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Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.
Wolf Pack Family,
This is a special Tuesday edition of the Wolf News!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 10, is an FCPS holiday and all schools and offices will be closed in observance of Eid-al-Fitr. In Islam, Eid-al-Fitr is a three day festival to mark the end of Ramadan. Muslims dress in new clothes, give charity, and pray in congregation. Eid is celebrated with the exchange of presents and delicious food with family and friends. Eid Mubarak to those in our Muslim community celebrating!
A huge thank you to the PTA, Mr. Mitchell, and our staff and students for an amazing opportunity to see the solar eclipse yesterday. When our students were outside, they also were able to see the beginning stages of our new playground construction. How exciting!
April is a month rich with cultural recognition, including Autism Acceptance Month, Month of the Military Child, School Library Month, National Arab American Heritage Month, and Muslim American Heritage Month. Please see below for more information about these important observances.
This week is Stress Less, Laugh More week. We're grateful to Ms. McCleskey for organizing this initiative, which includes visits from some adorable four-legged friends on campus.
Due to the weather prediction for Thursday and Friday, Field Days have been postponed to next week (Monday and Tuesday). Your child's teacher will be sharing an revised schedule.
We hope to see many of you on Friday Night for the Oak Hill vs. Lees Corner Basketball game! Also - see below for details on registering for the Oak Hill 5K in May!
We look forward to another fantastic week of learning together!
In partnership,
Kelly Durso, Principal
Cali Loewenberg, Assistant Principal
Student Intention for School Year 2024-2025 - Please reply by 4/18
- Please let us know if your child/children will be returning to Oak Hill next year by filling out this short google form.
- If you have multiple students at Oak Hill, please complete one form for each student (including your 6th grader so we can confirm that information for the middle school)
Please fill out the survey by 4/18. Thank you for providing us with the information we need to staff the school appropriately for the coming school year.
For questions or more information, please contact Katherine Dillard at 703-467-3502 or kjdillard1@fcps.edu.
6th Grade Basketball Game this Friday, 4/12 at 6 PM - Wear White!
On Friday April 12th, our 6th Graders will play a Basketball Game vs. Lees Corner's 6th graders. Game starts at 6:00pm. Doors will open at 5:00pm! We look forward to seeing you there!
- Each member of the family must purchase a ticket at the door (if you did not preorder).
ONLY students playing in the game, playing in the pep band, performing in the pep squad, playing Oakie, parent volunteers, and coaches will enter for free.
- T-shirts will be on sale at the game for $15.00
- Spirit wear will be on sale at the game as well.
*Presale t-shirts were given to students on Friday April 5th. If you purchased a shirt and your child did not receive it, please let us know!
*Presale tickets and spirit wear will be passed out on Thursday April 11th.
Also on Friday, we will host our school Pep Rally at the end of the day.
Wear your white basketball t-shirt or another white shirt! We are doing a school white-out to help promote and celebrate the game!
- All players MUST wear their jersey to the pep rally!
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Bowe at kabowe@fcps.edu
Subject Specific Differentiation and Part-Time Services Referrals-Due April 15th
Parents or guardians can initiate the screening process for Subject Specific Differentiation (Level II) and Part-Time services (level III) by submitting the AAP School-Based Services (Level II-III) Referral form to Cathy Lahr, Oak Hill's Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART), by April 15th.
Please note: Children that were screened for Full Time Services (Level IV) and found ineligible will automatically be screened for level II-III services. No additional referral is needed. All present students receiving subject specific differentiation (level II) will be re-evaluated for services for the 2023-24 this spring.
Parents or guardians who submit a referral will be notified of their student’s eligibility status by early June.
View the AAP Spring Newsletter.
Month of the Military Child
April is the Month of the Military Child! Every year we take the opportunity to recognize military-connected youth for their service and contribution to our community. Fairfax County Public Schools is proud to have over 14,000 military-connected youth as a part of our student body. We appreciate the varied life experiences they bring to our school community, and recognize their strength and resilience. Learn more about Month of the Military Child and FCPS’ resources for military families.
National Arab American Heritage Month
FCPS is proud to celebrate National Arab American Heritage Month in April. This special month provides an opportunity to recognize the history and valuable contributions of Arab Americans. Arab Americans have ancestry in one of the world’s 22 Arab nations, which are located from northern Africa through western Asia. The people of these nations are ethnically, politically, and religiously diverse but share a common cultural and linguistic heritage. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS.
Muslim American Heritage Month
Muslim American Heritage Month is a time for celebrating the history, contributions, culture, and an enhanced understanding of the diverse population of Muslim Americans. View the Fairfax County School Board resolution honoring Muslim American Heritage Month.
