School Board Meeting Recap: Revised Budget, Updated Student Rights & Responsibilities

Dear Fairfax County Families,

Last Thursday evening, the School Board held a Regular Meeting (agenda | video) and considered several important items, including updates to the Student Rights and Responsibilities. The Superintendent also presented details about the John R. Lewis Leadership Program and the revised Financial Year 2025 FCPS Budget.

Photo of school board at the dais

Earlier in the week, the School Board met for an all-day Work Session (agenda | video) to discuss the Goal 4 Baseline Report, which focuses on the 2023-30 Strategic Plan’s commitment to equitable access and opportunity.

Please connect with your local and at-large School Board Members (details) if you have any questions or comments about these meetings. As always, you are welcome to attend our Board meetings (schedule) and register to share your thoughts with us during community participation at Regular Meetings and Public Hearings (sign-up).

Karl Frisch

Fairfax County School Board Chair


  • Updated Student Rights and Responsibilities
  • Revised Financial Year 2025 FCPS Budget
  • John R. Lewis Leadership Program
  • Superintendent Performance Review
  • National Anthem
  • Proclamations
    • Children's Mental Health and Wellness Month Proclamation
    • Teachers, Paraprofessionals, After-School Professionals, and Related Service Providers Appreciation Proclamation
  • Upcoming Meetings
  • Connect With Board Members


Video | Meeting Materials

The School Board approved an amended motion updating the Student Rights and Responsibilities regulation, which explains expectations for student behavior and adult responses to enhance school safety and create a fair, equitable, and supportive school environment. The updated document will take effect in the 2024-25 school year. (Motion: St. John-Cunning / Second: Lady, Vote: Yes 11 / No 1)

The Board approved the following amendments to the SR&R regulation:

  • To require principal approval (or their designee) for student cell phone use during instructional activities. (Motion: R. Anderson / Second: McDaniel, Vote: Yes 8 / No 1 / Abstain 3 - Video)
  • To hold harmless students seeking support for substance abuse issues (or whose parent/guardian seeks support). (Motion: R. Anderson / Second: Sizemore Heizer, Vote: Unanimous - Video)

Additionally, the Board approved the following SR&R follow-on motions:

  • Directing the Superintendent to develop and implement a strategic communications plan to inform stakeholders of expectations regarding cell phone usage in high schools and, to aid consistent implementation of the existing policies that prohibit use during instructional time, to develop plans for a pilot program within each region for secure cell phone storage. (Motion: McDaniel / Second: S. Anderson, Vote: Yes 11 / Abstain 1 - Video).
  • Directing the Superintendent to develop for Board consideration alternatives to existing practices governing student cell phone use to include, but not be limited to, a prohibition on student usage of cell phones during the school day with appropriate exceptions. The process shall incorporate stakeholder input, best practices, and lessons learned from other school divisions. (Motion: Dunne / Second: R. Anderson, Vote: Yes 11 / Abstain 1 - Video)
  • Directing the Superintendent to provide data and analysis, including demographics, on recidivism/discipline issues and on-time graduation for students, who as a result of disciplinary action/measures had been removed from their base school; sent to alternative schools/programs; removed from current school due to an IEP team decision; or sent to a different comprehensive school. (Motion: Sizemore Heizer, Second: R. Anderson, Vote: Unanimous - Video)
  • Directing the Superintendent to prepare an assessment of student disciplinary practices with an eye towards greater efficacy and fidelity of implementation, including a thoughtful evaluation of and any recommended changes for “shall” and “may” directives. This assessment shall include lessons learned from fidelity training and robust engagement from families, school staff (including classroom educators), students, and relevant stakeholders. (Motion: Lady / Second: St. John-Cunning, Vote: Yes 10 / Abstain 1 / Absent 1 – Video)
  • Directing the Board’s Governance Committee to review Policy 2601, “Rights and Responsibilities of Students.” (Motion: Meren / Second: Dunne, Vote: Yes 7 / No 4 / Absent 1 - Video )


Video | Meeting Materials

Superintendent Michelle Reid presented the School Board with the revised FY 2025 FCPS Budget. To ensure alignment with funding approved by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, which was less than FCPS requested, the Superintendent reduced her initial request for a 6 percent raise for educators and all staff to a 3 percent raise.

