Reminder: Columbia ES Event Tonight at 7pm

PTA Connect: Be Internet Awesome Event Tonight on zoom!



CES Families,


We are looking forward to seeing you all tonight at 7:00 pm for an engaging and informative session, "PTA Connect: Be Internet Awesome" led by Ms. Hestmark and Ms. Dumont. 


During this digital education event, Shannon Dumont and Shea Hestmark will co-facilitate an engaging, informative session. Parents and caregivers will have the chance to:

  1. Learn about how to keep their families smart, alert, strong, kind and brave online.
  2. Explore the Be Internet Awesome Family Guide and Google’s Family Link app.
  3. Engage with their peers to discuss their families’ online experiences and solutions.

This program is made

possible through the National PTA grant which Columbia was awarded earlier this year, and is sponsored by Google and YouTube.


Use this link to join the program tonight at 7:00pm:

Meeting ID: 919 0387 3132


Questions? Contact