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Hello FCPS Braddock District Families -
This week I was fortunate to experience two of my favorite things - the onset of real spring weather and the sound of music in our schools!
 School Board Members with the Robinson Secondary School Symphonic Band, Band Director Anthony Loft and RSS Principal Tracey Phillips.
First, Springfield District School Board Member Sandy Anderson and I visited Robinson Secondary School on Wednesday to present Band Director Andrew Loft with the Virginia Music Educators Association (VMEA) award for Selected Performing Ensemble Group. As part of the award, the Robinson Symphonic Band was selected to perform at the 2023 VMEA conference that was held in November 2023 in Richmond.
The students were unable to attend our last school board meeting to receive this honor, so we were delighted to deliver it to their classroom and enjoy a few moments of beautiful music! Music is a critical part of early childhood development, a beacon during formative adolescent and teen years, and an inspiration for a lifetime.
 FCPS School Board Members Rachna Sizemore Heizer and Sandy Anderson present WMEA certificate to RSS Band Director Andrew Loft.
If you're looking for a fun evening out, go hear the RSS Symphonic Band the night before they leave for the prestigious Music for All National Concert Band Festival in Indianapolis! The concert is at Robinson's Russell Theatre at 7 p.m. tonight, Tuesday March 19.
Part of what is so incredible about this accomplishment is that these students represent just a fraction of the tens of thousands of their peers studying music, arts and theater across FCPS' award-winning programs, not to mention the hundreds of brilliant educators who make it happen every day. Join me in wishing them all a Happy Music, Theatre & Arts Month for the remainder of March!
On Thursday, I had the treat of attending a rehearsal of the FCPS Parent Orchestra, conducted by Annandale High School Orchestra Director and recent GRAMMY winner Annie Ray! This was so much fun! I truly commend those who realize it's never too late to try something new, or to stretch those musical muscles that might not have been used in awhile. And I learned something: playing an upright bass can be a great workout!
I hope you have a wonderful, safe, and happy spring break!
 Rachna Sizemore Heizer playing upright bass at FCPS Parent Orchestra rehearsal.
Neurodiversity News: School Board to Consider Affirmation Week Proclamation on March 21
This Thursday, March 21, the School Board will consider adopting its first-ever proclamation recognizing March 18-24 as Neurodiversity Affirmation Week.
I am so pleased to be the sponsor of this important proclamation, which outlines certain principles regarding how the board and school system should embrace and affirm neurodiversity in public education. We are making progress in this area but there is so much more we can do to ensure that everyone has equal access to education and is able to participate without having to assimilate.
If you are touched by this issue in any way, I invite you to attend the board's regular meeting at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 21 at Luther Jackson Middle School. This moment is about you.
Also, FCPS has a new resource to help constantly affirm neurodivergence and the diverse spectrum of human experience during Neurodiversity Affirmation Week and beyond. New, staff-designed posters were delivered to the main offices at every school and center starting March 7, and digital copies are available to students, staff, families, offices, and community partners. The poster is printable so you can prominently display it in any space to raise up neurodiversity within our schools and the larger community.
FY2024-25 Budget Status
I'd like to extend a sincere thank you to Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw, who was gracious to host me on a special budget town hall aired live on March 11 on Fairfax County's Channel 16. County Executive Bryan Hill also was a featured guest as we discussed budget priorities and answered constituent questions on the air. The archived program can be viewed here.
 Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw, me, and Fairfax County Executive Bryan Hill at Channel 16 studios on March 11.
As you may be aware, the School Board in February passed Dr. Michelle Reid's request for approximately $3.8 billion for the FY25 budget and forwarded its spending plan to the County Board of Supervisors for consideration as part of the overall county budget. I remain hopeful that the Board of Supervisors will approve the schools budget as submitted, as it primarily consists of increased compensation, necessary to recruit and retain the best teachers. We cannot have excellent schools without excellent teachers, and compensation is critical in this era of national staffing shortages.
I encourage you to participate in the budget process.
More on the School Board's budget process is available here.
More on the Board of Supervisors' process is available here.
School Board Approves Elementary Language Arts Basal Instructional Resources
 Children reading on a bright-colored carpet.
At its March 7 regular meeting, the School Board voted to approve the purchase of Benchmark Advance as the basal instructional resource for elementary language arts. Basal materials are foundational materials used for instruction. These materials are aligned with the Science of Reading and will be implemented in all K-6 classrooms in school year 2024-25.
The resource will:
- Ensure that all students in K-6 are instructed via the “science of reading” approach, which is proven to be the strongest approach to ensure literacy mastery.
- Align literacy instruction across the entire school division, for teaching strategies and thematic content.
- Provide content designed to build knowledge, vocabulary, and perspectives via thematic units across grade bands.
- Meets the requirements of the Virginia Literacy Act.
- Allow adjustments to best instruct our students with disabilities and our English language learners.
I am proud to have been a long-time supporter of bringing basal resources to our schools, and am grateful to all who helped make this happen.
School Board Explores Middle School Start Times
At the Feb. 22 School Board meeting, Prismatic Services Inc. presented an analysis of middle school start times including background information and community engagement plans.
In September 2023, Prismatic was awarded a contract to explore adjusting middle school start times to 8 a.m. or later, beginning in the fall of 2025. The change must be budget-neutral and not affect other school start times. View the presentation slides.
Take the Family Engagement Survey
 FCPS families interacting in different educational settings.
FCPS’ Family Engagement Survey is now open. Survey partner K12 Insight emailed a link to families on March 3 and again on March 6. Please participate! Your feedback is critical in helping to inform and improve FCPS practices to best support our students.
The survey is available in 10 languages. All responses are confidential. Please check your email for the survey invitation or use this survey link. Get more information on the Family Engagement Survey webpage.
First-class Award Nominations
The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the First Class Awards. The awards are presented annually to educators, administrators, and students who support, design, and/or implement inclusion activities that result in positive outcomes for students. The ACSD will recognize award winners at the Family Summit on Saturday, April 20.
Nominate someone who has made an exceptional contribution to inclusive practices in FCPS by Friday, March 22. Email SpecialEdConf@fcps.edu with questions.
The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© 2024 Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia