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- Principal’s Message
- Principal Selection Advisory Panel
- Spring Break Reminder
- Updated COVID Recommendations
- Dress Code Reminder
- Solar Eclipse April 8
- AM Kiss and Ride Reminders
- Summer Camp Information
- SOL Testing Dates
- Ramadan Photos for Bulletin Board
- Family Engagement Survey - Deadline Extended (April 3)
- 2024-2025 Registration
- Important Upcoming Dates
Staff was surprised with a St. Patrick’s day luncheon!
1.Principal’s Message
I hope you all have a wonderful spring break and are able to get some rest, relaxation, and time outside. We have a very busy spring ahead when we return filled with lots of activities to celebrate the progress of our students this year. Please note the dates for SOL testing below for students in grades 3-6 and do your best to schedule appointments and absences around these dates. Most of our spring concerts and activities are also listed on the dates at the end of this message. We will continue to update this list weekly - please keep checking each week!
Please note our school office will be closed over spring break. Staff will respond to any messages sent when they return from spring break on April 1st.
Have a wonderful break!
Shelia Sobeski
Our students are working in small math groups with our High Impact Math Tutor!
2.Principal Selection Advisory Panel
The Fairfax Villa Elementary School Principal Advisory panel will be held on Thursday, April 4, 2024. If you are interested in serving as a panelist, please complete this form by March 22, 2024. Staff and community members selected to be panelists or alternates for this panel will be contacted by the Human Resources department overseeing this process. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Region 5 Office.
3.Spring Break March 25-29th
This year, spring break is March 25-29. We will be eager to welcome your children back to school on Wednesday, April 3, after two teacher work days. Student attendance is very important. Every day, our teachers will be teaching, and students will be learning. Studies have shown that just two absences per month can cause students to fall behind. Let’s finish this school year strong. Visit FCPS’ website for attendance resources.
The Fairfax Villa Office will be closed March 25-29th and will reopen on April 1. If you need immediate assistance during March 25-29th please contact Mrs. Sobeski: sdsobeski@fcps.edu.
4.🤧 Updated COVID Recommendations
In accordance with the updated Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) respiratory virus guidance, FCPS and the Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) have updated school COVID-19 recommendations.
The COVID-19 isolation period of five days is no longer recommended.
New respiratory virus guidance applies to respiratory viral illnesses, including COVID-19, influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Students who have symptoms of, test positive for, or have been diagnosed with a respiratory virus may return to school when the student is fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication; AND the student’s symptoms have improved or resolved.
Students should follow additional precautions as outlined per the CDC upon resumption of normal activities.
Should I Send My Child to School?
Please refer to the chart on this attendance webpage if your child is experiencing symptoms or illnesses, and you are unsure if they should go to school.
Thank you for helping keep our students and staff healthy.
5.Dress Code Reminder
As the weather warms up, we want to remind all families that students should be dressed comfortably and appropriately for school. Our temperatures can fluctuate in the building, so it is always advised to be dressed in layers. As specified in the Student Rights and Responsibilities, students must wear clothing that does not expose genitalia, chest or buttocks or expose underwear or undergarments. Clothing may not depict or promote illegal, violent, or lewd conduct, or depict or promote the unlawful possession or use of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, drugs, drug paraphernalia, or other controlled substances. Students should be able to move comfortably and engage in all school activities including physical education and recess in the clothing they are wearing. For further information, please refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities https://www.fcps.edu/srr and the FCPS regulation pertaining to dress code specifically (2613.12).
6.☀️ Safely View the Total Solar Eclipse April 8
A total solar eclipse will occur on Monday, April 8, and will be viewable, depending on weather, in Fairfax County. The eclipse will begin in our area around 2:04 p.m. and end around 4:32 p.m., with the maximum eclipse occurring around 3:20 p.m.
Because the timing overlaps with dismissal, it is crucial that students understand the importance of safe viewing practices. We encourage families to review these Solar Eclipse Resources, especially the eye safety information. We hope everyone takes the opportunity to learn more about this extraordinary natural phenomenon while prioritizing safe solar viewing.
Here are our Pi Day winners! Pi is used to find the circumference of a circle.
Ben Sidki was able to name the most digits of Pi! Congrats sixth grade.
7.AM Kiss and Ride Reminders
A few reminders regarding Kiss and Ride Procedures. For further information, please refer to the Fairfax Villa Parent Handbook: https://fairfaxvillaes.fcps.edu/resources/parent-handbook
- Drop off begins at 9:00 A.M. Door closes at 9:12 A.M. Students are to be in their seats ready for instruction at 9:15 A.M.
- Do not leave your child if there is no staff member present at Kiss and Ride. You must line up and wait at the starting location until a staff member is in position at Kiss and Ride to receive your child. Otherwise, this creates a dangerous situation where your child is roaming the school grounds unsupervised. There are no exceptions.
