Purple Up Tomorrow & Lees Corner Family Night!


Purple Up!

April is the month of the military child. We are so grateful for all of our military families and the sacrifices they make to help our country. To celebrate all of our Lees Corner children of military families, we will all wear PURPLE on Wednesday, April 17! 


Lees Corner Family Night!

We are excited to host Lees Corner Family Night on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 7:15 PM! We welcome all families to join us for this exciting event. 

This is an opportunity for you to share something special about your family.  We encourage you to participate so our LCES community can learn more about YOU!!  

For those who would like to showcase your family traditions, please complete this form by Friday, May 3, 2024.  Participation is not required for you to attend. 

Possible examples can include:


Bring examples of a form of art your family values or participates in.


Share an important artifact that helps share a bit about your unique family or culture.


Create a display or dress in traditional clothing important to your family or family’s culture.


Prepare, bring, and serve appetizer-sized portion food samples.  Be sure to display a complete list of ingredients.

Religion and Traditions

Tell about these practices and give information on what makes them special to your family.


Share song, dance, or poem related to your family heritage (2 minutes or less).

Stay Connected to LCES


Follow us on Twitter @Lees_Corner_ES to see tweets and retweets with information and resources.


Join the Lees Corner Elementary School group on Facebook. This is a private group available only to LCES families and staff. The group is managed by the PTA but membership and dues are NOT required to join this group.