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The Lion’s Roar
March 1, 2024
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 3/5 – Student Holiday/School Planning Day – Students DO NOT Report
Thursday, 3/7 – Tornado Drill
Thursday, 3/7 – Celebration of Cultures Spirit Day (wear clothes that represent your culture or heritage) and Celebration of Cultures Night, 6 – 8 p.m.
Monday, March 11th & Tuesday, March 12th – Lane PTA Restaurant Nights at Ledo Pizza
- Friday, 3/15 – PTA Basket Bingo, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Monday, 3/25 through Friday, 3/29 – Spring Break, school and office CLOSED
Monday, 4/1 & Tuesday, 4/2 – Student Holidays/Teacher Workdays – Students DO NOT REPORT
Wednesday, 4/10 – Eid al Fitr Holiday – School and Office CLOSED
In This Issue
- Student Holiday/School Planning Day on Tuesday, March 5th!
- Celebration of Cultures Night and “Show Off Your Culture” Spirit Day Next Thursday!
- Tornado Drill Scheduled for Thursday, March 7th
- Kiss and Ride Safety Message: Please Observe One-Way Traffic Pattern!
- Family Engagement Survey Opens March 3rd!
- Ramadan Begins March 10th
- 2023-2024 Yearbooks Now on Sale! Early Bird Price Ends March 23rd
- Purple Up! on April 17th to Support Military Families
- New Dates for Walk In My Shoes! Parent Volunteers Needed!
- PTA News: Basket Bingo ticket sales continue, March restaurant nights
- Parent Resources: 2024-2025 registration information, military resources and opportunities, magnet school lottery information, upcoming webinars for parents
- Community Events & Activities: Hayfield Craft Fair
- FCPS News & Announcements: Budget funding, Community Conversation on fentanyl and other drugs
News & Notes

Student Holiday/School Planning Day on Tuesday, March 5th!
Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Tuesday, March 5th, which will be a Student Holiday and a virtual School Planning Day for staff.
The Fairfax Board of Elections has requested that schools be closed that day to accommodate the safe and efficient administration of the 2024 presidential primary election.
Central offices, school offices, and SACC will remain open.

Celebration of Cultures Night and “Show Off Your Culture” Spirit Day Next Thursday!
Are you ready to travel the world without leaving Lane?
If so, pack your sense of fun and adventure, and join us for Celebration of Cultures Night on Thursday from 6 to 8 p.m. Over 20 families have signed up to share their culture that night through food, music, art, and more! You’ll be able to browse cultural displays, sample international foods, enjoy performances, and connect with other Lane families with heritages from all over the world! It’s all free and fun for Lane Lions of all ages. All families are welcome!
Doors will open at 6 p.m. Families setting up displays or performing that night should arrive between 5:30 and 5:45 p.m. Please remember that this is not a drop-off event and that all children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
If you’d like to share your culture, it’s not too late to sign-up! If you’d like to host a display, share food samples, or perform, please fill out this form. All cultures are welcome! You do not need to be from a foreign country to participate. We want to learn about all of our families!
Spirit day helps set the stage
To get everyone into the spirit for Celebration of Cultures Night, Thursday will also be “Show Off Your Culture” Day! All students and staff are encouraged to wear something that represents their heritage or culture.
We hope your child will participate in our spirit days, and we hope to see your family on Thursday night!
Tornado Drill Scheduled for Thursday, March 7th
Lane students and staff will practice a tornado drill on Thursday, March 7th at 9:45 a.m. This is a required safety measure, just like fire drills. The purpose is to practice what to do in case there is tornadic activity in the area during the school day. During the drill students will sit on the floor in shelter areas. It should not last more than 15 minutes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Allen Dickens at adickens@fcps.edu or Julie Kubiak at jbkubiak@fcps.edu.
Kiss and Ride Safety Message: Please Observe One-Way Traffic Pattern!
Speaking of safety, we would like to remind everyone about the one-way traffic patterns at Kiss and Ride during arrival and dismissal. The main entrance off Beulah Street is closed during these times, and all incoming traffic must enter from Silver Lake Boulevard and join the line or turn into the back parking lot.
There has been a rise in the number of drivers turning into the exit lane at the light at the entrance on Beulah and driving the wrong way to access the back parking lot. This is not only dangerous, it is illegal. Please follow the clearly marked arrows on the pavement and the traffic pattern. Don’t put yourself or others at risk. Thank you for your cooperation in this very important matter.

Family Engagement Survey Opens March 3rd
Fairfax County Public Schools will administer its third Family Engagement Survey from Sunday, March 3rd through Friday, March 22nd. The survey is designed to gather data to further inform implementation of the 2023-30 Strategic Plan. One such component of the Strategic Plan that will benefit is Pillar B: Vibrant Home, School, & Community Partnerships.
The survey will help us to better recognize, understand, respect, and address family strengths and needs in our school community. It will also be used to measure our current success with family engagement and allow us to deepen that engagement and continue building trust while empowering families to support their students’ success. In addition, data will support our School Innovation and Improvement Plan (SIIP) strategies aligned to specific goals and metrics.
