Bush Hill Updates - Tuesday, May 14, 2024

A Note From Mrs. Duffy

Dear Bush Hill Families,

This past week was filled with both creativity and appreciation at Bush Hill!  First, I want to congratulate all of our students who participated in the Edison Pyramid Art Show on Thursday night! It was a joy to see the hallways adorned with the incredible artwork our students have created throughout the year. A huge thank you goes to our dedicated art teachers, Ms. Sturges and Ms. Hyatt, who guided and inspired our young artists. Their passion and commitment truly shine through in the students' work. Student artists who had work displayed include: Matthew M.E., Austin C., Sonia Z., Alazar B., Noah S., Aviya K., Karam W., Ellarene L., Annette B., Diego F., Eleanor B., Jackson M., Ariella KC, Isabella RR, Sydney L., Kiera G., Evelyn M., and Maita M.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to the PTA for organizing a wonderful Staff Appreciation Week! Our teachers, staff members, and administrators were deeply touched by the outpouring of love and support from our school community. The thoughtful notes, delicious treats, and heartwarming gifts brought smiles to everyone's faces all week long. Thank YOU for thanking us! 

Just a reminder, spring SOL testing has begun for grades 3-6. To ensure your child performs their best, please encourage them to get a good night's sleep before their test day and eat a healthy breakfast in the morning. A well-rested and fueled student is a confident and prepared student!

Thank you for your continued partnership in making Bush Hill a truly special place to learn and grow.


Marvelous May

15th -- 5th Grade Math SOL

16th -- 6th Grade Math SOL

17th -- 3rd Grade Math SOL; Little Feet Meet

19th -- GOTR 5 K

20th -- SOL Make-ups

22nd -- 5th Grade Science SOL

23rd -- Evening Band & Chorus Concert

27th  -- Memorial Day Holiday

28th -- SOL Retake Week Opens

30th -- Evening Strings Concert

Welcoming Our New Parent Liaison

Hello Bush Hill Family,

As I continue to settle in, I wanted to THANK everyone for the WARM WELCOME and bright SMILES I have received. I am very excited to be here and I'm really looking forward to creating a positive impact for our students and their families.

A little bit about me:

My name is Dimaye or Ms. Dima. I have been married for 13 years, have two daughters Arianna and Annalis who are part of the Forestdale Family, and unfortunately, we recently lost our furry best friend, KANO “Mi Viejito” our 13.5 year-old German shepherd. I was originally born in Puerto Rico and moved to the states (Buffalo, NY GO BILLS! I am a huge fan) with my family when I was 10 years old. Just like many students and families that come to the USA, we had no family here, we didn't know English and had to start from zero. Because of this, I feel I can relate to families and their struggles to become established, find resources and feel like their children are welcomed and safe, so I get the importance of creating a positive impact for students and their families from the second they walk into our doors.

I am fluent in both English and Spanish and I have a background in healthcare; I have a bachelor’s in healthcare management and I'm currently almost at the finish line with my Master of Public Health.  While pursuing my education, I have had the ability to work with immigrant and refugee families as well as many underserved local communities, as my husband has been in the Air Force for 17 years and we have moved from coast to coast. Being a Military Family (something I am very proud of), has also allowed me to connect to and orient new military families in our schools. During the past 13.5 years my career opportunities have always allowed me to connect families and their children with not only educational resources but with medical resources, social workers, local food pantries, shelters, helped families seek employment opportunities among other needed resources or tasks.

Once again, I am excited to be here and truly look forward to working with you and making a positive and lasting impact on our Bush Hill families. I will be here Tuesday – Friday 8:45AM to 1:45PM, please feel free to stop by room D3 and say Hello 😊


Panther PTA

Noodles & Company Restaurant Night 5/20!

Come grab a delicious dinner at Noodles & Company in Kingstowne on Monday, May 20th from 4-8pm. Order online or dine-in! 25% of the sales from each order will directly benefit the Bush Hill PTA!

Order New Spiritwear TODAY!

Bush Hill PTA has teamed up with 1st Place Spiritwear to provide a wide variety of items in an online shop! Items will be directly shipped to you! 

Shop here: https://1stplacespiritwear.com/schools/VA/Alexandria/Bush%20Hill%20Elementary%20School?

Spring Enrichment Classes: Volunteers Needed!

If your child is attending a spring enrichment class, please be on the lookout for volunteer sign ups! We cannot run these programs without parent volunteers!

Coming Soon!

  • The PTA is looking for volunteers for the nominating committee for next year's board. Interested? Please email us at ptabushhillelementary@gmail.com
  • We're already gearing up for the end of the school year! If you would like join the committee for the end of the year social on 6/7, please email us at ptabushhillelementary@gmail.com

Become a PTA Member Today!

It's easy! Click here: Join_PTA 

Why join? Membership helps support our students and staff! The PTA helps plan fun activities for our school community (for staff and students), plans fundraisers, and supports the purchase of new materials and items for school improvements.

Ideas, thoughts, questions; want to volunteer or assist? We take donations via Givebacks and always need help from volunteers! https://bushhill.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true


Join Us For Twain Community Night


Lost & Found


Our Lost & Found is overflowing with coats, jackets, water bottles, glasses, lunch boxes, books, hats, etc.  Please check the Lost & Found.  ALL ITEMS WILL BE DONATED AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR.

