Solo & Ensemble
On Friday, April 19 OES had 31 strings students participate in Solo and Ensemble at Rachel Carson MS. This is a voluntary event that students choose to participate in. They prepare a solo, duet or trio to perform and prepare on their on.
We also had a chamber orchestra perform 2 of the pieces that we will perform for our upcoming Spring Concert.
All students and our chamber orchestra received the highest grade of 1 and will get a medal of achievement for their efforts. Congratulations to these outstanding students!
Thank you OES Community!
Thank you to our school’s administration, teachers, staff, PTA, SCA and its advisors; and our entire student body for helping us to celebrate Autism Acceptance Week 2024 this week in such a fun and memorable way!
Let’s keep the spirit of acceptance going each and every day!
-The OES PTA Special Education Committee
2024-2025 Class Assignments
At Oakton, we strive for healthy, heterogeneous student enrollment in each classroom. We have a process in place whereby teachers, specialists, and administrators confer with grade level teams to make recommendations that will result in a well-balanced classroom. These settings include a broad range of academic levels, behavioral characteristics, and learning styles. Teacher styles are also taken into consideration when completing teacher assignments.
To further outline the process, there are eight areas used in the determination of class assignments. These include:
- Heterogeneous groupings
- Gender balance
- Balance of special needs
- Peer interactions
- Special services
- Learning environment
- Health and medical concerns
- Equitable distribution of students
These criteria play a role in the final decision for assignment. While parent input is welcomed, a request for an individual teacher cannot be granted. Assigning students is a complex and educational process that we take seriously. We have developed procedures to best match students with classroom settings and teachers.
Parents are welcome to share information about their child here. All input must be shared via the google form by Monday, May 13. We will only be using this document when we create classes, emails will not be considered.
Donate Here!
Tickets available on LJMS website
Upcoming dates for OES:
April 30 - Band Concert, 6:30PM - OES Gym
May 3 - Teacher Workday - No School for Students
May 6-10 - Staff Appreciation Week
May 6 - 6th Grade Reading SOL
May 7 - 3rd Grade Reading SOL
May 8 - 5th Grade Reading SOL
May 8 - PTA Dining for $, 4:00-8:00PM - Panera
May 9 - 4th Grade Reading SOL
May 10 - SOL Make-ups
May 14 - 3rd Grade Math SOL
May 15 - 5th Grade Math SOL
May 16 - 6th Grade Math SOL
May 17 - SOL Make-ups
May 21 - 5th Grade Science SOL
May 22 - 4th Grade Math SOL
May 27 - Memorial Day Holiday - No School