Key MS - News You Choose - Town Hall Meetings

Key Middle School Families

Important Dates:

April 4: Key MS Town Hall Meeting @ 6pm in the Lecture Hall

April 5: Key MS Town Hall Meeting @ 9:30am in the Lecture Hall

Key MS Town Hall Meetings

Dear Key Middle School Community,

I am pleased to invite you to an informational town hall meeting on Thursday, April 4th at 6:00 PM or our parent coffee on Friday, April 5th at 9:30 AM. Both events will be held in the school’s Lecture Hall. At these meetings, we will go into greater detail about the two new developments for Key MS described below.

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) recently released the schools that have been identified as being in need of support, based on Virginia’s federal accountability system under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Key Middle School is on this list.

These designations are based on a complex set of factors. Our school was identified as being in need of support in math and reading  for students with disabilities. At the town hall and parent coffee, I will explain more about what this designation means, how we have been addressing these gaps, and what additional efforts will be put into place to support students.

I am also excited to share that Key Middle School is now a school designated to receive Federal Title I Grant Funds starting in the 2024-2025 school year.  Title I represents a powerful opportunity to further support the success of all our students.

Title I funding allows us to allocate additional resources to directly impact student achievement. These resources can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Implementing innovative educational programs that are geared toward students’ needs to ensure all students reach high expectations.
  • Building strong partnerships with families through developing a family and school engagement policy, including families in the planning of school and family partnership opportunities, and offering a variety of family meetings and experiences. 
  • Expanding intervention and enrichment programs.
  • Providing supplemental professional learning experiences for teachers and administrators.
  • Supplying additional high quality instructional materials that will enhance student learning experiences.
  • Additional staffing to support interventions, enrichment, and specific areas of opportunity for the school.

We believe that a strong school community is essential for student success. Leveraging our existing strengths, Title I funding allows us the opportunity to further enrich and enhance a supportive learning environment for all our students. We will be able to provide you with more information about our new Title I designation and answer your questions at the town hall meetings on April 4th and April 5th.

Working together, we can ensure that each and every student at Key Middle School is prepared for a future yet to be imagined. I hope to see you on April 4th or April 5th to share more detailed information and answer any questions you may have about both of these important topics.


Drew Campbell

Principal | Key Middle School


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