Rose Hill Community Newsletter | 04/28/24

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Board of Supervisor Lusk Visits RHES



Mr. Rodney Lusk, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors for Lee District, came to visit Rose Hill Friday afternoon. This was a great opportunity for Supervisor Lusk to meet various members of the Rose Hill team, interact with the students, and see our building. In the picture above, he spent some time doing a Q&A with Mrs. Malone's second grade classroom. He also visited a few other classrooms sharing what his job is, where he grew up, and some kiddos even asked how tall he is! Ms. Edwards shared with him the importance of trying to get a playground that is truly accessible for all of our students. She was advocating that if the mulch could be replaced with soft tile, that would be a great start to ensuring that all of our students can play on the playground. We'll see if that can come to fruition! We are very appreciative of Supervisor Lusk for making time in his schedule to visit our awesome Rockets!

Staff Appreciation Week is Coming!

Staff Appreciation Week will be celebrated May 6th-10th this year. The Rose Hill Staff Appreciation Week Planning Committee has planned several events and treats for our staff throughout the week, but we need your help to bring our plans to fruition. Please click the below link to review the list of needed items and signup if you are able to help. Link:

Military Families

Choral Festival

6th Grade All-County Choral Festival

Saturday afternoon, Rose Hill had two 6th graders participate in the All-County Choral Festival. Andrew and Ari represented our school.

This event has over 650 6th graders from across the county that come together the Friday before with a guest conductor to rehearse the music and then Saturday is the performance. The music is absolutely fabulous and such a spectacular event! 

Mr. Postman and Mrs. Bartley, RHES music teachers, are an intregal part in making this happen. A special thank you to them for providing our students with this opportunity!

Thank you!

We had just over 450 parents come Thursday to eat lunch with their students for the Swing into Spring Luncheon. Thank you so much for attending. The smiles on the students' faces was amazing and after lunch, the children had a little extra pep-in-their-step. One young child remarked to Ms. Edwards, "I like that my mom can see where I have to go to work everyday." 😊

PTA Board Member Search for 2024-25 Term

It’s time to elect next year’s PTA Board! The deadline for nominations is April 30, 2024. We need your help to find dedicated people willing to spend about 10 hours per week to keep the RHES PTA going, and continue working toward our mission to: make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.


RHES SOL Testing Schedule

The state of Virginia requires that all students in grades 3-12 take the SOLs (Standards of Learning) assessments. Below is the testing schedule for grades 3-6 and we ask that you do your best to ensure your child gets a good night's rest, healthy breakfast, and comes to school on time. If you have questions, Assistant Principal, Mike Staroscik is the School Testing Coordinator and you may contact him directly.

3rd Graders

  • Friday, May 10 - Math SOL
  • Friday, May 17 - Reading SOL

4th Graders

  • Thursday, May 9 - Math SOL
  • Thursday, May 16 - Reading SOL

5th Graders

  • Tuesday, May 7 - Math SOL
  • Tuesday, May 14 - Science SOL
  • Tuesday, May 21 - Reading SOL

6th Graders

  • Wednesday, May 8 - Math SOL
  • Wednesday, May 15 - Reading SOL

Upcoming Events

  • May 2 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to Huntley Meadows
  • May 3 - No School, Student Holiday
  • May 6 - Staff Appreciation Week
  • May 7 - SOL Testing Begins
  • May 10 - 4th Quarter Interims Go Home
  • May 14 - Kindergarten Field Trip to Frying Pan Park
  • May 27 - No School, Memorial Day Holiday
  • May 30 - Chorus, Band, & Strings Concert, 6:00 pm, Rose Hill Gym

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