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National School Nurse Day
Today, May 8 is National School Nurse Day. is It is a day to recognize the many contributions that school nurses make to student health and learning.
Willow Springs is very pleased to welcome Mrs. Heather Shrader who is our new Public Health Nurse. She fills the position previously held by Ms. Jessica Bermudez who recently welcomed the birth of her beautiful baby boy. Mrs. Shrader comes to us from a hospital setting and a distinguished career as a nurse. She will be at Willow Springs nearly full time.
Today, we also honor the contributions and dedication of our Clinic Aide, Ms. Susan Waldeck. Ms. Waldeck works full time in our health room and supports us in taking care of all of our students when they are not feeling well.
FCPS appreciates the role of School Public Health Nurses (PHNs) for their contribution to the health and welfare of all our students. Professional school nurses support the needs of students through their delivery of healthcare, contributions to local school communities, and promotion of safety, prevention, and wellness throughout the year. They are advocates who bridge healthcare and education by supporting student health and readiness to learn. School nurses are essential to our community and work tirelessly to make a positive impact in the lives of their students.
Please join us in thanking the PHNs and the Clinic Aides for their hard work and dedication to FCPS students.
Together, we make Willow Springs a SAFE & HEALTHY place for learning and growing!
May PTA Meeting
Our May PTA meeting has been rescheduled to next Wednesday the 15th at 7:00 PM in our library or virtually via Zoom. You will receive a reminder email and the link to join the meeting next Wednesday afternoon.
This will be our final meeting for the 2023-2024 school year, and we have important business to take care of!
First, we will welcome all of our new Fox Families who are joining our community as part of the AAP center placement. This is such an exciting time for them and for us as our fox family grows! We look forward to meeting all our new families as we begin establishing relationships that will last for years and support us all as our children learn and grow together!
Second, we will be voting on the PTA board members for the 24-25 school year. We are still in search of parents or a parent who is interested in serving as the PTA treasurer. If you are interested, please email PTA president Marnie Sackie at sackiepta@gmail.com or PTA board member April Leach at acleach@fcps.edu.
Parent Input Forms for the
24-25 School Year
Our planning for the 24-25 school year has begun! To assist in this process of class placement decisions, we invite you to provide some information about your child.
24-25 Parent Input Form
Your child’s current and upcoming classroom teachers work together with specialists and the grade level team to make class placement decisions for the coming school year. As part of this process, they will review the information obtained from you via the parent input form consider the information relevant to the class assignment.
Willow Springs has an incredible staff! Please do not request a specific teacher.Please complete the parent input form by May 20th! If you have more than one child enrolled at Willow Springs, please fill out ONE form per child.
24-25 Parent Input Form
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found rack is FULL of sweaters, hoodies, and coats! If your child has lost an article of clothing this year, PLEASE remind them to check the lost and found rack in the lobby. We also welcome parents to check it when you stop by our school.
Items not claimed by the last day of school will be donated to a local community organization serving families in need.
 Willow's Wonderful Staff!
The Willow Springs staff has worked tirelessly all year and we would love to shower them with love at our Faculty Appreciation Week from May 6th- May 10th. We have planned special treats every day and need your help to be successful. Please consider making a donation by signing up at https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C0C4AACAC29A6FC1...
The PTA is also asking for families to recognize their primary classroom teacher as well as two additional staff members next week. Assignments for classroom teachers and support staff can be found in the image below. Additionally, you can learn more about our staff's favorite things here: Our Favorite Things – Willow Springs PTA
Thank you so much for helping us show our gratitude!!
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