the FCPS school calendar.
Learn more about attendance resources.
Don’t Forget to Check Your Student’s Lunch Balance!
It’s a busy time of year, and we know there are many priorities on families’ plates. As we approach the end of the school year, it is important to remember to check your students’ MySchoolBucks account and pay any remaining school meal balance.
Families that earn less than 185% of poverty level qualify for free and reduced-price meals. However, an application must be completed and submitted each school year to receive that benefit. The application for the 2024-25 school year will be available this summer.
If families have a current balance and think they may be eligible for free and reduced-price meals, please fill out the FRM application for the 2023-24 school year. Get more information about free and reduced-price lunch.
Student Testing Results Coming Soon
Later this month, you will begin receiving your child’s spring assessment results. If you aren’t sure what assessments your child took this year, view this list of tests by grade level on FCPS’ website.
How the results are delivered depends on the test. Scores will be posted in SIS ParentVUE, or sent by mail or from the school or testing organization. Learn what to expect regarding assessment reporting practices and timelines.
Visit FCPS’ website for additional information about student assessments, including what each assessment is testing for and how to interpret the test results. Caregivers should contact their children’s teacher with any testing questions
New SOL Growth Reports for Grade 3-8 Tests
Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) test results, along with other student data, help demonstrate in which subjects or topics students may need additional academic support.
In order to help interpret SOL results for parents, the Virginia Department of Education has released new Standards of Learning Growth Parent Reports for families of students who took grade 3-8 SOL math and reading tests this spring.
The Growth Parent Report ties together scores from fall and winter Virginia Growth Assessments (VGA) with the student’s current spring SOL results to show their trend in academic progress this year.
Learn how to understand your student’s grade 3-8 SOL results and find resources to support their ongoing learning.Support Your Child’s Success in SIS ParentVUE Signing up for a SIS ParentVUE account helps you to support your child’s academic success. Caregivers can view important information in ParentVUE such as attendance, grades, progress reports, and assessment scores.
Once you have activated a ParentVUE account for an FCPS student, you will keep the same account until the student graduates. Information about students in the same family can be accessed through the same ParentVUE account. A SIS ParentVUE app is available for Apple and Android devices.
Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video explains the steps. Find out more. To create a new account, please contact [school registrar’s name and email] for an activation letter.
If you already have an account, be sure your contact information is up-to-date. Parents/guardians can update their phone numbers or email addresses in the Parent/Guardian section. View more information.
🎓 Calling All Alumni and Friends!
Educate Fairfax is proud to introduce FCPS Alumni & Friends, an online network of alumni, teachers, parents/caregivers, and community members with ties to Fairfax County Public Schools. Whether you are a recent FCPS graduate or you’ve returned to Fairfax to work or raise your own family, this network will celebrate our alumni and friends of FCPS through stories, news and events, reunions, homecoming, and other activities. It’s also a great way to rekindle old friendships and build new ones. Join FCPS Alumni & Friends today!
Summer Arts Camp
Don’t miss out on this summer’s most exciting arts enrichment program! At Elementary Institute for the Arts (E-IFTA), students take art, music, theater, and dance classes daily. E-IFTA is for current second through fifth grade students. Learn more on the E-IFTA webpage. Email EIFTA@fcps.edu with any questions.
Save the Date for FCPS’ Summer Extravaganza
Don’t miss a day of family fun and learning at the FCPS Summer Extravaganza!
Stop by Woodson High School on Saturday, June 1, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., where students will be able to take part in engaging educational activities designed to spark curiosity and inspire growth.
Representatives from local businesses, Fairfax County Public Library, and the Fairfax County Park Authority are participating in the Summer Extravaganza. Community organizations, such as Neighborhood Community Services, will be at the event as well. All will have learning activities, tips, and helpful information for families. Enjoy face painting, food, music, a moon bounce, a petting zoo, storytime, and student performances — all at no cost!
Visit the Summer Extravaganza webpage for more details and register to attend. Registration is not required, but it's helpful for planning purposes.
Required Immunizations for
Rising 7th and 12th Graders
Immunizations are required for all students entering 7th and 12th grades this fall. Visit the FCPS immunization webpage to learn about the required vaccines. Caregivers should ask their private healthcare provider or the health department to review their student's immunization record to ensure that their student has received these required immunizations.
It is important to schedule immunizations early in the summer, as seventh grade students must submit documentation of the Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines before they begin school in August. Twelfth grade students must submit documentation of the Meningococcal vaccine. Get more information on all student immunization requirements.
FCPS Ombuds Provides Confidential Guidance
The Office of the Ombuds engages with families, students, and staff to offer resources and improve the experience of each and every member of the FCPS community. They work as an independent confidential resource to help get answers to questions, offer options to resolve concerns, and hear complaints regarding FCPS matters.
Anyone seeking assistance from the Office of the Ombuds may call 571-423-4014, email ombuds@fcps.edu, visit their webpage, or submit a question. Ombuds staff do not change or make decisions, policies, or regulations; take sides; or provide legal advice.
Jewish American Heritage Month
May is a national month of recognition of the history of Jewish contributions to American culture, acknowledging the diverse achievement of the Jewish community in the U.S. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.
June 4- Career Day
June 6- Cardboard Challenge
June 7- Field Day
June 11- 6th grade promotion ceremony
June 12- Last day of school for students - Students are dismissed at 2:05pm