Our kindergarteners shared their creative ideas and inventions at the Inventors Expo today! Students have been learning all about different community helpers and the tools they use for their jobs. Each student designed and built an invention for a community helper of their choice.
TC Families,
Please check your child's backpack for the “Student’s Intention For The Next School Year” form that was sent home today. We are asking families to fill out and return the form to school ASAP. This information is critical to help us plan our staffing needs for the 2024-2025 school year based on enrollment. Additionally, state regulations require that we determine the educational intentions of students leaving FCPS.
Please see below for important information about award nominations, book fair, military family night, math night, the solar eclipse, fun fair, and more!
Enjoy your weekend!
Rebecca Gidoni, Principal
Melanie Jewell, Acting Assistant Principal
Important Information
SEPTA Award Nominations - Due March 17
Calling all families! Last call for SEPTA award nominations. Please consider nominating that special someone at TC who has made a memorable impact on your child. This could be a bus driver, teacher, support staff member, cafe worker, anyone! We strive for inclusion and collaboration at TC, thank a staff member by nominating them for their dedication.
Nominations Open for First Class Award for Inclusion
The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the First Class Awards. The awards are presented annually to educators, administrators, and students who support, design, and/or implement inclusion activities that result in positive outcomes for students. The ACSD will recognize award winners at the Family Summit on Saturday, April 20.
Nominate an individual who has made an exceptional contribution to inclusive practices in Fairfax County Public Schools by Friday, March 22. Email SpecialEdConf@fcps.edu with questions.
Spring Book Fair is Here! |
Military Connected Students
Terra Centre is excited to honor our military connected students during the month of April, Month of the Military Child. We are inviting all our military connected students to complete the form to be showcased on a school bulletin board. Please complete and return the form by April 3, 2024.
Please RSVP for Math Night
TCES Math Night is on Thursday, April 4th from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Families will get to learn, play, and take Math Games home with them that focus on Fact Fluency for your Child's Grade Level.
To ensure we have enough games at each grade level, we are asking if you could please click on the link below and let us know if your family is planning to attend and what grade level your child is currently in.
Thank you so much for your feedback in helping us plan a great night for all!
We are looking forward to seeing you then!
Math Night Family Attendance Survey
☀️ Safely View the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8
A total solar eclipse will occur on Monday, April 8, and will be viewable, depending on weather, in Fairfax County. The eclipse will begin in our area around 2:04 p.m. and end around 4:32 p.m., with the maximum eclipse occurring around 3:20 p.m.
Because the timing overlaps with dismissal, it is crucial that students understand the importance of safe viewing practices. We encourage families to review these Solar Eclipse Resources, especially the eye safety information. We hope everyone takes the opportunity to learn more about this extraordinary natural phenomenon while prioritizing safe solar viewing.
Our PTA Fun Fair will be Saturday, April 13th from 1-4pm! This is our biggest event of the year; we'll have carnival games, inflatable obstacle courses, a petting zoo, and more! Get your tickets early at a big discount!
Lost and Found
Lost and Found is overflowing! Please take a moment to stop by and check it out before Spring Break. Items will be donated after March 22.
Do You Have A Rising Kindergartner for the 2024 - 2025 School Year? |
Kindergarten registration information is available on the Terra Centre website and the FCPS website. FCPS online registration for the 24-25 school year should be available in March. If you would like to register in person, please contact our registrar, Dee Cunningham at dmcunningham@fcps.edu or 703-249-1400.
Mark your calendar for our Kindergarten Orientation scheduled for Tuesday, April 2nd - 2:00-4:00p.m.
- Yearbooks are $15 for softcover
- Ordering deadline is April 19, 2024
- Online ordering only at https://www.barksdalephoto.com/
- Go to "What are you looking for?" and select "Order Your Yearbook."
- Enter Access Code: 0038625YB
Take the Family Engagement Survey Today!
If you haven’t already, please take FCPS’ Family Engagement Survey today! Survey results will help us to better recognize, understand, respect, and address family strengths and needs in our school community. Survey topics include:
- Welcoming environment
- Communication
- Student success
- Advocacy
- Family and school partnerships
- Community partnerships
The survey is available in 10 languages. Please check your email for a message from FCPS partner, K12 Insight, with a link to the survey or access the survey now. Your voice matters!
Summer Camps and Learning Programs
Have you made summer plans for your child yet? Are you looking for a summer camp for your child with special needs?
The Family Resource Center has compiled information on summer camps including local options, camps for students with special needs (sorted by need), and camps for students experiencing grief or who have parents in the military.
Mark Your Calendar
March 18th-22nd - Spring Book Fair
March 25th-29th - Spring Break (No School - Office is Closed)
Monday, April 1st - Teacher Workday (No School for Students)
Tuesday, April 2nd - Staff Development Day (No School for Students)
2:00-4:00 Kindergarten Orientation
Wednesday, April 3rd - 7:00 Military Connected Family Night (Cafeteria)
Thursday, April 4th - TC Math Night
Wednesday, April 10th - Eid al-Fitr Holiday (No School)
Saturday, April 13th - 1:00-4:00 PTA Fun Fair
Terra Centre SOL Testing Schedule
Wednesday, May 1 - Reading (Grades 3-6)
Wednesday, May 8 - Science (Grades 3-6)
Wednesday, May 15 - Math (Grades 3-6)
☎️ Parent Information Phone Lines Available in Eight Languages
Parents/caregivers who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese may call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS. View the list of phone numbers.
Quick Links