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6th Grade Musical Showcase 2024
Dear 6th Grade Families,
It was brought to our attention that the Woodson High graduation ceremony is on the same day as our original Showcase date. Because this is a major conflict for many of our Villa families, we have decided to move the Showcase to Wednesday, June 5th, at 7pm.
Our daytime performances for the rest of the school will now be on Tuesday, June 4th and Wednesday, June 5th.
As a reminder, students will need a black shirt and pants/skirt with no logos for the performances. Black shoes are preferred. All other costume pieces and props will be provided by the school. Please let your student’s teacher know if you need assistance with this.
Please make every effort to have your student attend. The 6th Grade Showcase is a long-time Fairfax Villa tradition and once-in-a-lifetime experience, and we want all our students to be a part of it!
We apologize for any inconvenience this date change may cause.
Questions? Please contact Mx. Gaskins or your student’s homeroom teacher.