,Our next PTSA meeting is Wed., 4/24, at 7:00pm in the library. We will be discussing the All Night Grad Party, officer nominations, and teacher appreciation week. Please join us on Wednesday.
Here is a zoom link if you would like to join us virtually -
Sent on behalf of the CVHS PTSA:
Every spring, the administration of Centreville High School seeks to celebrate the wonderful 300 staff members with a lunch during the National Teacher Appreciation month of May. This year the school is hoping to provide a taco bar from Mo’s Southwest Grill to the teachers. Since we didn’t have the spring mulch sale this year (which we hope to retrieve next year), the budget is tight. Please consider giving a donation of $10 or more to show the Centreville staff that they are appreciated and click on the link provided below to make your payment. Any questions can be directed to Alison Machmer at Alisonmattfam@gmail.com. Thank you!
Throughout this year, the PTSA has been able to thank our teachers and staff by providing various treats such as Halloween doughnuts; in December a station with popcorn, M&M’s & peanuts; on Valentine’s Day cookies and candy; and this month bagels and cream cheese were provided. Thank you to Alison Machmer and Debby Park for coordinating and setting up. CVHS staff loves their PTSA!!!
