SEES students enjoyed a wonderful performance from the talented Lewis HS choir!
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Date Reminders
March 14: Math Night for Grades 4-6. Calling all Grade 4-6 mathematicians! Join us for estimation activities for the whole family, grade-level station rotations involving our favorite math games, a Q&A about family support in math and more!
March 15: SEES Spirit Day: Wear green, rainbow and/or gold for St. Patrick's Day!
March 19-20: PTA Restaurant Night at Hangry Burger. 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. on both nights! 15% of proceeds benefits the PTA.
March 21: Spring Cardboard Challenge. Details coming soon.
March 25 - 29: Spring Break for students and staff.
April 1 - 2: School planning days. School is closed for students.
April 3: PTA meeting. 6 p.m., SEES Cafeteria.
April 10: School Holiday - Eid al Fitr. School is closed for staff and students.
April 12: Deadline for ordering yearbooks. Prices start at $17.00. Place your order online here; our school ID code is 5582424.
April 17: Purple Up Day. Wear purple to support military children.
April 20: Beautification Day. Details coming soon.
April 25: Heritage Night. Details coming soon.
Notes from the Nest
In our SEES school community, we S.O.A.R., meaning that we demonstrate: Support, Optimism, Acceptance, and Responsibility.
Dear SEES Community,
I hope this letter finds you SOARing high! I wanted to take a moment to highlight some of the exciting accomplishments and activities from the past week here at SEES.
Hold on to Your Hats: I want to commend our students and staff for their exemplary behavior during our recent tornado drill. It's crucial that we prioritize safety, and their cooperation and readiness were truly impressive.
Hear the Music: Additionally, we were treated to a wonderful performance by the Lewis High School choir. It was a delightful experience for our students, and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to enjoy their talent and hard work.
Time has Soared by and SOL’s are Just Around the Corner: I'm pleased to announce that the SOL testing calendar is now available. It’s time to spread our wings and prepare to showcase our knowledge and skills. Please ensure to review the calendar carefully, and let's work together to support our students as they prepare for these important assessments.
Thank you to everyone for your continued dedication and support in making SEES a thriving learning community.
April Martin
Proud Principal
P.S. Don't forget to follow us on social media for daily updates and photos! and
School-Based Administrator Performance Evaluation Program SY2023-24
On Monday, March 18, SEES parents/guardians will be sent an email containing a link to complete the online FCPS Principal Evaluation Parent/Guardian Feedback Form. This questionnaire is part of the VDOE-mandated Performance Evaluation Program for principals and offers parents/guardians an opportunity to provide anonymous input about various topics related to our school. These topics include how the principal demonstrates/impacts instructional leadership, school climate, management, communication and community relations, culturally responsive and equitable leadership, and professionalism within the school.
The questionnaire will be administered between March 18 and April 5. When you receive an email from FCPS Surveys, please take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your feedback matters!
This year, the first full day of Ramadan is Monday, March 11. In Islam, Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year. During this month Muslims abstain from food and drink from dawn to sunset each day while striving to increase their spirituality, through prayers, charity and good deeds. Read more about Ramadan in National Geographic Kids.
March 11 is an O day. The school calendar recognizes many religious and cultural observances (O days) during the school year. There is school on these days, however tests, quizzes, field trips, graduation, homecoming, or FCPS-scheduled athletic events will not be held on these observance days. Half-O days are full school days, but important events will not be held after school on those days.
All students at SEES are offered an alternate space during the lunch period instead of the cafeteria during Ramadan. Teachers will be checking in with students to learn their preference prior to the start of Ramadan. Parents are also welcome to contact the teacher to share their request and any questions or concerns.
From Our Family Liaison
Elementary Institute for the Arts and Camp Fairfax
Students in all FCPS schools can enroll in the Elementary Institute for the Arts. E-IFTA is a weekly Arts enrichment program for students in rising 3rd through 6th grades during the month of July. Students take classes in Art, Music, Theatre, and Dance every day. Transportation is provided from around the county. Tuition assistance is available for students who qualify. Check out the Elementary Institute for the Arts website for more information or email
Camp Fairfax (summer SACC) registration opens March 12, using a staggered registration process. A sliding fee scale is available for income eligible families. For questions or more information visit the Camp Fairfax website or contact Camp Fairfax registration at 703-449-8989.
Family Engagement Survey
Your voice matters! Share your thoughts around important topics impacting your student’s success. By participating in the Family Engagement Survey, parents/caregivers are making their voices heard. Survey topics include:
- Welcoming environment
- Communication
- Student success
- Advocacy
- Family and school partnerships
- Community partnerships
Help us better recognize, understand, respect, and address family strengths and needs in our schools.
Visit the Family Engagement Survey webpage for more information.
Registration for Spring computer and coding classes with STEM exCEL is open. Please go to to register. Details on the flyer below.
2024-2025 PTA Board: The SEES PTA is seeking board member nominations for the 2024-2025 school year. Our board consists of President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. If you are interested in serving, please reach out to Amy Garcia ( or Alexia O'Neill (