Kindergarten Parent Information Meeting Link

Kindergarten Parent Information Session

We look forward to seeing our rising kindergarten parents/guardians on Wednesday, March 20th at 8am. We will have our kindergarten teachers, Administration and support staff come together to discuss kindergarten for the next school year.  We will record the session in order for parents to watch if you are unable to attend that morning.

Here is the Zoom Meeting Link:  

Meeting ID: 913 7393 7405

Passcode: 901381

Note that we will host school tours and provide kindergarteners an opportunity to join a classroom and check out a kindergarten room Tuesday, April 2nd at 2:00 p.m.  To sign up for a tour, please complete this google form. 

We would love to know more about your kindergartener!  Please complete this google form in order for us to support them for the 2024-25 school year.