- Parents arriving after 9:12 A.M. must park in the side parking lot due to buses continuing through the front loop and escort students to the main office to be signed in by a parent.
8.🥁 Summer Camps and Learning Programs
Have you made summer plans for your child yet? Are you looking for a summer camp for your child with special needs?
The Family Resource Center has compiled information on summer camps including local options, camps for students with special needs (sorted by need), and camps for students experiencing grief or who have parents in the military.
⛱️ Summer Camp for Middle Schoolers
All rising middle schoolers are invited to attend a summer of fun and leisure with VIP Camp. VIP Camp — which takes place Monday, July 1, to Thursday, August 1 — is designed to encourage teens to develop healthy and positive recreation interests and features a wide variety of leisure activities and programs.
Registration is open. VIP Camp costs $100 to attend. Reach out to your school's after-school specialist for scholarship availability due to financial hardship. This camp is sponsored by Fairfax County Public Schools and Fairfax County’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services.
9.SOL Testing Dates
Spring testing is just around the corner. Students in grades 3-6 participate in the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments. Here are the specific dates and times we will be testing here at Fairfax Villa. Please try to avoid absences on these dates. If you know your child will be absent, please reach out to our Test Coordinator, Carol Larsen (calarsen@fcps.edu) to make arrangements for a make-up test. All initial testing attempts must be completed by Friday, May 24th. These dates will also be included in the calendar below from here on. *Note that on the fifth grade test dates, fifth and sixth grades will switch lunch and specials times to accommodate the fifth grade tests.
10.Ramadan Photos for Bulletin Board
Ramadan Mubarak! To mark the month of Ramadan, observed by many of our students, some of our 6th grade students are creating a bulletin board to celebrate and share their Ramadan traditions. If your family observes Ramadan, we invite you to send in a photo that represents your own Ramadan traditions and celebrations. Please put your student’s name and teacher on the back of the photo so we can return it later.
Please note: As a new part of our diversity learning and growth at Fairfax Villa, we are featuring holidays from different cultures throughout the year. Although we would like to feature every holiday all our cultures celebrate, our goal is for every student to see at least one holiday that they observe featured during the year.
11.Family Engagement Survey - Deadline Extended (April 3)
The Family Engagement Survey now closes on Wednesday, April 3rd! This is your chance to provide feedback about your school's welcoming environment, communication, volunteer opportunities, and more: https://bit.ly/FESURVEY2024
Visit the Family Engagement Survey webpage for more information.
12.Kindergarten and New Student Registration
If you have an unregistered child who will attend Fairfax Villa Elementary next school year, please complete the online intake form to plan accurate class sizes/staffing for next year.
📢Please spread the word to your neighbors who will have children attending Fairfax Villa ES.📢
If you have any questions, please contact Silvia Dossmann at smdossmann@fcps.edu.
13.Important Upcoming Dates
3/25 - 3/29: Spring Break
4/1: Teacher Workday
4/2: Staff Development Day- Student Holiday
4/4: Zoom PTA Meeting #6
4/10: Student Holiday
4/11: Spring Chorus Concert 7pm
4/12: PTA Bingo Night
4/16: Grade 5 IRW Test
4/17: 3rd Quarter Progress Reports Go Home
5/1: First & Second Grade Performance 7pm
5/3: Teacher Workday
5/3: Kindergarten Orientation 2pm
5/7: Grade 5 Reading SOL Test
5/8: Grades 3 & 6 Reading SOL Test
5/8: 4th Quarter Interims Go Home To Select Students
5/9: Grade 4 Reading SOL Test
5/14: Grade 5 Math SOL Test
5/15: Grades 3 & 6 Math SOL Tests
5/16: Grade 4 Math SOL Test
5/21: Grade 5 Science SOL Test
5/23: Strings Evening Performance at 7pm
5/27: Student Holiday
5/29: Springs Band Concert at 7pm
6/6: Grade 6 Showcase at 7pm
6/7: Field Day
6/11: 6th Grade Luncheon
6/12: 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony
6/12: End of Year Progress Reports Go Home
6/12: Last Day of School - 2hr Early Release
Frequently Visited Links and Important Fairfax Villa Contacts
Fairfax Villa Contacts Page
2023-2024 School Year
Sign up for News You Choose
Join the Fairfax Villa PTA
Report Your Child’s Absence
Visit the Fairfax Villa Website
Substitute Teaching Opportunities
Monitor your student's academics with a SIS Pare+nt Account
Recognize an FCPS Employee at FCPS Cares
Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information
Parent Handbook
Fairfax Villa Contacts Page
2023-2024 School Year
Sign up for News You Choose
Join the Fairfax Villa PTA
Report Your Child’s Absence
Visit the Fairfax Villa Website
Substitute Teaching Opportunities
Monitor your student's academics with a SIS Pare+nt Account
Recognize an FCPS Employee at FCPS Cares
Mental Health Resources and Emergency Services Information
Parent Handbook