Dr. Reid noted that the revised budget fully takes advantage of limited state matching funds for pay increases. She also reminded the public that JLARC found Virginia chronically underfunds schools, providing less funding per student than the 50-state average, and that if the General Assembly followed through on JLARC recommendations, FCPS would receive $568.7 million more annually.

Remaining Budget Calendar Milestones:

  • Tuesday, May 14, 6:30pm: Budget Public Hearing (Luther Jackson MS)
  • Wednesday, May 15, 6:30pm: Budget Public Hearing *If Needed* (Luther Jackson MS)
  • Tuesday, May 21, 2-4pm: Budget Work Session (Gatehouse)
  • Thursday, May 23, 7pm: Regular Meeting (Luther Jackson MS): The School Board will vote on the proposed budget and any related amendments or follow-on motions.

Sign up here to speak at the upcoming Budget Public Hearing. The speaker list closes at 6:30 p.m. today, Monday, May 13, and the School Board Office will email confirmed speakers tomorrow morning, Tuesday, May 14.


Video | Meeting Materials

For the Academic Matters report, Superintendent Reid offered a presentation about the incredible John R. Lewis Leadership Program at John R. Lewis High School.


Photo of Lewis Leadership Academy


Video | Meeting Materials

The Superintendent provided her annual report on Executive Limitation #4 - Human Resources, as outlined on page 18 of the Strategic Governance Manual. After a full discussion, the Board found Dr. Reid in compliance. (Motion: Lady / Second: Dixit, Vote: Yes 11, Absent 1)


Video | Meeting Materials

The Board meeting began with a performance of the National Anthem by the very talented Mount Vernon High School Varsity Singers under the direction of Chelsea Huber.

Photo of Mount Vernon Varsity Chorus


  • Children's Mental Health and Wellness Month Proclamation: The School Board declared May as “Children's Mental Health and Wellness Month.” (Motion: Lady / Second: S. Anderson, Vote: Unanimous - Text | Video)
  • Teachers, Paraprofessionals, After-School Professionals, and Related Service Providers Appreciation Proclamation: The School Board approved the “Teachers, Paraprofessionals, After-School Professionals, and Related Service Providers Appreciation Proclamation.” (Motion: Dunne / Second: Meren, Vote: Unanimous - Text | Video)


All Regular Meetings and Work Sessions will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and on the FCPS website. The meetings are recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel. Meeting materials are posted on BoardDocs as they become available. For details about meeting topics, consult the School Board’s Annual Meeting Calendar.

  • Today, Monday, May 13, 4:30-6:30pm: Audit Committee (Gatehouse)
  • Tuesday, May 14, 6:30pm: Budget Public Hearing (Luther Jackson MS)
  • Wednesday, May 15, 4-5:30pm: Governance Committee (Gatehouse)
  • Wednesday, May 15, 6:30pm: Budget Public Hearing *If Needed* (Luther Jackson MS)
  • Monday, May 20, 2-4pm: Governance Committee (Gatehouse)
  • Monday, May 20, 4:30-6:30pm: Public Engagement Committee: (Gatehouse)
  • Tuesday, May 21, 2-4pm: Work Session (Gatehouse)
  • Tuesday, May 21, 4:30-8pm: Advisory Committee Reports (Gatehouse)
  • Thursday, May 23, 7pm: Regular Meeting (Luther Jackson MS) 


Find out who represents you on the School Board, here.

Karl Frisch (Chair, Providence)

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Melanie Meren (Vice Chair, Hunter Mill)

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Rachna Sizemore Heizer (Braddock)

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Robyn Lady (Dranesville)

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Marcia St. John-Cunning (Franconia)

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Dr. Ricardy Anderson (Mason)

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Mateo Dunne (Mount Vernon)

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Sandy Anderson (Springfield)

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Seema Dixit (Sully)

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Kyle McDaniel (At-Large)

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Ryan McElveen (At-Large)

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Ilryong Moon (At-Large)

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Rida Karim (Student Representative)

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