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Hello Braddock residents!
Even as my inbox again starts to fill up with invitations to graduations and other year-end events, it’s hard to believe we already are about to close out another school year! I hope you are enjoying spring (despite the pollen!) and are anticipating the fun flurry of year-end activities.
 It's always a beautiful day at Fairfax Academy for Communication & the Arts!
At this time and always, I want to thank you for your confidence in choosing me to represent the Braddock District on the Fairfax County School Board. I’ve lived in the Braddock District for 23 years and love this supportive, tight-knit community. It is my honor to represent it. Every time I visit a school, attend a meeting, watch a performance or sports event, or hear of another award, recognition or accomplishment, I am reminded of the importance of our public education system, those who work in it, and the students and greater community who benefit from it. Strong schools truly do lead to strong communities.
Still, our school system is not perfect, and not every student in our system is thriving. I am as committed as ever to pushing my fellow board members and the administration to address challenging issues directly, to develop creative and innovative solutions that are in service of the young people who depend on us, and to move FCPS forward so we can continue to be a premier school system that sets every child up for success.
As warmer weather brightens our days, I hope to see you at some of the unique and inspiring events taking place in our schools and throughout the community. I was fortunate to visit a number of our schools this week, including Annandale High School, Robinson Secondary School, and Fairfax Academy for Communication & the Arts. I also attended the Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) meeting to which I am the board liaison as they finished reviewing their report. More about these visits later.
The primary way I learn about the issues you are facing as families is by hearing directly from you, so please reach out to me at braddockconstituent@fcps.edu with questions, problems or concerns. It is my privilege and responsibility to represent you and your children. I value your thoughts and concerns so please don’t hesitate to share them!
All my best,
 Rachna Sizemore Heizer Braddock District School Board Member
Lake Braddock Secondary Earns School Counseling Distinction
Exciting news! Our own Lake Braddock Secondary School (LBSS) was one of two FCPS schools which the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) recently recognized as having developed model school counseling programs.
LBSS and South County Middle School (SCMS), in the Mount Vernon District, both earned the Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) designation for 2024 for successfully demonstrating how their comprehensive school counseling programs benefit all students.
The RAMP designation, awarded to schools that align with the criteria set in the ASCA national model, recognizes schools that are committed to delivering a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program and an exemplary educational environment. Currently, 17 FCPS school counseling programs have active RAMP certifications.
Congratulations to all staff and students at LBES and SCMS who contributed to this important achievement, and thank you to all of our counselors across FCPS!
Special Education Enhancement Plan Update
At its April 16 work session, the School Board discussed the Special Education Enhancement Plan which was designed to address recommendations the American Institutes for Research (AIR) included in its Special Education Program Review Report. The plan also was designed to provide additional enhancements in programming outcomes for students with individualized education programs (IEP) and Section 504 Plans.
This presentation provided an update on the progress of the plan’s current work and actions as well as future plans to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. The work is organized into four goal areas:
- Instruction and Inclusive Practices,
- Special Education Processes,
- Communication, and
- Staff Capacity.
I commend the FCPS staff who contributed to this report and have supported special education over many years to get FCPS to this point. However, as well-documented, on-going negative outcomes for adults with autism, ADHD and other disabilities continue to demonstrate - including higher dropout rates, struggles in college, joblessness, relationship issues, legal entanglements, financial problems, and others - we cannot simply declare that we are doing the best we can for all of our students who face an uncertain future without our support. This is an educational issue as well as one of equity. We can and must continue to innovate in programming, staffing, and service delivery in special education as well as remove barriers to access.
View the documents and watch the full meeting.
Online Special Education Resource Fair
As a part of the 2024 Family Summit, the FCPS Department of Special Services has launched an online Special Education Resource Fair.
This virtual event is a must for families, educators, and community members looking to build their skills in supporting children with disabilities.
- Explore engaging, asynchronous videos, tailor-made to provide innovative support strategies.
- Visit the online exhibit hall to discover resources from FCPS, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, all dedicated to championing students with disabilities.
- Join us in celebrating the 2024 Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) First Class Award winners who embody excellence in their special education work, create a positive impact for students with and without disabilities and foster inclusivity for all students.
The link to the Special Education Resource Fair went live on Saturday, April 20, and can be found on the 2024 Family Summit webpage.
April is Autism Awareness Month
Please join me and the Fairfax County School Board in recognizing April as Autism Awareness Month in FCPS.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental difference that affects communication and social interaction, but also presents with unique strengths in such areas as focus, memory, visual perception, logical thinking, persistence, mathematics, music, creativity and more. One in 36 children in the United States is diagnosed with ASD, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Early intervention, inclusive practices, acceptance, understanding, and access to appropriate support services are crucial to improve outcomes for and the success of students with ASD. By celebrating neurodiversity, making space for neurodivergent norms in the school culture, promoting understanding, and adapting the educational environment to support diverse ways of learning, we can create a more inclusive school community for all, including students with ASD.
