Key MS - News You Choose - SOL Testing Information

Key Middle School Families


SOL Testing Information

Spring SOLs: May 10, 14, 16


Our SOL testing begins this week on Friday, May 10th.  All 8th graders will be taking their Science SOL.  We have a special schedule that day to accommodate our testing.  Please avoid missing school and puling students for appointments on May 10.  Reading and Math SOLs are on May 14 (Reading) and May 16 (Math).  We will have  a special schedule for testing these days as well.  Please avoid missing school and puling students for appointments on May 14 and 16.  Results from the SOL will be shared in the summer.

Students will perform their best when they get a good nights’ rest and eat breakfast.  Students need to come to school with their school issued laptop fully charged  and charging cord.  Please speak to your student about NOT having phones in the testing locations.  This is a VDOE requirement.  Please remind students that phones must be stored in their lockers during the school day but especially during testing!

SOL retakes are available for students who score in the 375-399 range.  If you would like your child the opportunity for remediation and a SOL retake please complete this form.  Retakes will take place on the following dates: May 23 (Science), May 29 (Reading) and May 31 (Math).  Remediation will take place during the school day ahead of the retake dates.  If you have questions please reach out to your child’s counselor or our testing coordinator Danielle Danz

Retake Form:

Danielle Danz

IBMYP Coordinator

School Test Coordinator

Key Middle School