Panther Press for May 12

Happy Mothers' Day

mothers day

Happy Mothers' Day to all the moms and caregivers in our Parklawn Family!

Class Placement 2024-2025

We are already working on our plans for the 2024-2025 school year!  Class placements are an essential component of learning and building community. If you have information that you would like us to consider as we determine placements, please share your input by answering a few questions completing the form at the following link: Class Placement 2024-2025 Form We know that a good teacher-student match and a productive mix of children are ingredients for success, and we carefully consider each child’s strengths and needs during this process. Please do not request specific teachers, as this does not take into account the many variables we must take into consideration. It is far more valuable to share particular academic or behavioral information.

Completion of this form is optional.  If you would like to provide input, you may use this online form by May 24, 2024. This is a hard deadline. Please know that input from forms turned in over the summer are difficult to honor since the grouping process has already started. Please fill out one form per child. Thank you! We know that a good teacher-student match and a productive mix of children are ingredients for success, and we carefully consider each child’s strengths and needs during this process. Please do not request specific teachers, as this does not take into account the many variables we must take into consideration. It is far more valuable to share particular academic or behavioral information.

artful spring sing

Message from the PTA

Bingo Night is Friday, May 17, from 6:00 - 7:30! Please join us for an evening of Bingo and raffle drawings for great prizes. This year's raffle will include gift cards from Glory Days restaurant, Get Air Trampoline Park, and many other prize baskets! And all Bingo winners will be able to select a prize. 

Also, please join us on Thursday, May 16, at 4:30, in the library for our last general PTA meeting of the school year. We will be holding elections for three officer positions: President, Vice President, and Treasurer. All PTA members are eligible to run for office and vote at the meeting. If you would like more information about the positions, or if you are interested in running, please email current PTA president Joselle Shea at


Upcoming Dates


May 16: PTA Meeting; 4:30 pm in the library

May 17: PTA Bingo Night

May 22: Artful Spring Sing; 6:30-8

May 27: Memorial Day Holiday

May 29: Field Day