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There is a correction in the calendar section for Field Day. 5th and 6th grade Field Day is in the morning on April 11th. 3rd and 4th grade is on April 12th.
Wolf Pack Family,
It was so amazing to welcome our wolves back in the building today after Spring Break! Our students were greeted with several new additions to our campus - including cafeteria tables, a brand new basketball court, and new wall art (courtesy of Ms. Linne)!
Home of the Wolf Pack!
 Check out our cafeteria!
Oak Hill Learning Showcase
We hope to see many of you at our Oak Hill Learning Showcase on Thursday! Please see recent communications from our teachers (and lower in this edition of the Wolf News!) about this exciting event and how to RSVP.
Solar Eclipse ☀️ April 8
A solar eclipse is happening on April 8, 2024. It's a rare and exciting astronomical phenomenon, and one that requires important safety reminders.
Looking directly at the sun, even during an eclipse, can permanently damage your eyes. At Oak Hill, we have been able to obtain approved eyewear so that students can safely view the eclipse ONLY while wearing the eyewear. Students who have returned permission slips will be able to go outside with their classroom to catch a glimpse of this amazing event. Students without permission will be able to view a live-stream of the eclipse when their class is outside. All Oak Hill students will be provided a pair of approved eyewear to remember this experience!
Here are some important reminders:
Don't look at the sun without approved eyewear. This applies to students and staff, and we encourage you to reinforce it at home.
Regular sunglasses are not good enough. We will be providing eyewear that has been approved for viewing.
Eclipse timing: The eclipse starts around 2:04 p.m., peaks at 3:20 p.m. which coincides with dismissal, and ends around 4:32 p.m. If you have concerns about your child walking or riding the bus home, please arrange for alternative transportation. We encourage families to review these Solar Eclipse Resources, especially the eye safety information. We hope everyone takes the opportunity to learn more about this extraordinary natural phenomenon while prioritizing safe solar viewing.
We are so excited for another great week of learning!
In partnership,
Kelly Durso, Principal
Cali Loewenberg, Assistant Principal
Student Intention for School Year 2024-2025 - Please reply by 4/18
- Please let us know if your child/children will be returning to Oak Hill next year by filling out this short google form.
- If you have multiple students at Oak Hill, please complete one form for each student (including your 6th grader so we can confirm that information for the middle school)
Please fill out the survey by 4/18. Thank you for providing us with the information we need to staff the school appropriately for the coming school year.
For questions or more information, please contact Katherine Dillard at 703-467-3502 or kjdillard1@fcps.edu.
Oak Hill Showcase Event April 4th
Please RSVP on this google form for our Oak Hill Showcase event on Thursday, April 4th from 5-7 pm.
Parents and students are invited to join us as a we showcase instructional strategies that occur in our classrooms to support student learning and growth. Grade level teams and specialists will provide sessions where you can see some of the strategies in action and learn more about what your child’s day looks like. Pizza will be available for purchase starting at 5:00 and the learning sessions will start at 5:30. We hope to see you there! Selected student artwork will also be exhibited here at Oak Hill. This artwork would normally be at the Chantilly Pyramid Art show on April 5th.
Lexia Parent Night: How We Help Your Child Learn to Read
FCPS funds the use of Lexia for all elementary and middle schools as part of their literacy instruction. Lexia is a computer-based program that supplements classroom instruction to help students develop literacy skills. It also provides teachers with data to identify students who need additional support and the ability to know which specific concepts and skills to prioritize.Attend a virtual information night on Tuesday, April 9 at 6:30 p.m., to learn more about Lexia and how FCPS is integrating it into the classroom to support student growth. Participants will also get tips for supporting their students at home. Integrating Lexia into the literacy curriculum aligns with the Virginia Literacy Act, FCPS’ Equitable Access to Literacy, and FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 3, which aims to have all students reading on level by the end of third grade.
In Islam, Eid-al-Fitr is a three day festival to mark the end of Ramadan. Muslims dress in new clothes, give charity, and pray in congregation. Eid is celebrated with the exchange of presents and delicious food with family and friends. Read more at Britannica.com.
Wednesday, April 10, is an FCPS holiday and all schools and offices will be closed. See the complete School Year Calendar.
Oak Hill will be celebrating Stress Less, Laugh More week April 8th-12th. We will be spending some time hearing messages on WOAK about healthy ways that we can respond to stress and promote great physical and mental wellness, and we will also have a chance to visit with a variety of therapy animals, including dogs, mini alpacas, a bunny, and a dwarf goat! We are looking forward to enjoying learning about the many ways that we can Stress Less, Laugh More!
Now that renovation is almost done, we will be planting in the garden and in the courtyard. We are in need of newspaper. There will be a box in the lobby for you to drop off newspapers. Thank you!
To clarify some questions we have received about attendance, the following reasons are EXCUSED absences by FCPS: illness, injury, funeral, legal obligations, medical procedures, religious observances, deployment-related absences, family emergency, or other hardship reason deemed acceptable by the principal.
All other absences are marked UNX (unexcused which means that we have not heard from you and do not know why your child is absent) or UNL (unexcused locally), which means that you have notified us as to why your child is absent, but it is not a reason that is excused by FCPS.
Yearbooks are on sale now at https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/SelectJob. Our school code is 13278324. Yearbooks are $20. Preorders are due by April 8, 2024. We will only have about 25 extra yearbooks at the end of the year, so please order your student one today if they are interested in having one.
The Oak Hill Elementary School 5K Fun Run is Back!
Oak Hill Elementary School invites students, staff, and alumni to join our 5K Fun Run on Saturday, May 18th at 8am! The Fun Run will start at Oak Hill Elementary School. Participants will take a right on Kinross Circle, a sharp right on Stone Heather Drive, a loop around Lady Bank Lane, and will head back to the school to repeat the route again. The Finish Line will be in front of Oak Hill Elementary School.
The 5K Fun Run is an event to unite our community. Please cheer for our runners from your front yard!
In addition, Kona Ice will be parked at the school from 8am to 11am. Kona Ice will donate 20% of proceeds earned at the 5K to Oak Hill Elementary School. If you can’t make it to Kona Ice, no problem! Stop by Tropical Smoothie in Franklin Farm Shopping Center between 11am and 2pm, and mention Oak Hill Elementary School. They will donate 15% of proceeds back to the school.
Keep an eye out for more information regarding the course and registration!
6th Grade Basketball Game Tickets and Spirit Wear on Sale
Come cheer on Oak Hill's 6th grade basketball team at 6pm on Friday, April 12th, at Chantilly High School! Tickets and spirit wear are available for pre-order on the PTA website: https://oakhillpta.ptboard.com/formvw/store
2024-25 PTA Board Nominations
Do you enjoy planning events, supporting Oak Hill's amazing staff, and helping create community? If so, please consider running for a position on the 2024-25 PTA board! All positions are open. To nominate yourself, please sign up on the PTA website by May 20th: https://oakhillpta.ptboard.com/sgnvw
Rising Carson 7th Grade Parents - Join the RCMS PTA!
Are you or is someone you know enthusiastic about supporting Rachel Carson MS and all of its students, teachers, and staff? Please email rcmspta.pres@gmail.com if you are interested, or know of someone who would make a great addition to the PTA team!
In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:
- Updated COVID Recommendations
- Last Chance to Take the Family Engagement Survey!
- April Webinars and Events for Families
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, please sign up today.
4/4 Learning Showcase, 5-7 pm 4/8-4/12 Stress Less, Laugh More Week 4/10 Eid (no school) 4/11 Field day for 5-6 (AM), K-2 (PM) 4/11 AAP Orientation, 4:15 pm 4/12 Field Day, Grades 3-4 (AM) 4/12 6th grade Bball game @ CHS 5/18 Oak Hill 5K Fun Run 5/7, 5/14, 5/21 SOL TESTING 6/11 Sixth Grade Moving Up Ceremony
SOL Testing- May 7, 14, 21 *
Reading for grades 3-6: Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Math for grades 3-6: Tuesday, May 14. 2024
Science for 5th grade: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Please do your best to avoid scheduling appointments on these dates.
*Some students may test on alternate dates due to testing format required.
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