Oak Hill Basketball game Tshirts on sale now!

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Oak Hill Basketball Game Spirit Wear

The Oak Hill-Lees Corner 6th grade basketball game is April 12th.

The 6th Grade Basketball T-Shirt is now available to purchase on the Oak Hill PTA website. To access the T-Shirt Order form, Click here: https://oakhillpta.ptboard.com/.

  • Once you are on the PTA website,
  • Scroll down to “Forms and Payments.” T-shirts are being sold for $10 each and $12 sizes 2XL and above . The form to purchase T-shirts will close on Monday March 18th!

If your child is playing in the basketball game, they MUST purchase a t-shirt! This is mandatory to play in the game.

Other spirit wear/items for the game will be available beginning Monday , March 4th

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Bowe at Kabowe@fpcs.edu

Thank you,

6th Grade Team

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