School Library Month
In FCPS libraries, students develop knowledge and skills, experience a sense of belonging, find inspiration and support, and have the ability to freely pursue their personal interests and academic growth. Watch this video to learn how FCPS librarians make a difference.
Autism Acceptance Month
One in 44 children is diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in the United States, according to the CDC. Our schools and staff play a vital role in creating and ensuring inclusive environments that accommodate and affirm autistic students.
Advertised Budget Focuses on Schools and Instruction
Investing in excellence means putting our dollars where it matters most — schools and instruction. Nearly 93% of FCPS full-time staff work directly in our schools. And nearly 86% of FCPS’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Advertised Budget is dedicated to instructional programs across all grade levels, including special education.
Only 5% of the advertised budget is for general support and central administration. Central office administrators represent only 0.8% of total full-time positions.
For more details on FCPS’ advertised budget, view budget documents, including the FY 2025 Budget Book.
Check out the Budget Calendar for important dates in the budget process as well as opportunities for the community to provide feedback.
Nominations Open for the Bussey Memorial Equity Award
The Minority Student Achievement Oversight Committee (MSAOC) sponsors the Dr. Lawrence Bussey Memorial Equity Award to honor the legacy of Dr. Bussey, a founding member of the MSAOC and a longtime advocate for students and families. Read more about Dr. Bussey.
This award recognizes staff or community members who have demonstrated significant and impactful efforts to improve the educational experiences and outcomes of students from groups who are marginalized or underserved.
Any FCPS employee, student, or community member can nominate an individual or group for the award. All nomination materials must be submitted by Wednesday, May 1. The winner will be recognized at the FCPS Equity Symposium on Tuesday, June 18.
Full details and the nomination information form are available on the Dr. Lawrence Bussey Memorial Equity Award webpage.
Community Forums on Middle School Start Times
Fairfax County Public Schools is exploring options for adjusting middle school start times and invites the public to be part of the process. All forums will deliver the same presentation and provide the same feedback opportunities. Please attend the event that works best for your schedule:
Monday, April 29, 6-8 p.m., at Glasgow Middle School.
Monday, May 6, 6-8 p.m., at Whitman Middle School.
Monday, May 20, 6-8 p.m., at Hughes Middle School.
Wednesday, May 22, 6-8 p.m., at Frost Middle School.
Registration is not required but does help with planning. Click one of the dates above to register. Language interpretation and childcare will be provided. Learn more about the project exploring middle school start times.
When is it? May 18th at 8 AM
How do we register? Access the PTA website and register each participant individually.
How much is it? $25 (includes t-shirt and race bib). Additional $2 charge for shirts 2XL or higher.
Registration Deadline: April 22nd!! No late registrations or t-shirt sales after April 22nd.
Packet Pickup:
Race shirts and bibs will be distributed the week of May 13th. Times and dates will be publicized in Wolf News.
All profits will benefit Oak Hill Elementary Students!
If you have any old newspaper, we are collecting it for use in the garden. There is a box in the lobby. Thank you!
6th Grade Basketball Game Tickets and Spirit Wear on Sale
Come cheer on Oak Hill's 6th grade basketball team at 6pm on Friday, April 12th, at Chantilly High School! Tickets and spirit wear are available for pre-order on the PTA website: https://oakhillpta.ptboard.com/formvw/store
2024-25 PTA Board Nominations
Do you enjoy planning events, supporting Oak Hill's amazing staff, and helping create community? If so, please consider running for a position on the 2024-25 PTA board! All positions are open. To nominate yourself, please sign up on the PTA website by May 20th: https://oakhillpta.ptboard.com/sgnvw
Odyssey of the Mind State Tournament
Congratulations to this Oak Hill team for winning third place in Odyssey of the Mind VA state tournament held on April 6th!
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:
- Month of the Military Child
- Register for the FCPS Family Summit
- Teaching Real-World Math Skills
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
4/10 Eid - no school 4/11 Field day for 5-6 (AM), K-2 (PM) 4/11 AAP Orientation, 4:15 pm 4/12 Field Day, Grades 3-4 (AM) 4/12 6th grade Bball game @ CHS, 6pm 4/17 Purple Up! Day (wear purple!) 5/18 Oak Hill 5K Fun Run 5/7, 5/14, 5/21 SOL TESTING 6/11 Sixth Grade Moving Up Ceremony
SOL Testing- May 7, 14, 21 *
Reading for grades 3-6: Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Math for grades 3-6: Tuesday, May 14. 2024
Science for 5th grade: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Please do your best to avoid scheduling appointments on these dates.
*Some students may test on alternate dates due to testing format required.
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