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The Lion’s Roar
April 26, 2024
Upcoming Events
Thursday, 5/2 – SCA Spirit Day: “Animal Day” (wear something with an animal on it or animal print or bring in a stuffed animal)
Thursday, 5/2 – 5th Grade Reading SOL Test
Friday, 5/3 – Student Holiday/Teacher Workday – Students DO NOT report
Monday, 5/6 – Tuesday, 5/17 – SCA drive for animal shelters
Monday, 5/6 – 6th Grade Reading SOL Test
Wednesday, 5/8 – Walk, Bike & Roll to School Day
Wednesday, 5/8 – 3rd Grade Reading SOL Test
Thursday, 5/9 – 4th Grade Reading SOL Test
Friday, 5/10 – 5th Grade Science SOL Test
Monday, 5/13 – 5th Grade Math SOL Test
Tuesday, 5/14 – 3rd Grade Math SOL Test
Tuesday, 5/14 & Wednesday, 5/15 – PTA Restaurant Nights at Smyrna
Wednesday, 5/15 – 4th Grade Math SOL Test
Friday, 5/17 – 6th Grade Math SOL Test
Monday, 5/27 – Memorial Day Holiday, School and Office CLOSED
Tuesday, 5/28 – Farewell Reception for families leaving Lane, 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, 5/29 – Strings Concert, 7 p.m.
Thursday, 6/6 – Chorus Concert, 6:30 p.m.
Friday, 6/7 – PTA Glow Party, 6 p.m.
Wednesday, 6/12 – Last day of school, early dismissal at 2:05 p.m.
In This Issue
News & Notes
SOL Testing Begins Next Week
If you have a child in grades 3 through 6, please remember that required Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) testing begins next week on Thursday, May 2nd. Here is the schedule:
Thursday, May 2nd: 5th Grade Reading
Monday, May 6th: 6th Grade Reading
Wednesday, May 8th: 3rd Grade Reading
Thursday, May 9th: 4th Grade Reading
Friday, May 10th: 5th Grade Science
Monday, May 13th: 5th Grade Math
Tuesday, May 14th: 3rd Grade Math
Wednesday, May 15th: 4th Grade Math
Friday, May 17th: 6th Grade Math
You can help your children be physically prepared for testing by ensuring that they have a good night’s sleep the night before, eat a healthy breakfast in the morning, and come to school with a positive attitude. We also ask that you avoid scheduling appointments that will take your child out of school on test days. Make-up days will be available, but it’s best for students to take the tests on the scheduled day with their class. Retakes for certain students who qualify will start later in May.
If you have any questions about the SOLs or other academic concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.
SCA Animal Shelter Drive Begins May 2nd; Kick-Off “Animal Day” Spirit Day
From May 6th to May 17th, the SCA is going to do a collection drive to support animal shelters! Each grade will bring in specific items for the drive. (There are also items that anyone can bring in, if they already have them.) Items should be new (or gently used as noted on the flyer). Collection containers will be placed in the main hallway. See the flyer for more details and grade-level item assignments.
Patrol Application Now Open for 2024-2025 School Year
Lane Safety Patrol applications are now open! Any current 4th or 5th grader may apply to be a Safety Patrol for the 2024-2025 school year. Just follow this link to apply.
Students and parents are encouraged to complete the application together so they are both aware of the requirements, duties, and responsibilities. Applications are due May 12th. Students selected will be notified of acceptance the week of May 24th.
Please contact the Patrol Sponsor, Ms. Kurtenbach (Ms. K), with any questions at CLKurtenbach@fcps.edu.
Help Wanted: Family Liaison
We are looking for a new hourly family liaison to join our team to help connect with and support parents and families in the Lane community. The position would be about 7-8 hours per week on a flexible schedule. Fluency in Spanish is preferred. Pay rate varies with experience, beginning at $22.89 per hour. Contact Kelly Tolley at kltolley@fcps.edu for more information or to submit your resume.
Spring Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day Is Wednesday, May 8th!
Schools across Fairfax County will participate in Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day on Wednesday, May 8th in an effort to promote physical activity and reduce traffic congestion and pollution near schools. Students and staff are encouraged to bike or walk to school and work, where safe to do so, that day. Parents are encouraged to accompany their children to school.
Teacher Appreciation Week Is Coming Soon, May 6th – 10th
The week of May 6th through 10th is National Teacher Appreciation Week. At Lane, we celebrate Staff Appreciation Week, as we honor all the amazing adults who work so hard with our students every day. This includes not only classroom teachers but also specialists (art, music, P. E., etc.), resource teachers (special education, ESOL, reading, math, etc.), and instructional assistants.
If you would like to express your appreciation for the work your child’s teacher has done this year, we encourage you to do so. You don’t need to spend a lot of money, as the best gifts are often simple and free. The Lane PTA is planning special spirit days for the entire week with suggested tokens of appreciation. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!
From the Shelves of the Lane Library: Fourth Quarter Overdue Notices
Dear Lane Readers,
Overdue notices were emailed out to families on Thursday, April 18th. Students who have books that were due on or before March 22nd should have received a notice.
Please do your best to look for these books and return them in good condition! It is also possible that books have been sent to school but have not yet made it to the library. If this is the case, apologies in advance for the crossed communication.
As a reminder, there are no fines for overdue books, however families are expected to pay the replacement cost for lost or damaged books.
Contact Sue Chozick, Librarian, at schozick@fcps.edu with any questions.
April Is Autism Acceptance Month
April is Autism Acceptance Month. One in 44 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in the United States, according to the CDC. Our school and staff play a vital role in creating and ensuring inclusive environments that accommodate and affirm autistic students.
Cultural Holidays This Past Week
Two cultural holidays occurred this past week: Passover and Theravada New Year.
Many Jewish communities in the United States celebrate Passover, a recognition of the deliverance of Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Passover is also known as Pesah, Pesach, or the Feast of Unleavened Bread. |
Many Jewish families in the United States eat a ceremonial meal known as the Seder, which involves telling the story of the exodus from Egypt as well as eating various symbolic foods, such as meat of the paschal lamb and bitter herbs, recalling the harsh life of slavery. Learn more about Passover in NatGeo Kids.
In countries where Theravada Buddhism is the most dominant religion, New Year is celebrated for three days from the first full moon in April. Theravada means “the teachings of the elders.” |
Celebrations begin with people attending the local temple in the morning for chanting and meditation. In the afternoon they have a water festival in which they meet the Buddha image and pay respect to the elderly by watering their hands together. Building sandcastles is also one of the most popular activities during this day of celebration.
Parent Resources
Parent Information Phone Lines Available in Eight Languages
Parents/caregivers who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese may call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS. View the list of phone numbers.
Rec-PAC Is Now Registering for the Summer and Lane Will Be a Site!
Rec-PAC (Pretty Awesome Children), operated by Fairfax County Park Authority, is a six-week structured recreation program with emphasis on leisure skills designed for elementary school children.
Participants will have an opportunity to enjoy a wide variety of activities such as fun and fitness, indoor and outdoor games, team sports, nature, crafts, storytelling, sports festivals, talent shows and supervised play sessions. Each location has a ratio of 1 staff person to 18 participants. Lane will be a Rec-PAC site this summer.
Rec-PAC runs from Monday, June 24th through Thursday, August 1st. Each of the six weeks has its own theme with different themed activities happening throughout the week. You can sign your child up for any of the individual weeks or all of them!
Registration is now underway. Scholarships are available for families who qualify. You can find details in the Rec-PAC brochure.
Attention 6th Grade Parents: Summer VIP Camp Now Registering!
All rising middle schoolers are invited to attend a summer of fun and leisure with VIP Camp. VIP Camp — which takes place Monday, July 1st to Thursday, August 1st — is designed to encourage teens to develop healthy and positive recreation interests and features a wide variety of leisure activities and programs. VIP Camp costs $100 to attend.
This camp is sponsored by Fairfax County Public Schools and Fairfax County’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. Students who will attend Hayfield and Twain Middle Schools will attend the VIP Camp at Sandburg Middle School. Use this link to register for that program.
Scholarships may be available for families struggling with financial hardship. Reach out to Sandburg’s after-school specialist for more information.
Space is limited so register soon! You can learn more at http://bit.ly/VIPcamp2024.
Community Events & Activities
Techstravaganza STEM Event at TJ on May 18th!
Techstravaganza is a free, public, hands-on STEM activity fair for elementary and middle school students in Northern Virginia. In previous years, the event has included more than 4,500 students and 70 labs presenting STEM activities. The 20th annual Techstravaganza will be held on Saturday, May 18th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology in Annandale.
Slots fill up fast, so register today at https://tinyurl.com/techstrav24. Visit tjtechstrav.org for more information.