Newington Forest ES: College Funding Day

SES College


On March 20th @ 6 PM, the College Funding Coach® will present their Little-Known Secrets of Paying for College workshop at Silverbrook Elementary School. 

With the cost of college so high, parents can simply no longer wait until their student is in high school to start efficiently planning for the cost of college. As most parents are realizing, if they wait until their child is in high school to start saving for college, it’s the equivalent of waiting three years before retirement to start putting money aside for their golden years.

The College Funding Coach® is here to help families figure out HOW to pay for it and still retire one day. You'll discover strategies that may enable you to qualify for financial aid, sources for scholarships, and strategies for maximizing your wealth and minimizing your tax exposure, giving you greater cash flow for funding a college education.

Please join Silverbrook Elementary on March 20th @ 6 PM. This is information you can't afford to miss! To reserve your seat, please Register Here