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Where clothing that matches these colors each day!
Group class picture and individual pictures will be taken on Wednesday, April 24. Payment envelopes are being sent home or parents can pre-order on with the student ID or Picture day ID: EVTMTGG6W. We can’t wait to see those wonderful Parklawn smiles! |
Chag Sameach to all in our community celebrating Passover! Many Jewish communities in the United States celebrate Passover, a recognition of the deliverance of Jewish people from slavery in Egypt. Passover is also known as Pesah, Pesach, or the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Many Jewish families in the United States eat a ceremonial meal known as the Seder, which involves telling the story of the exodus from Egypt as well as eating various symbolic foods, such as meat of the paschal lamb and bitter herbs, recalling the harsh life of slavery. Learn more about Passover in NatGeo Kids. Ella’s artwork was designed as part of the FCPS Observance Design Challenge for Students. Learn more about the challenge:
We are so excited for our Parklawn Family Field Trip to Museum of American Indian on May 4! We had over 470 people send in their interest form last week coming from all of our classrooms! Since we are limited to 150 seats, we did a random selection from those families interested. We will contact families this week regarding if your family has a seat reserved for the trip. If your family was not selected, you are still welcome to meet us there. We love it when our families are able to join us!
Where: National Museum of the American Indian: 4th St SW, Washington, DC 20560
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2024; bus leaves Parklawn at 9:30 with approximate 10 am arrival
Parklawn Elementary students in grades 3-5 will participate in the Virginia Standards of Learning tests (SOLs) this spring. Here is the testing schedule for our students. Please be mindful of these dates when scheduling appointments. More information is available on the SOL assessments webpage (
Tuesday, May 7 – 3rd Grade Reading
Thursday, May 9 – 5th Grade Science
Wednesday, May 15 – 4th and 5th Grade Reading
Thursday, May 16 – 3rd Grade Math
Tuesday, May 21 – 4th and 5th Grade Math
The Parklawn PTA is preparing for a number of activities through the rest of the school year, which include several volunteer opportunities. We will be helping with Parklawn's Family Night on May 2-- we'll share a volunteer sign-up sheet soon. We are also organizing activities for National Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week from May 6 - 10, which will include a lunch and other treats for staff. If you are interested in helping with any of those activities, please email We are excited for our upcoming Bingo Night on May 17. Our planning committee has been reaching out to local businesses and organizations and has already gotten many exciting items for the raffle. In the coming weeks, we'll send a volunteer sign-up sheet to help during the event. We are also working with Campus Survival to put together school supply kits for that will give students everything they need for next school year. We'll distribute order forms next month.
Finally, we will be holding elections for new PTA officers in May. The open positions are President, Vice President, and Treasurer. Here is more information about the President position (we'll share more about the Treasurer and Vice President roles in the coming weeks). The primary responsibilities of the President are to: manage the PTA according to our established policies; lead PTA meetings; represent the PTA with the school and the larger community; and work with officers and volunteers to set goals and implement activities. If you are a member of the PTA and are interested in learning more about or running for any of the open positions, please email current president, Joselle Shea, at
April 24: Spring Picture Day
May 2: Family Celebration Night! 6-7:30
May 3: Teacher Workday: STUDENT HOLIDAY
May 9: May Family Market – last of the year! 5-7 pm
May 17: PTA Bingo Night