FCPS will email a survey link to you through SIS this Sunday, March 3rd. If you would like to complete the paper version of the survey, please come to the Lane office.
Translations of the survey will available in nine languages: Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Pashtu, Spanish, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Please visit the Family Engagement Survey webpage for more information.
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Julie Kubiak at jbkubiak@fcps.edu.
Ramadan Begins March 10th
Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year in Islam. During this month Muslims abstain from food and drink from dawn to sunset each day while striving to increase their spirituality, through prayers, charity, and good deeds. Read more about Ramadan in National Geographic Kids.
This year, the first full day of Ramadan is Monday, March 11th, which is an O day in FCPS. The school calendar recognizes many religious and cultural observances (O days) during the school year. There is school on these days, however tests, quizzes, field trips, graduation, homecoming, or FCPS-scheduled athletic events will not be held on these observance days. Half-O days are full school days, but important events will not be held after school on those days. See the complete 2023-24 school year calendar.
Throughout the year, as we celebrate and recognize various cultural holidays and observances, families are encouraged to contact the Lane administrators regarding accommodations, including but not limited to those around lunch, prayer/meditation and silent reflection spaces and times, and instruction. You can find their contact information on our school website.
2023-2024 Yearbooks Now on Sale! Early Bird Price Ends March 23rd!
School yearbooks are now on sale. The basic book is just $16.50 now, but the price will go up to $20 in March. Order now and save!
There are options such as imprinted name on the cover, extra autograph pages, and stickers you can choose to add.
Ordering is simple: Just go to http://ybpay.lifetouch.com, put in yeabook ID code 10217424, and pay with your credit card. Early-bird deadline is Saturday, March 23rd!
PLEASE NOTE: There most likely will not be any additional books for sale in June. If you want your child to have a yearbook, please order one now.
Purple Up! on April 17th to Support Military Families
Did you know that Lane has more than 150 students who are military-connected? April is the Month of the Military Child, and we invite everyone in our community to help us celebrate and recognize these resilient and dedicated students who make their own sacrifices as their family members serve our country. Fairfax County Public Schools has more than 14,000 military-connected students across the division.
Wednesday, April 17th is Purple Up! Day for Military Kids, and we hope you’ll help us turn Lane and FCPS purple that day by wearing purple. Why purple, you may ask? Purple is the color of all the colors of the different military branches combined – Army green, Air Force blue, Navy blue, Coast Guard blue, Marine red, and Space Force dark blue.
Special FCPS Purple Up! T-shirts are available for purchase through Friday, March 8th, if you’d like to purchase one.

New Dates for Walk In My Shoes! Parent Volunteers Needed!
Lane will host a Walk in My Shoes event during P. E. classes on Tuesday, April 16th and Wednesday, April 17th. Postponed from December during Inclusive Schools Week, the purpose of this event is to give general-education students a broader understanding of the daily situations faced by some of their friends with developmental challenges and learning differences. The program fosters empathy for others and gets students thinking about how they might be able to help a friend. Here is the schedule for grade-level participation.
Tuesday, April 16th
- 5th grade: 9:45 – 11:15 a.m.
- 4th grade: 11:20 a.m. – 12:50 p.m.
- 2nd grade (except Peters): 1:55 – 2:55 p.m.
Wednesday, April 17th
- 6th grade: 9:45 - 11:15 a.m.
- 3rd grade: 11:20 a.m. – 12:20 p.m.
- Kindergarten and & Peters’ 2nd grade: 12:50 – 2:25 p.m.
- 1st grade: 3 – 4 p.m.
Each volunteer will receive a script and information regarding their activity and the challenge being explored. Depending on need, you may be asked to understudy a second station. Stations will be confirmed Monday, April 8th. You can review the available slots and sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44ACAE2BA6FA7-44908671-walk#/.
PTA News
PTA Basket Bingo Tickets Selling Fast!
Lane PTA’s Annual Basket Bingo event will be held on March 15th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.! Tickets are on sale NOW and selling fast! Be sure to purchase your tickets before the event sells out!
Please note that due to Fire Marshal room-capacity limits, the PTA can only sell 300 tickets. Every person, regardless of age, must have a ticket to attend!
This big event requires a lot of volunteer support, and there are many ways you can help. All volunteers will receive one free ticket to attend Basket Bingo (in most cases, you can volunteer and still play the games). For the few positions that cannot play along, free raffle tickets will be offered. To check out the ways you can help, please click here.
If you're interested in making a donation/contribution for a basket or a raffle prize, please contact basketbingo@lanepta.org. All vendors who make a donation will be recognized throughout the coming weeks!
March Restaurant Nights at Ledo Pizza, March 11th and 12th
Hungry for pizza, pasta, or other great Italian food? If so, plan to join the Lane PTA and other Lane Lion families for March Restaurant Nights at Ledo Pizza in Kingstowne on Monday, March 11th and Tuesday, March 12th from 4:30 to 9 p.m. A portion of all purchases by Lane families will be donated back to our school.
Parent Resources
Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…
There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:
- Determine eligibility.
- Identify your local school.
- Gather documents.
- Fill out forms.
- Schedule an appointment.
