McNair Upper Elementary School, Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week Begins May 6th!

April 25, 2024

Let's Celebrate Our Wonderful MUES Teachers & Staff!

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week will be celebrated during the week of May 6th-May 10th! The PTA has planned a fun week where all staff will be showered with tokens of appreciation as a heartfelt thanks for the great work they all do to support our Mustangs. There will be opportunities throughout the week for parents/guardians to donate either food or drinks as well as volunteer their time. 

If you are able to help out, please take a moment to sign-up by clicking on the following link: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week Donation Sign-Up

Here are a few things to consider: 

  • McNair ES has around 125 staff members
  • McNair Upper ES has around 90 staff members
  • If you are donating baked goods on May 7th or May 10th, we ask that you include an ingredients list. 

Thank you for your ongoing support!

The McNair PTA Board 

Ways for Our Mustangs to Celebrate Our Wonderful MUES Teachers & Staff!
