Mantua ES Weekly Newsletter

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Message from Ms. Shannon

Dear Mantua families,

Last week, the Aristocats Kids performance wowed audiences, showcasing the great talents of all the cast members. Behind the scenes, students appreciated the tireless dedication of the fabulous PTA Drama leaders who made this experience possible.

As the curtains closed on The Aristocats Kids, Mantua transitioned into celebrating Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week from May 6-10. We are so grateful for each and every staff member at Mantua. Throughout the week, the PTA showered Mantua's staff with delicious treats, showing gratitude for their hard work and dedication. Special thanks go to  all the volunteers whose efforts made this week a resounding success. The unwavering support of the PTA is deeply appreciated, as it underscores the vital role they play in uplifting and recognizing the contributions of our staff and teachers.

Amidst the appreciation festivities, Mantua hosted the 4th Grade Strings Spring Concert. Both the school-day performance and the evening showcase were met with excitement and applause. The event not only entertained but also inspired students to consider joining strings for the upcoming school year.

We wrapped up the week with the 23rd annual Raccoon Run on Saturday, May 11. There was a remarkable turnout, showcasing the unwavering support of our community for an important cause and raising cancer awareness. It was so much fun to spend time with the many students and families as we cheered on each runner!

We hope that your families enjoyed a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend celebrating and remembering the many mothers who have touched so many lives. 

Take good care,

Linda Shannon, Principal

Rich Deixler, Assistant Principal

Colleen Vaughan, Assistant Principal

staff apprun

Important Dates

May 14: Grades 5 & 6 Chorus Concert, Gym, 7 PM

May 16: Grades 5 & 6 Strings Concert, Gym, 6:30 PM

May 18: Talent Show, Gym, 5-9 PM 

May 18: National Speech Pathologist Day

May 29: Grade 6 Field Trip, Gettysburg National Park 

May 27: Memorial Day Holiday, No School

May 31: Mantua PTA Spring Dance, 5-8:30 PM

June 3: Grad Walk, 2:30-3 PM

June 4: Grades 5 & 6 Field Day, 9:30-11:15 AM

June 4: Grades 3 & 4 Field Day, 1:30-3:15 PM

June 5: Grades K, 1, 2 Field Day, 9:30-11:15 AM

June 6: PTA Meeting/Volunteer Appreciation Night, 6-8 PM

June 7: Patrol Picnic, 9:30-12:30 PM

June 11: Grade 6 Promotion Ceremony, Woodson High School

June 12: Last Day of School, 2:05 PM Dismissal

Mantua News

Grades 5 & 6 Chorus Students

On May 14th at 7 PM, we will host the 5th and 6th Grade Chorus Concert in the Mantua Gymnasium.  Performers are to wear their Mantua Music T-shirt, purchased earlier in the year, and pants (jeans or khakis) Arrival time for performers is 6:45.  Questions can go to or

Grades 5 & 6 Strings Performance

On May 16th at 6:30 PM, we will host the 5th and 6th Grade Strings Concert in the Mantua Gymnasium.  Performers are to wear their Mantua Music T-shirt, purchased earlier in the year, and black pants/skirt. Arrival time for performers is 6:00.  Questions can go to

The Power of Our Words: Combating Hate Speech and Racial Slurs Woodson Pyramid Community Night 

In Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) and in the Woodson Pyramid, we strive to provide an educational environment where all are welcomed, safe, and supported to learn. Please join the Woodson Pyramid schools as we gather in conversation around standing up to hate speech and racism and the power of our words. You will hear from FCPS and Woodson Pyramid leaders and students, as well as have the opportunity to share your ideas/questions about making our schools a more welcoming and culturally responsive environment for all. 

To help us prepare, please fill out the Google Form below to show your intentions to attend and to submit questions/comments to be answered at the event. Please reach out to your school principal if you have any questions. 

