Chantilly Academy Program Highlights


FFA Hosts a Community Grooming Day!

Career and Technical Student Organizations, or CTSOs, are an important part of CTE programs.  The goal of CTSOs is to enhance student learning through real-world application of concepts and skills they learn in the classroom.  FFA, the CTSO for our Veterinary Science program, hosted a community grooming event on Saturday, February 24th.  Members of the community were invited to sign up to bring their dogs in for grooming services and Chantilly Academy FFA members had a full schedule of clients!  This event exemplified the mission of CTSOs by providing FFA members with the opportunity to apply the skills they’ve learned in class in a real-world setting.  

You can learn more about FFA and other CTSOs by visiting  Thank you for celebrating CTE Month with us!       


Chantilly Academy Highlights


We welcomed students from McNair Elementary this week to tour the Academy and explore our programs.  Students in our Pharmacy Tech class led our visitors through a lesson in filling a prescription. 


State Boards are right around the corner and our Cosmetology 2 students are hard at work preparing.


Students in our PT/OT class were assessed on a variety of competencies this week including measuring the range of motion of a patient’s knee. 


Our Cyber IT students participated in a virtual panel discussion this week with five women with STEM careers at SAIC.  Each panelist shared their unique career journey and gave students invaluable advice for their own future careers. 


PT/OT took a field trip to NOVA’s Medical Education Campus (MEC) where they made a stop at the phlebotomy lab.