To learn more about ASD, visit the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMS).
FCPS is One of the Best Communities for Music Education
 Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) has been honored by the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Foundation as one of the Best Communities for Music Education.
In its 25th year, the Best Communities for Music Education designation is awarded to districts that show exceptional dedication to providing access to music education to all students. Districts are evaluated on funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, and support for music programs. Fairfax County has been honored with this recognition 11 times and is among 975 school districts acknowledged in 2024.
FCPS schools, ensembles, and instructors have gained national and international recognition for their many achievements. Ensembles perform at state and national conferences, and schools consistently receive national music accolades, such as the Sudler Flag of Honor, Sudler Cup, Honor Band, induction into the National Band Association, and Midwest Clinic participation.
Teachers frequently present on music education topics at national conferences, receive awards at the state, local, and national levels, and attain national board certifications.
Upcoming Theatre Performances
“Footloose!” at Robinson Secondary School
Footloose tickets are now on sale! The Rambunctious Theater Co. at Robinson Secondary is getting ready to cut loose! Even if you don’t have a student in the show, it is sure to include some of your friends’ kids and others you may know from the neighborhood. Support the arts!
Final show dates are April 26 & 27. Tickets are available here.
“1776” at Woodson High School
It is 1776 and John Adams is desperately trying to create America. All he has to do is help defeat England -the world's greatest superpower, convince his fellow congressmen to vote for Independence, and find a way to Unite all the colonies under one set of ideals. Students play America's fiery founders of this country, putting history in the hands of the people who will be determining its future—and the result is an epic show of passion, debate, and roof-raising musical fireworks. A musical where people aren't just fighting to create America, but for its very soul.
Show dates are April 26 & 27 and May 3 & 4. Tickets are available here.
“Romeo & Juliet” at Lake Braddock Secondary School
Shakespeare's most famous love story, arguably, the most famous love story ever told, is the greatest cautionary tale for children and adults - be careful what actions you take, because the consequences are not always within your control.
AUDIENCE ADVISORY: If this production were rated by the Motion Picture Association of America, it would almost certainly be rated "R" for suggestive humor, violence, self-harm, and death. Audience member discretion is STRONGLY advised.
Show dates are May 2 & 3. Tickets are available here.
Student Rights & Responsibilities Update
Also during its March 19 Work session, the School Board discussed important yearly revisions to the Student Rights & Responsibilities (SR&R) handbook which all students and parents receive at the beginning of every school year. The SR&R is aligned with the Virginia Board of Education Model Guidance for Positive and Preventative Code of Student Conduct Policy and Alternatives to Suspension and is reviewed each year and approved by the School Board.
Watch the work session.
Upcoming Board Meetings
I encourage you to follow the School Board’s work and be a part of the public process. Agendas and other information are available on BoardDocs.
- April 25
- 5-6:30 p.m. - Closed Meeting
- 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting - Regular Meeting: Strategic Plan Goal 2 Baseline Report, Special Education Enhancement Plan
- April 30, 3-5 p.m. - Audit Committee Meeting
- May 7, 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. - Work Session - FY2024 Advertised Budget and Strategic Plan Goal Baseline 4 Report
- May 9, 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting - Student Rights & Responsibilities
- May 14, 6:30 p.m. - Public Hearing - Budget
- May 15, 6:30 p.m. - Public Hearing - Budget (if needed)
Recent Archived Meeting Videos
10 Years of Portrait of a Graduate
Please join me in celebrating 10 years of the “Portrait of a Graduate” (POG) program at FCPS!
POG focuses on “future-ready” attributes of success for our students by building communication skills, collaboration, ethical and global citizenship, creative and critical thinking, and being goal directed and resilient. These skills increase engagement, build confidence, and support academic success. In presenting a report on the status of this program at the April 11 School Board meeting, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid promised to continue to build on our last decade of success with the strategies seen here.
Honoring Military Kids During the Month of the Military Child
In this video, Dr. Reid and Fort Belvoir Garrison Commander Colonel Joseph Messina recognize and celebrate the resilience and sacrifices of military-connected children during the Month of the Military Child. FCPS is grateful to these remarkable young individuals who contribute so much to our community.
FCPS welcomes all of our new and returning military-connected families throughout the year! Whether your family is moving permanently to the school district or living here for a short time, our schools and support staff welcome you and will be able to assist with your transition into and/or out of our district.
Visit our Military Families webpage and sign up to receive the Military Families newsletter. If you have any questions, please email our Family and School Partnerships team.
Advertised Budget Focuses on Schools and Instruction
 Investing in excellence means putting our dollars where it matters most — schools and instruction. Nearly 93% of FCPS full-time staff work directly in our schools. And nearly 86% of FCPS’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Advertised Budget is dedicated to instructional programs across all grade levels, including special education.
Only 5% of the advertised budget is for general support and central administration. Central office administrators represent only 0.8% of total full-time positions.
For more details on FCPS’ advertised budget, view budget documents, including the FY 2025 Budget Book.
Check out the Budget Calendar for important dates in the budget process as well as opportunities for the community to provide feedback.
This week, I again had the pleasure of spending some time with Annie Ray, the GRAMMY! Award-winning orchestra conductor at Annandale High School, to learn more about the innovative work she is doing and to start a conversation about how to scale Annandale’s program as a district-wide model. Music is motivational!
 Annandale High School Orchestra Conductor Annie Ray and some of her students.
At Robinson Secondary School, I met with Principal Tracey Phillips to discuss issues specific to our secondary schools, where middle and high school students share facilities and sometimes programs. This presents a unique set of educational challenges and opportunities, and I’m confident the thousands of students at RSS are in good hands with Principal Phillips.
I also visited with my friend and colleague Andrea Cook, academy and arts administrator at the Fairfax Academy for Communication & the Arts. I enjoyed visiting the dance program as they prepared for their performance at Wolftrap, watching the students create upcycled clothing projects for the upcoming fashion show, and finally seeing the creativity of the music technology students as they produce their original recordings and even get to perform them in the in house open mics! They are a great resource for FCPS programs looking for sound and tech folks, as well as people in the community looking for people to run sound. This is always one of my favorite places to visit because the spirit and creativity are free-flowing and palpable!
 Students at Fairfax Academy for Communication & the Arts.
Lastly, in non-FCPS news, I had the best time on Saturday, April 13, serving as a judge in the Middleridge Pet Parade along with Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw. Those furry friends certainly are loved, integral parts of our family - even a hamster won an award this year! Judging certainly was harder than I thought but as much fun as I hoped for!
 With Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw at the Middleridge Pet Parade.
Community Forums on Middle School Start Times
Fairfax County Public Schools is exploring options for adjusting middle school start times and invites the public to be part of the process. Prismatic Services, Inc., an educational consulting firm, will lead the forums. All forums will deliver the same presentation and provide the same feedback opportunities. Please attend the event that works best for your schedule:
Monday, April 29, 6-8 p.m., at Glasgow Middle School.
Monday, May 6, 6-8 p.m., at Whitman Middle School.
Monday, May 20, 6-8 p.m., at Hughes Middle School.
Wednesday, May 22, 6-8 p.m., at Frost Middle School.
Registration is not required but does help with planning. Click one of the dates above to register. Language interpretation and childcare will be provided. Learn more about the project exploring middle school start times.
Summer Camp for Middle Schoolers
All rising middle schoolers are invited to attend a summer of fun and leisure with VIP Camp. VIP Camp — which takes place Monday, July 1, to Thursday, August 1 — is designed to encourage teens to develop healthy and positive recreation interests and features a wide variety of leisure activities and programs.
Registration is open. VIP Camp costs $100 to attend. Reach out to your school's after-school specialist for scholarship availability due to financial hardship. This camp is sponsored by Fairfax County Public Schools and Fairfax County’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.
No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for All High School Students
Is your high schooler experiencing anxiety, behavior changes, or challenges with peer and family relationships? If so, parents/caregivers can refer their children for weekly therapy with a licensed therapist through Hazel Health. Visit the Teletherapy webpage for information on how to opt your child into this service.
School Health Services Satisfaction Survey
The Fairfax County Health Department and FCPS School Health Services invite parents/caregivers to participate in a survey on the level of satisfaction with support provided to your school community by School Health Services. The survey takes about five minutes to complete and is open until Friday, April 26. Your feedback can help to improve school health services.
Nominations Open for the Bussey Memorial Equity Award
The Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC) sponsors the Dr. Lawrence Bussey Memorial Equity Award to honor the legacy of Dr. Bussey, a founding member of the MSAOC and a longtime advocate for students and families. Read more about Dr. Bussey.
This award recognizes staff or community members who have demonstrated significant and impactful efforts to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of students from groups who are marginalized or underserved.
Any FCPS employee, student, or community member can nominate an individual or group for the award. All nomination materials must be submitted by Wednesday, May 1. The winner will be recognized at the FCPS Equity Symposium on Tuesday, June 18.
Full details and the nomination information form are available on the Dr. Lawrence Bussey Memorial Equity Award webpage.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2024 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia