Weekly Message

teacher and staff appreciation

Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week

Next week (May 6-10) is Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week and we join with our entire school community in honoring the dedication and skill of our tremendously talented staff of educators - teachers, special education teachers, specialists, counselors, resource teachers, instructional assistants, office staff, SACC, cafeteria staff, and custodians - who are devoted to making a positive difference in the lives of the children at Oakton ES. The faculty of our school is committed to excellence, and this special week of recognition is one way that we can show our appreciation.

Throughout the week, we invite parents and students to share thoughts of appreciation through notes, cards, and kind words.  We thank our wonderful PTA for all they have planned for next week to treat our staff!

basketball game

Lunch hero

Today is School Lunch Hero Day!

Our very own Mijin Lee was recognized as a school lunch hero in the FCPS News this week!  Please read the article below:

Between preparing healthy meals for America’s students, adhering to strict nutrition standards, navigating student food allergies, and offering service with a smile, school nutrition professionals — like Mijin Lee, food services kitchen manager at Oakton Elementary School — are true heroes.

“When students are asked about their favorite parts of the day, they typically answer lunch and recess,” said Oakton Elementary School Principal Christine Kelley. “Lunchtime provides a break from their busy and structured day. It allows them some downtime with their peers and an opportunity to replenish their energy. 

“Ms. Mijin Lee takes pride in this important time for students and works diligently to ensure that all our children are provided the nourishment and sustenance they need to tackle the rest of their day,” Kelley continued. “She connects with children, teachers, and parents, providing kindness and love with every interaction.”

Mijin was recognized as the pyramid winner for 2023 Outstanding School-Based Operational Employee category at FCPS Honors. She has worked at Oakton Elementary School since 2015. 

“Mijin has built a diverse team who work together to make lunch awesome,” a colleague said. “They can be seen eating together before the ‘rush’ and engaging in social conversations. She treats all students with respect and models on how to help others who may need additional assistance respectfully.” 

Thank you, Mijin, and all our School Lunch Heroes! 


Adapted PE Teacher Scores National Title

Cadi Doyle, an adapted physical education teacher at Waples Mill and Oakton elementary schools, has been named the National Teacher of the Year for Adapted Physical Education by the Society of Health and Physical Educators. Read about Cadi and this award.

zweibel class clean up

Thank you to Ms. Zweibel's 4th grade class for being great stewards of our school environment.  They picked up litter around our entire school grounds.  We truly appreciate your commitment to helping take care of our special place.


The OES Spring Band concert was held this week.  Our students were impressive!  Thank you to our band directors, Debra Cockey and Jaime Holscher for the fabulous instruction and support they provide to our students!


2024-2025 Class Assignments

At Oakton, we strive for healthy, heterogeneous student enrollment in each classroom. We have a process in place whereby teachers, specialists, and administrators confer with grade level teams to make recommendations that will result in a well-balanced classroom.  These settings include a broad range of academic levels, behavioral characteristics, and learning styles.  Teacher styles are also taken into consideration when completing teacher assignments. 

To further outline the process, there are eight areas used in the determination of class assignments.  These include:

  • Heterogeneous groupings
  • Gender balance
  • Balance of special needs
  • Peer interactions
  • Special services
  • Learning environment
  • Health and medical concerns
  • Equitable distribution of students

These criteria play a role in the final decision for assignment. While parent input is welcomed, a request for an individual teacher cannot be granted.  Assigning students is a complex and educational process that we take seriously. We have developed procedures to best match students with classroom settings and teachers. 

Parents are welcome to share information about their child here. All input must be shared via the google form by Monday, May 13.  We will only be using this document when we create classes, emails will not be considered.


Donate Here!  

panera dfd


field day tshirts



Tickets available on LJMS website  

From the Parent Resource Center:

Meet the Author Series: The Breakthrough Years by Ellen Galinsky

Child development expert Ellen Galinsky challenges widely held assumptions about adolescents and offers new ways for parents and others to better understand and interact with them in a way that helps them thrive.

Galinsky’s Shared Solutions Framework and Possibilities Mindset show you how to:

  • turn daily conflicts into opportunities for problem-solving where both teens and parents feel listened to and respected
  • encourage positive risk-taking in your child like standing up for themselves, making new friends, and helping their communities
  • promote five essential executive function-based skills that can help them succeed now and in the future.

Join best-selling author, Ellen Galinksy, as she shares her latest research on raising thriving teens.

  • Date: Friday, May 17, 2024
  • Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Format: Virtual

Register for this event

Behavior Solution Series for Secondary Families: Taming the Teenaged Brain

Navigate the rollercoaster of teenage emotions with our training on behavior strategies, tailored to support you at home during those challenging adolescent years. We will provide practical insights and proven techniques to foster understanding and communication with your teenager.

  • Date: Friday, May 31, 2024
  • Time: 10 - 11:30 a.m.
  • Format: Virtual

Register for this event

Upcoming dates for OES:

May 6-10 - Staff Appreciation Week

May 6 - 6th Grade Reading SOL

May 7 - 3rd Grade Reading SOL

May 8 - 5th Grade Reading SOL

May 8 - PTA Dining for $, 4:00-8:00PM - Panera

May 9 - 4th Grade Reading SOL 

May 10 - SOL Make-ups

May 14 - 3rd Grade Math SOL

May 15 - 5th Grade Math SOL

May 16 - 6th Grade Math SOL

May 17 - SOL Make-ups

May 21 - 5th Grade Science SOL

May 22 - 4th Grade Math SOL

May 27 - Memorial Day Holiday - No School