Special Edition NYC - Spring Enrichment - Solar Eclipse

Panther PTA

Spring Enrichment Classes: ENROLL TODAY!

This is the last week for spring enrichment signups! Is your child into cooking, art, chess, web programming, Lego league or STEM? We have something for everyone and spots left in all these classes! Please register asap, some of these classes will not be able to run without enough participants!

SIGN UP HERE or see attached flyer below to scan the QR code!

Hangry Burger Restaurant Night Wednesday, April 10th

Bring your friends and family for some seriously delicious food! 20% of your total will be donated to Bush Hill PTA. The proceeds will directly benefit our school, enabling us to fund important projects, activities, and resources that enhance the learning experience for our children.

Coming Soon!

Staff Appreciation Week- if you are interested in volunteering please email us at ptabushhillelementary@gmail.com

Become a PTA Member Today!

It's easy! Click here: Join_PTA 

Why join? Membership helps support our students and staff! The PTA helps plan fun activities for our school community (for staff and students), plans fundraisers, and supports the purchase of new materials and items for school improvements.

Ideas, thoughts, questions; want to volunteer or assist? We take donations via Givebacks and always need help from volunteers! https://bushhill.memberhub.com/store?limit=21&live=true


Celebrating The Solar Eclipse

On Apr 8, 2024 our community will experience a 90% Solar Eclipse. We will experience this as a schoolwide event from 2:30-3:30. We would greatly appreciate your participation and donations to help create a memorable experience for our Panthers. In accordance with FCPS safety guidelines, the use of solar glasses will not be permitted. We will have students create Pinhole Projectors in STEAM as an alternative safe viewing.  Please use the sign up genius and have students deliver them to Mrs. Blackburn in the STEAM Room. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084CA5A92AA5FAC16-48382927-solar 

We need: 

Shoeboxes or similar size box


Allergy/Cultural alternative cookies

Solar Scopes/Telescopes with solar lens

Solar Binoculars
