Weekly Message

field day

Field Day!

Thursday, June 6

Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade - 9:30AM-12:00PM

Grades 3-6 - 12:30PM-3:40PM

Please sign up to be a volunteer!

K-2 Sign Up

Grades 3-6 Sign Up


Oakton is fortunate to have 3 fantastic Speech Pathologists!  Thank you to:

Mrs. Zecher

Mrs. Sample

Mrs. Keenan

mental health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

A huge part of what counselors do is: (1) teach our students the skills and strategies they need to boost and protect their mental health and (2) take the stigma out of seeking help.

Please contact a member of the mental health team if you believe your child is struggling with any of the following mental health warning signs: 

  • changes in school performance and attendance
  • mood changes
  • complaints of illness before school
  • increased disciplinary problems at school
  • problems at home or with the family situation (e.g., stress, trauma, divorce, substance abuse, exposure to poverty conditions, domestic violence) 
  • communication from teachers about problems at school
  • dealing with existing mental health concerns

ktheberge@fcps.edu, ijun1@fcps.edu, henarins@fcps.edu, SPClements@fcps.edu

Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS): Parent Program

Oakton High School is partnering with the Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist, Mr. McNulty, and the Fairfax County Police Department to bring back the Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS) parent program for the second time this school year. 

Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS) is FREE and has seats available!

Thursday, May 30 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Oakton High School (Lecture Hall).  Please use Door 2 to enter.  

Register here:  https://bit.ly/hipsohs05302024

The Hidden in Plain Sight (HIPS) program is an IN-PERSON interactive program for adults to be educated about the signs of risky behavior in teens and young adults. It touches on drug and alcohol use, mental health concerns, eating disorders, risky sexual behaviors and more.

The PowerPoint presentation details red flags (props will be passed around) and how they are indicative of — or used in — risky behavior. We include up to date statistics and local trends, and law enforcement officers will share their experiences they have had in our community identifying risky behavior and helping to put kids on the right path to a healthy life.  Let’s open the door to communicating with our teens!

playground fundraiser

Donate Here!  

dining for $

Upcoming dates for OES:

May 21 - 5th Grade Science SOL

May 22 - 4th Grade Math SOL

May 24 - iReady Assessment (Math) - Grades 4-6

May 27 - Memorial Day Holiday - No School

May 29 - PTA Meeting, 7:00PM - Virtual

June 4 - iReady Assessment (Reading) - Grades 4-6

June 4 - Kindergarten End of Year Celebration, 12:30PM - Auditorium

June 4 - Chorus & Strings Concert, 7:00PM - Oakton High School

June 4 - PTA Dining for $ - Oakton Domino's

June 6 - Field Day 

June 11 - 6th Grade Farewell Ceremony, 1:30PM - Oakton High School

June 11 - 6th Grade Party, 6:00-8:00PM - OES Gym

June 12 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - Dismissal @ 2:00PM