After the appointment at the school (the student and one caregiver must be present), the student will be ready for orientation, Bridge to Kindergarten, or any other introductory events each school may host. Read more about the registration process.
Lane will host a Kindergarten Orientation for incoming kindergarteners and their families on Tuesday, April 2nd from 9 to 10 a.m.
If you’re enrolling older children and would like more information about the school, please contact our family liaison, Melanie Crosby Hardy at macrosby@fcps.edu.
Registration for all grade levels will begin on Monday, April 8th. Parents/guardians of all new students must schedule an individual appointment with our registrar, Jami O’Hagan, to finalize enrollment. You can sign up now for appointments starting April 8th here.
Resources and Opportunities for Military Families
Operation Purple Camp
Operation Purple Camp takes your traditional summer camp and makes it even better! The free one-week overnight camp is exclusively for military kids and creates a space for them to celebrate all the ways Military Kids Serve Too®.
The camp builds community, connection, and resilience alongside Military Family Life Counselors, camp counselors, and military kids of all service branches. Select a camp location near you and apply today! The application will be open until March 15th. After March 15th, you can apply and be placed on the waitlist.
Questions? See the frequently asked questions, or join camp leaders at either of their upcoming informational Zoom meetings on Tuesday, March 5th, at 6 p.m. ET OR 9 p.m. ET. Link will be the same for both meetings.
No camp near you? The virtual Operation Purple Summer Challenge offers military families all around the globe the opportunity to connect, have fun, and try new things all from the comfort of their home. With registration starting in April, it is open to all who sign up. Subscribe to be notified when sign-ups are open.
Applications are open for military-connected kids of all service branches. Both active duty and veteran families are eligible. For more information, contact OPC@MilitaryFamily.org.
FCPS Virtual Military Family Gathering, March 13th
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) values the unique experiences and perspectives of our military-connected families and students.
Family and School Partnerships invites military-connected parents and guardians to attend a special virtual gathering to connect directly with FCPS staff and community members, learn about valuable resources, and share their experiences within FCPS.
This interactive session will be held on Wednesday, March 13, 2024, from 7 to 8 p.m. Please register for this event to receive the Zoom link and meeting invitation.
For more information about the gathering and/or military-connected resources, please email Meredith Ayala, Family Partnerships Specialist, Military-Connected Youth & Families, at mlayala1@fcps.edu or militaryfamilies@fcps.edu.
Magnet Schools Lottery Opens Tuesday, March 5th
Three FCPS elementary magnet schools provide programs that enhance learning in science, technology, and performing arts. Registration for the 2024-25 elementary magnet lottery is open Tuesday, March 5th through Friday, April 12th. Get more information about the schools, their programs, and locations.
Upcoming Free Webinars from the Family Resource Center
Behavior Solution Series for Elementary and Secondary Families: Taming Tantrums and More
Friday, March 15th, 10 to 11:30 a.m.
Join staff from the FCPS Behavior Intervention Services Department to help families encourage positive communication and behavior at home.
Parents, have you ever had a moment when things feel like a big puzzle and you just need the right pieces? We will share strategies to help when your child’s behavior feels like a rollercoaster. Learn how to turn meltdowns into moments that make you go 'ta-da.'
Register for all or part of the Behavior Solution Series for Families
Community Events & Activities
Hayfield Secondary Craft Fair Saturday, March 16th, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Hayfield Secondary School is holding its annual craft fair on Saturday, March 16th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.! There will be over 125 vendors selling amazing crafts, a silent auction that includes restaurant gift cards, Kate Spade purses, and a Williamsburg vacation!
Admission is free. There will be food and snacks for purchase. Proceeds benefit the All-Night Grad Party, which provides a safe environment for Hayfield seniors to celebrate their graduation with friends!
FCPS News & Announcements
Do You Know Where FCPS Funding Comes From?
The majority of FCPS funding is requested from the Fairfax County government, which generates its revenue from real estate and personal property taxes. The Commonwealth of Virginia provides the next largest source of revenue to FCPS through state aid and sales tax. |
The rest of the funding comes from a variety of sources, including federal aid and tuition for non-county residents. (The numbers above represent the FY 2025 proposed school operating fund in millions.)
FCPS does not have the authority to impose taxes and may only charge fees where the Commonwealth of Virginia has granted specific authority. Learn more about FCPS’ FY 2025 Advertised Budget.
Join a Community Conversation on Fentanyl and Other Drugs
A community conversation addressing the opioid crisis within Northern Virginia and Fairfax County Public Schools will be held Wednesday, March 18th, 6:30-8 p.m., in the auditorium at Lake Braddock Secondary School. Please enter through Door #14.
All attendees will receive a free REVIVE! Narcan training during the event and learn about support services currently available within FCPS and Fairfax County.
This discussion will provide families, staff, and students with valuable knowledge about the dangers of drugs and deadly fentanyl. The material discussed is suitable for students in grades 6-12. Together as a community, we aim to explore collaborative strategies to minimize the impact of these harmful and too-often fatal substances.
Language interpretation services are available as well as American Sign Language accommodation. Childcare and transportation will also be provided, as needed.
Learn more about the event and register online.