April 8th Total Solar Eclipse

April 8th Total Solar Eclipse

Dear Lees Corner Families,

A solar eclipse is happening on Monday, April 8, 2024. It's a rare and exciting astronomical phenomenon, and one that requires important safety reminders. Looking directly at the sun, even during an eclipse, can permanently damage your eyes. 

Maintaining our priority on safety, LCES will not be planning a schoolwide, class, or group event for students to go outdoors to view the solar eclipse. Given the start time, students and staff will be provided with the NASA livestream link as an option to safely observe the eclipse.

Here's what you need to know about a total solar eclipse:

  • Don't look at the sun without approved eyewear. This applies to students and staff, and we encourage you to reinforce this at home.
  • Regular sunglasses are not good enough. The NASA website has more information about eye safety.  
  • Eclipse timing: The eclipse starts around 2:04 p.m., peaks at 3:20 p.m. (which coincides with dismissal for LCES students), and ends around 4:32 p.m.

Given the timing, some groups will be adjusting the recess schedule or plan. Please remind your child to be especially vigilant about eye safety during dismissal. If you have concerns about your child walking or riding the bus home, please arrange for alternative transportation.

For more details, FCPS has developed the following:  FCPS Solar Eclipse webpage.

Thank you for your support!

VaRonica Sloan & Jennifer Hutchinson

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