  • Date: Thursday, May 30th, 2024
  • Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
  • Location: Woodson High School's Cafeteria B (9525 Main St, Fairfax, VA 22031)

Here is the link for the Google Form.

Student Testing at Mantua

Please see the information below regarding  the specific SOL assessments your child will take and the dates on which these will occur. Please do your best to avoid scheduling appointments on the days your child has an assessment. If you have questions about state assessments, contact your student’s teacher or one of our school test coordinators, Richard Deixler (Grades 4 & 6) or Colleen Vaughan (Grades 3 & 5).

Grade             SOL                Date

3                      Math                Thursday, May 16

4                      Math                Tuesday, May 14

5                      Math                Tuesday, May 21

It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

 Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives. Eligible children can also be registered throughout the summer, but registering your child early helps us plan so that we have the teachers and resources needed on the first day of school. 

Prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms. We are happy to support families with registration and the transition to kindergarten. Mergie Kakouris is our Mantua contact for all school registrations, and she can be reached at She is happy to answer any questions you may have.  For more information in other languages, visit FCPS’ Kindergarten Registration webpage

Save the Date for FCPS’ Summer Extravaganza

Don’t miss a day of family fun and learning at the FCPS Summer Extravaganza! 

Stop by Woodson High School on Saturday, June 1, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., where students will be able to take part in engaging educational activities designed to spark curiosity and inspire growth. 

Representatives from local businesses, Fairfax County Public Library, and the Fairfax County Park Authority are participating in the Summer Extravaganza. Community organizations, such as Neighborhood Community Services, will be at the event as well. All will have learning activities, tips, and helpful information for families. Enjoy face painting, food, music, a moon bounce, a petting zoo, storytime, and student performances — all at no cost!

Visit the Summer Extravaganza webpage for more details and register to attend. Registration is not required, but it's helpful for planning purposes.

6th Grade Families - Mark Your Calendars!

The Mantua 6th Grade Promotion has a finalized date—it's June 11th! This year, Mantua will again use the Woodson Auditorium as our Promotion venue. Many details remain to be worked out, but please confidently mark your calendars for June 11th, anticipated start time of 10:30 AM. 


Cultural Celebrations and Observances

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

People with ancestral roots in Asia and the islands of the Pacific have been integral to the story of America. In 1992, May was designated Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month to celebrate their heritage and contributions. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.

Jewish American Heritage Month

May is a national month of recognition of the history of Jewish contributions to American culture, acknowledging the diverse achievement of the Jewish community in the U.S. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.


Community Forums on Middle School Start Times

Fairfax County Public Schools is exploring options for adjusting middle school start times and invites the public to be part of the process. Prismatic Services, Inc., an educational consulting firm, will lead the forums. All forums will deliver the same presentation and provide the same feedback opportunities. Please attend the event that works best for your schedule: 

Fairfax County Public Schools is exploring options for adjusting middle school start times and invites the public to be part of the process. Prismatic Services, Inc., an educational consulting firm, will lead the forums. All forums will deliver the same presentation and provide the same feedback opportunities. Please attend the event that works best for your schedule: 

Registration is not required but does help with planning. Click one of the dates above to register. Language interpretation and childcare will be provided. Learn more about the project exploring middle school start times


Give Your Feedback on the Budget

We are now in the middle of the annual budget process, which includes opportunities for you to give feedback:

  • Tuesday, May 14: The School Board holds a public hearing on the FCPS budget.
  • Thursday, May 23: The School Board adopts FCPS’ approved budget.

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2025 Advertised Budget and see the full Budget Development Calendar.


Quick Contacts & Links

Linda Shannon, Principal  

Rich Deixler, Assistant Principal  

Colleen Vaughan, Assistant Principal  

Ann Marie Del Valle, Administrative Assistant,   

Mergie Kakouris, Student Information Assistant,  

Fadwa Finaish, Office Assistant,  

Susan Palomino, Finance Office Assistant