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The Dunne Dispatch (Calendar Edition) - 03/20/2024
The Dunne Dispatch alternates between a bi-weekly calendar of events and bi-weekly report on School Board updates, student accomplishments, and school celebrations. My goal is to connect the schools with the community, and vice versa. Even if you do not have children attending FCPS, I encourage you to attend public events at our schools.
If you have any school or related community events you would like me to include in my calendar email, please submit them here for consideration.
Very respectfully,
 Inside this issue:
Kindergarten and PreK Enrollment Information
Mount Vernon District School Updates
FCPS Events and Activities
Community Events and Activities
Kindergarten and PreK Enrollment Information
Kindergarten Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…
There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:
- Determine eligibility.
- Identify your local school.
- Gather documents.
- Fill out forms.
- Schedule an appointment.
After the appointment at the school (the student and one caregiver must be present), the student will be ready for orientation, Bridge to Kindergarten, or any other introductory events each school may host. Read more about the registration process.
Try Online Registration
Parents may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process.
When registering, parents will create (or log in to an existing) SIS ParentVUE account. Please note that passwords should be more than 12 characters long. If you have an existing account and your password is shorter, please update it when you log in.
Please reach out to the office staff at FBESPrimaryOfficeStaff@fcps.edu if you have any questions.
Mount Vernon District Elementary School Kindergarten Orientations
- Crestwood Elementary School April 2, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
- Island Creek Elementary School April 2, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
- Woodlawn Elementary School April 2, 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
- Fort Belvoir Primary School May 3, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
The list will be updated throughout the month.
PreK, Early Head Start, and Head Start Enrollment Open Now
High Quality Early Childhood Program for Income Eligible Families. Limited spots available for children aged 3 or 4 by September 30 in the PreK program. Read more and apply online.
Head Start & Early Head Start, Fairfax County Office for Children
Apply today for quality early childhood education for children birth to five years old and services for pregnant women at no cost to eligible families. Questions? Call 703-324-8290 or read more online.
Mount Vernon District School Updates
School Events and Activities
March is Reading Month at Hollin Meadows
Throughout the month of March, Hollin Meadows students and staff will celebrate March Reading Month with several activities. The school’s annual Book Parade will take place on Friday March 22.
Students and staff will carry a copy of a book they have read or that has been read to them. All classes will parade inside the school so that others can see the books being shared. The main idea of the parade is to celebrate reading and books. Hollin Meadows families may refer to information sent home in the Tuesday folders on March 12.
Woodley Hills Elementary School Career Day, March 21, 9:00 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Career Day at Woodley Hills Elementary School (WHES) will be held on Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The school’s goal is to expose students to a wide range of careers and to help them develop an awareness of the many facets of the career world. Students are asked to dress-up in their favorite career attire or wear a favorite college shirt on Career Day!
Organizers send a huge thank you to all the parents and community members who are taking time out of their busy schedules to volunteer! Career Day would not be a success without you!
For more information, contact Dr. Trina Clinkscales at (703) 799-2000 (trclinkscale@fcps.edu) or Ms. Karen Thompson (703) 799-2000) (kfthompson@fcps.edu).
Laurel Hill Elementary School Literacy Night
When: March 21, 2024
Time: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Where: Laurel Hill Elementary School, 8390 Laurel Crest Drive, Lorton, VA 22079.
South County High School Hosts Winterguard & Drumline Competition
On March 23rd, South County HS will host The Atlantic Indoor Association (AIA) Winterguard and Drumline Championships. The winterguard incorporates flags, sabers, mock rifles with dance. The drumline is composed of several types of drums divided into the pit, battery and front ensemble with cymbals, xylophones, snare drums, and base drums rounding out the sound.
Come on down to see a great show. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. First performance at 9:00 a.m. More details and information available online.
Bryant High School Hosts 2024 Career Fair, April 17
Jumpstart your future career!
When: April 17, 8:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.
Where: Bryant High School, 2709 Popkins Lane, Alexandria, VA 22306
Thinking about life after high school? Explore existing job paths and meet employers eager to welcome the next generation of talent.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Fort Belvoir Primary Family Liaison Donation Request
Fort Belvoir Primary seeks gently used clothing (boys/girls) sizes 6-12. They also need new undergarments in their original packing. All donations may be dropped off at the Primary Main Office.
For any questions, please contact Ms. Elliott at delliott@fcps.edu. Fort Belvoir Primary thanks you in advance for your contributions.
Fort Belvoir Primary Family Liaison Donation Request
Fort Belvoir Primary seeks gently used clothing (boys/girls) sizes 6-12. They also need new undergarments in their original packing. All donations may be dropped off at the Primary Main Office.
For any questions, please contact Ms. Elliott at delliott@fcps.edu. Fort Belvoir Primary thanks you in advance for your contributions.
