Dear Wolftrap Families,
A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to our volunteers. It takes a group effort to organize and produce the Walk in My Shoes project. Many parents and community members came forward to support our students in their learning. This unit is a vital and important part of our community in support of our mission to nurture EVERY learner. Thank you also to Ms. Mary Beth Hazelgrove, our dedicated sixth grade teacher, who champions this unit and works to organize it. I am truly appreciative.
Our best to you,
Dr. Maggie Grove, Principal Ms. Lisa O’Donovan, Assistant Principal
OPTIONAL CLASS PLACEMENT 2024-2025: (DUE APRIL 23rd ): As in the past, we welcome your participation as we plan for class assignments. Every class will have a blend of children with diverse needs, personalities, and learning abilities. You may complete an optional survey for the upcoming year at THIS LINK.
Due to the many factors we must consider in creating the best possible classroom placement for everyone, requests for specific teachers cannot be honored. Additionally, the from does not ensure that students will or will not be placed with other students. Our teachers and staff will use this information to work on tentative class groupings in June, with classroom assignments finalized in August as the school year approaches. Please submit the electronic form no later than April 23rd, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered. Thanks for continuing to have trust in our school and working together to create the most successful environment for your child(ren) at Wolftrap each year!
WORLD HERITAGE NIGHT! The link is now live! Come join us for a revival of this beloved Wolftrap event, and share your family traditions with us! Grab your Wolfie Passport and take off on Wolftrap Air to destinations near and far at the Wolftrap World Heritage Night on Friday, April 26 from 6-8pm at Wolftrap Elementary. Share and explore our Wolftrap Community's diverse culture through informative table displays, artifacts, food tastings, arts & crafts, and live performances! We'd love to learn about your hometowns, places of origin, or other locations lived and/or visited! This is a fully inclusive event, so please share about anything and everything that makes you, YOU! Sign up here to reserve your space!
AUTHOR TALK AT WOLFTRAP: We are so excited to welcome Jennifer Weaver to our school on April 23rd. She will be discussing her book, Raising a Kid Who Can. We are happy to invite all the members of our Madison School Pyramid to this wonderful event. If you have any questions, please contact our Family Liaison, Ms. Azita Behdad. We are so thankful that she has organized this amazing event! *We will be recording this event and providing the power point to those who cannot attend. These materials must be requested through Ms. Behdad. Thank you!
Give Your Feedback on the Budget
We are now in the middle of the annual budget process, which includes opportunities for you to give feedback:
Tuesday, April 16, through Thursday, April 18: The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors conducts public hearings on the county budget. Sign up to speak.
Tuesday, May 7: The County Board of Supervisors adopts its budget, tax rates, and transfer amount to FCPS.
Tuesday, May 14: The School Board holds a public hearing on the FCPS budget.
Thursday, May 23: The School Board adopts FCPS’ approved budget.
Learn more about the FCPS FY 2025 Advertised Budget and see the full Budget Development Calendar.
Family Summit Designed to Enhance Safety, Security, and Inclusion: The FCPS Family Summit will take place on Saturday, April 20, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., at Marshall High School. The conference will cover topics that are helpful for all families such as raising resilient, independent children; forming meaningful connections with children; addressing big emotions; and the dangers of opioids and fentanyl. Participants may also join online sessions, which will provide supports for students with disabilities and their families. Visit the Family Summit webpage to learn about the guest speakers and to register for the event. The theme — Safe, Supported, and Included — aligns with Goal 2 of FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan.
New Regulation on Meditation and Reflection Spaces: FCPS has developed Regulation 1502 to ensure all students and staff have reasonable accommodation and access to meditation and silent reflection spaces within the school division. The regulation provides guidance for schools on how to manage requests for silent reflection during instructional and non-instructional time, and for students to leave school for religious activities.
These spaces are for individuals to engage in prayer, meditation, or silent reflection, inclusive of their religious or non-religious beliefs. Parents/caregivers must provide written permission for students requesting to miss instructional time on a regular basis. Families are encouraged to contact Dr. Grove or Ms. O’Donovan regarding accommodations. Visit FCPS' Guidelines for Religious Activities webpage for more information.
SCHOOL HEALTH SERVICES SURVEY: The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) School Health Services invite parents/guardians of FCPS students to participate in a survey requesting feedback on the level of satisfaction with School Health services provided to the school community. The survey will be open to families beginning on April 15, 2024 and will be open until April 26, 2024. The survey should take approximately five minutes to complete. To complete the survey, go to
STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Ms. Renee Ridgway is one of our spectacular Instructional Assistants! She has worked at Wolftrap for 19 years! She and Dr. Grove worked in a fourth-grade classroom together during her time at Wolftrap. When she is not at Wolftrap, you may find her on the beach or outside somewhere. Ms. Ridgway loves the strong student and family connections at Wolftrap. She is a proud South Lakes High School graduate. Go Seahawks! We are glad to have Ms. Ridgway as part of our Wolftrap community.
FCPS NEWS: District News/In Case You Missed It (ICYMI): In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:
- School Health Services Satisfaction Survey
- Webinars and Events for Families
- FCPS Is One of the Best Communities for Music Education
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, please sign up today.