Fairfax Academy End Of Year Reminders & Updates

Fairfax Academy Families,

The end of the year is upon us and with it a multitude of special events, testing, and other activities. This email will give you information about how to make sure your student's Academy attendance is accurate.

After that, read on to learn about upcoming Academy events as we celebrate everything our students have achieved this year! 

End Of Year Attendance Information

Here's what everyone needs to know about attendance:

  • The last day for shuttles is June 5. There are no classes or shuttles June 4 due to FHS graduation.
  • Academies will take attendance through the beginning of senior exams for seniors; through June 5 for commuter students; and through the last day of school for FHS students. (That schedule is posted in your student's classroom if they need to reference it.)

Here's what you need to know about testing (SOL, AP, etc.) 

  • The Academy schedule does not change. Academy buses will continue to run on schedule every day until June 5, including testing days. (There's one exception: no shuttles to Fairfax on June 4 due to FHS graduation.)
  • Base school schedules may change due to testing. If your student will miss Academy due to the testing schedule, submit an attendance form to make sure their attendance is marked correctly. 
  • Academies are not notified of students' testing schedules. If you receive a notification of absence while your student is testing, this is why; please submit an attendance form and we will gladly correct attendance. 

Here's what you need to know if you have a graduating senior.

  • Academy will automatically mark attendance for senior exams, senior activities, and graduation. You do not need to submit attendance for those dates.
  • Doing a senior internship? Submit a prearranged absence form and a copy of your internship proposal to ensure Academy has the correct attendance information. Students are still responsible for end of year Academy work including testing and projects.

Every base school does end of year a little bit differently, and keeping attendance correct is a team effort. Thanks for your partnership during this busy time of year! 

Need attendance help? Email Sarah at starvid@fcps.edu or call us at 703-219-2226.

A Reminder About Lanyards

Please remind your students to wear their lanyards on their way in the building. Even now that the year is winding down, the lanyards and ID cards are essential to help us identify our Academy students at the door and in the hallways. We will continue to use them as an important safety and security measure. Students can stop by E119 or the Door 1 security desk for a day pass if they do not have a lanyard.

Academy Spring Events

spring events at academy