South County Middle School Food for Neighbors
Thanks to the incredible donation by Food for Neighbors we have food packs available for students to bring home for Spring Break.
If you are interested in your student(s) receiving a Spring Break Food Pack, please complete this online survey. On the survey, please select if you prefer to pick it up during the week, or if you want it provided to your student at the end of the day Friday. If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Payne at japayne2@fcps.ed.
Edison Food Pantry
The Edison High School PTSA Food Pantry Initiatives Committee was created to help Edison families in need. The committee will provide food during Spring Break for Edison families who may be suffering from food insecurity.
- Edison families in need should contact edisonptsa@gmail.com. The PTSA will ensure that your student receives an ALDI gift card for your family on either Thursday, March 21 or Friday, March 22.
- Donate online
If you have questions, please contact Chair, Edison Food Pantry at chairfoodpantry.edisonptsa@gmail.com
Sports and Athletics
Hayfield Athletic Hall of Fame Accepting Nominations
Hayfield Secondary School is introducing the Hayfield Secondary Athletic Hall of Fame. A Hall of Fame committee has been selected and the 1st Hall of Fame Class will be inducted during the Fall of 2024.
Complete the online form to nominate someone for the Hall of Fame.
Woodlawn Little League 2024 Spring Baseball and Softball
Woodlawn Little League provide boys and girls ages 4-16 with an exciting experience, whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out. Learn more and register online.
Springfield Challenger Baseball League 2024 Spring Season
Springfield Challenger Baseball, Little League Baseball for kids, teens and adults with special needs, will open its 31st season starting April 7th. The league will have plenty of opportunities for new players.
The 2024 Spring Season begins April 7 - June 17. Game Times: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Beginning in 1993 with only nine players, they have grown to become one of the largest Challenger programs in the world, fielding over one hundred players annually in three age appropriate divisions. The program is geared to all ages, Little Challengers (ages 4-12), Majors (ages 13-19), and a young adult league.
All games are on Sunday afternoons at West Springfield Little League Byron Avenue fields, games are non-competitive and adapt to each player’s individual needs.
For more information, contact either Eddie Garretson ( EGarret166@aol.com, 703-304-2330) or Logan Bruno ( logan.garretson@gmail.com, 571-331-1167).
Parent and Family Engagement Opportunities
Newington Forest ES
- Friday, March 22- PTA Donuts with Grown Ups, 7:45-8:30AM, Cafeteria
Edison High School
- Thursday, March 21, Parent University: Mental Health Awareness, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., Edison High School Lecture Hall
Edison High School will host an important information session on mental health awareness, focusing on depression and anxiety. This session aims to provide strategies for navigating the mental health challenges within our community.
During the session, staff will offer comprehensive presentations on identifying signs, understanding symptoms, and accessing available resources for support. Organizers will facilitate a student panel discussion. Students will share their perspectives on what parents need to know about mental health and provide suggestions on fostering open dialogues within families.
This event promises to be an enriching experience, offering valuable information and fostering constructive conversations about mental health within our community. All parents, guardians, and students are encouraged to attend and participate actively.
School Fundraisers
Edison High School PTSA Online Auction
The Edison High School PTSA will be hosting an ONLINE AUCTION fundraiser in late March. We would appreciate any items you would like to donate such as tickets, gift cards or services. Students: do you have any art or services you would like to donate such as tutoring or babysitting? Teachers: Would you like to donate a lunch with students? Admin: Do you want to donate your time? We would love to get the entire Edison community involved! Please contact Maisi Julian at vpmembershipedisonptsa@gmail.com with any questions or to donate.
Help South County Seniors Meet Financial Obligations for Graduation Activities
A South County Senior and his sister (Sophomore) have initiated a fundraising campaign to raise funds for Seniors at South County who are unable to meet the financial obligations of their senior year. This includes graduation dues and ANGP tickets.
All funds will be requested through school counselors in order ensure anonymity. All funds raised by these two exceptional students will be donated to the PTSO and earmarked for the financial support of Seniors with a demonstrated need.
Donate online to support students who may need extra help paying for senior class/graduation activities.
West Potomac High PTSA Spring Donation Campaign
Help West Potomac High School finish the year strong. Your donation matters. Donations support:
- Teacher grants
- Student recognition
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Subsidizing field trips
- School improvements
Donate online today.
FCPS Events and Activities
FCPS Military Night (Virtual) – March 20th at 6:00 PM
FCPS Virtual Military Night is March 20, 2024, from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. This event features U.S. service academies, ROTC programs, congressional representatives, senior military colleges, and enlistment recruiters. It is open to all FCPS students and families interested in learning more about military education and service options. A zoom link and detailed schedule will be shared closer to the event date.
Magnet School Application and Lottery Information
The Magnet Program registration window will be open through Friday, April 12, 2024. No late applications are accepted.
Spring Break Reminder
This year, spring break is March 25-29. We will welcome your children back to school on Wednesday, April 3, after two teacher work days. Student attendance is very important. Every day, our teachers will be teaching, and students will be learning. Studies have shown that just two absences per month can cause students to fall behind. Let’s finish this school year strong. Visit FCPS’ website for attendance resources.
Sign Up for FCPS Summer Camps
Registration is now open for several summer camps and learning opportunities offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools.
Tech Adventure Camp is available for current grade K-5 students to explore STEAM, culinary, health, trades, and business and marketing areas. E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for elementary students who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Visit the E-IFTA webpage to register.
Registration Now Open for VIP Summer Camp, Rising 7th-8th Graders
2024 VIP Summer Camp will be held at Sandburg MS July 1st – August 1st 2024. Sandburg MS will serve rising 7th and 8th grade students from Key MS, Twain MS, Hayfield SS, Sandburg MS, and Whitman MS. The online application is now live.
Contact the Middle School After-School Specialist at your middle school for more information.
Adult English (ESOL) Classes Intake Testing and Registration Information
All classes offered by FCPS Adult ESOL are in-person. Please call at 703-658-2777 to find out the times and cost or visit the website. All new students must take an intake test before registering for a class.
For New Student Intake testing
- Find the location where you want to study from the chart below.
- Choose the class schedule that is convenient for you.
- Go to the testing for that location and class time. No appointment is necessary. You must attend testing at the location and time you want classes.
Note: Because of high demand and limited space, it’s essential to attend testing at the location and time you want classes.
Adult English (ESOL) Classes begin April 8, 2024 and run for nine weeks.
Purple Up! on April 17 to Support Military Families
Join our community and turn FCPS purple on Purple Up! Day, Wednesday, April 17. Wear purple in recognition of FCPS’ 14,000 enrolled military-connected students.
Community Events and Activities
2024 Spring Break Camp Registration Now Open
The Spring Camp program provides exciting opportunities for self-discovery and skill-building, with an emphasis on team-building and leadership. The program offers a variety of hands-on experiences in a safe and fun environment. Visit Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services online for Spring Camp registration information and other details.
The Ides of Bark with Mount Vernon Supervisor Dan Storck, Sunday, March 24, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Please join Supervisor Dan Storck and the Fairfax County Park Authority for the Ides of Bark Dog Festival on Sunday, March 24 from 1 - 4 p.m. at Grist Mill Park, 4710 Mt. Vernon Memorial HWY, Alexandria.
The day features treats from local canine businesses, playtime in the dog park, pet care and delicious food from local Mount Vernon District business, Chalkboard Wings & BBQ. The Festival is a paw-sitively wonderful way to connect with our community, meet new friends (4-legged and 2-legged) and enjoy a day in the park.
Northern Virginia Community College Orientation for Students with Disabilities, April 17, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
FCPS and Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) are offering an opportunity for students with disabilities interested in attending NOVA to learn about available options. The orientation will include presentations from Accommodations and Accessibility Services and Counseling Services, a mock NOVA classroom experience for students, and a NOVA student panel with Q&A session. It will be held at NOVA’s Annandale Campus on Wednesday, April 17th from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Register online.
Therapeutic Recreation Services- Summer Camp Open House
When: Friday March 22, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Where: Jim Scott Community Center, 3001 Vaden Drive, Fairfax, VA 22031
Join an open house to learn more about TRS summer camp programs for individuals with disabilities (ages: 5-22). Come take part in a variety of family friendly activities, talk to camp staff, and experience a taste of the fun we have during summertime!
- Photo Booth - Sensory Room - Arts & Crafts-
- Sensory Activities- Light Refreshments & Snacks -
- Summer Camp Info Session - And More!
Therapeutic Recreation offers affordable summer camp experiences for individuals (ages 5-22) with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, physical disabilities, emotional disabilities, learning disabilities, and/or attention deficit disorders. The summer will be packed full of special events, art activities, sensory play, games, sports, outdoor play, music activities and more. Summer 2024 registration begins April 10, 2024. Registration is through TRACERS. More information can be found on the Therapeutic Recreation website.
2024 Feminine Supplies Drive
Period poverty is defined as the lack of access to safe and clean menstrual products and hygiene facilities. The inability to acquire these essential hygiene products impacts the overall physical and emotional health of those who menstruate.
Join Mount Vernon Supervisor Dan Storck in supporting our local shelters and nonprofits by donating new and sealed packages of tampons, pads, liners, and menstrual cups. Help make a difference today! Read more about this initiative.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia