To read this newsletter in other languages, please visit our website.
Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.
Wednesday, 2/28: Staff v. Students Basketball Game, 7 pm @WSHS
Tuesday, 3/5: Student Holiday (no school)
Friday, 3/8: International Night, 7pm
Saturday, 3/9: Fairfax County Teen Job Fair @ WSHS
Thursday, 3/21: EL Parent's Night, 6:30pm
Friday, 3/22: End of 3rd Quarter
Monday, 3/25 - Friday, 3/29: Spring Break
‼️ Important Announcement ‼️
FCPS Transportation and our Director of Student Activities are asking parents and students not to part in the bus parking lanes near Door 5 and 6 after school hours. Busses returning our sports teams to school are unable to park in their intended spaces because many are parking their personal cars in these spots. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
🏀Staff v. Students Basketball Game
Come out and support our annual staff vs. students basketball game!
February 28, 7pm @WSHS
Free admission
FAFSA Updates for Seniors and Their Parents/Guardians
There have been several technological challenges with the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) since its launch on December 31, 2023. The latest news is that colleges will not get FAFSA summaries from the U.S. Department of Education until mid-March at the earliest. As a result, colleges won’t be able to give students financial aid award letters based on their FAFSA information until late April to May, at best. Students who applied to a college that uses the CSS Profile may receive financial aid information sooner.
Different media outlets are reporting a growing list of colleges that will push back deadlines for students to accept offers of admission into May and even June. The American Council on Education has a database of colleges and universities that have extended their deadline to commit to enroll. We recommend that all information obtained by a secondary source be confirmed directly with the college or university.
If you are a caregiver or student with questions or persistent issues filling out the FAFSA, consider scheduling a free appointment with our partners at College Access Fairfax. Email Appointments@CollegeAccessFairfax.org. All FAFSA help provided by your school or College Access Fairfax is free.
NOVA Virtual Sessions for Seniors and Their Families
Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA) is offering virtual information and application sessions. Information sessions will provide an overview of NOVA and the opportunities, services, and resources designed to connect high school seniors to the NOVA Nighthawk Community.
Sessions are open to all FCPS seniors and their families. For questions, email admissions@nvcc.edu or call 703-323-3000.
24-25 SY CPP Application
The College Partnership Program (CPP) application is now open until March 15th. Learn more about CPP here. The application can be found HERE.
This program is designed to support students interested in exploring, applying to, and enrolling in college. Students of all backgrounds and experiences (grades 8-11) are encouraged to apply.
CPP was created to help students who face additional barriers to achieving their higher education goals, which includes:
- Students who are the first in their family to attend college in the U.S.
- English language learners
- Students who are economically disadvantaged
- Students with disabilities
Direct any questions to one of our WSHS CPP Advocates: Kimberley Greene-Herbert , Jeff Toomer , or Taylor Wagonseller.
Academic Advising Schedule Dates and Information
Academic Advising for next school year continues...
- Our Academic Website is currently available. Students and parents can find a great deal of information on this site, including how teachers provide class feedback, course selection sheets, how to add classes for next year to SIS StudentVue and much more. This is a public site available to all.
- Student considering taking a Dual Enrollment (DE) class will have to complete this packet. Students and parents should note the FCPS DE Virtual Orientation dates available and the Friday, March 22 deadline.
- To better serve DE students during Academic Advising, we are asking students to share their student NOVA ID, aka Empl ID, so that we can ensure a smooth Dual Enrollment process.
DE Students who have not yet created a NOVA ID (Empl ID) and know that they will be signing up for a NOVA Dual Enrollment class for 2024-2025 School year, please access this website to create the ID. Share the ID HERE once one is created.
Important Academic Advising Dates:
- February 20 - 27, Academic Advising Rising Sophomores
- March 29, last day to make schedule change requests for 2024-25 School Year.
West Potomac Academy Open House
Wednesday, February 28, 2028, 6-8 p.m.
6500 Quander Road Alexandria, VA 22307
Tour our classrooms, meet our teachers and support staff, hear from current students, & learn about our classes and programs!
For classes in our Gunston Building, follow signs for the Kiss & Ride and Academy and enter in door 21.
For classes in our Springbank Building, enter the main entrance and follow to the parking lot by door 5.
Nora Covert, Academy Counselor 703-718-2752 nkcovert@fcps.edu
HEALTH & MEDICAL COURSES, ARMY JROTC - GUNSTON BUILDING 911 Dispatch, Army JROTC, Biotechnology Foundations HN, Dental Careers, EMT, Exploring Health Sciences & the Language of Medicine, Intro to Nursing, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Tech, Physical/Occupational Therapy
COMMUNICATIONS & ARTS COURSES - SPRINGBANK BUILDING Academy Dance, Broadway Dance, Criminal Justice, Hip Hop, Music Computer Technology, TV & Media Production
Mulch Sale 2024!
The West Springfield High School Touchdown Club Boosters are pleased to announce our 2024 Annual Mulch Sale. The WSHS Touchdown Club Boosters supports our WSHS Spartans football teams to help support the program needs and assist students who otherwise may not be able to participate in all aspects of the football program.
Our high-quality double-shredded hardwood mulch is guaranteed to be free of additives, chemicals, or dyes and comes in 3-cubic-foot bags. Our prices are $6 per bag! Orders of ten bags or more qualify for professional delivery (within the West Springfield High School Boundary Only)!
Deliveries will be made on March 15th & 16th! Order online via our secure website. CLICK HERE TO ORDER BY MARCH 8th!
No time to spread your mulch. Let our Boys Lacrosse team spread it for you! Click HERE to schedule.
🚗Take your Learner’s Permit Test at West Springfield HS

When: 3:10pm, specific dates below
Where: Room 2225
Cost: $20
2023-24 Dates: 2nd Semester shown below
- March 11
- April 3 and 25
- May 15
Who can take the test: Students MUST be 15 years and 6 months old by the day of the test.
- This test is for Fairfax County Public School students ONLY (FCPS ID is required).
- If student has had two unsuccessful attempts at passing this test, then they are required to test at the DMV for their 3rd attempt.
Please read the instructions below carefully…
How to Register:
- Visit FCPS ACE and sign up for a specific date: fcps.edu
- Once registered on the FCPS ACE site, student must also register with the DMV. A link is provided during the ACE registration and in a confirmation email. Failure to register with the DMV will result in not being able to test since they issue the secure testing codes to FCPS proctors.
The following are required to the take the test-; student should bring with them on test day:
- A picture ID to verify identity. If the student does not have a picture ID, take a picture, write the student's full legal name under the picture, and have a teacher sign to verify the student's identity. Students may also show their photo from SIS.
Earbuds/headphones to listen to directions and test audio.
These 90-minute classes are offered on Zoom and help to prepare students for the permit test. Sign up on aceclasses.fcps.edu. Dates for spring are 2/13, 3/5, 4/16, 5/7.
Send any questions to Mr. Casey Grubbs (clgrubbs@fcps.edu)
‼️Attention Class of 2024‼️
Parents, please help get your senior to fill out THIS FORM for graduation. Information provided is necessary for gown orders and name pronunciation for graduation.
🎓Seniors: Graduation Announcements and Accessories
Order HERE
Need help or want to order by phone? Please call 1-800-567-8367
Spring Sports Tryouts Begin Monday, February 19th
Tryouts for most Spartan Spring Sports begin February 19 (President’s Holiday). Our teams host tryouts with the purpose of identifying those athletes that have the ability and potential to fill the needs of the team.
WSHS philosophy is to include as many students as possible in the overall athletic program of the school. At the same time, some sports are limited as to how many student-athletes can participate based on resources, equipment, and the capacity of the coach. Our goal is to maximize the opportunities for our students to gain skills playing sports without diluting the quality of our programs.
Tryout Schedules are depicted below. Parents / students should contact our coaches directly with any questions. Please note that students who have not completed the VHSL Physical and Athletic Registration are not eligible to begin tryouts until cleared by our Athletic Trainers.
🎾Spring Sports Tryout Dates / Times
Spartan Sports Calendar, Week of February 26-March 2
Stay in Touch with Spartan Sports!
You can follow WSHS Spartan Sports on social media:
X: @wshssports
YouTube Channels: LINK
Sign Up For the Sports and Activities News You Choose
 School Activities Calendar. Check it out.
Yearbooks and Senior Ads Now On Sale
 Yearbooks and Senior Ads are now on sale! Orders can be placed online at https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ using school code 4150 and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. We sold out of yearbooks for the past two years, so order yours today! We cannot guarantee books will be available for in-person sales at the end of the year. For questions, please email Ms. Melissa Morgan, Yearbook Adviser, at mmorgan2@fcps.edu.
Athletic Boosters
🏅Booster Club Scholarship
2024 Rob Benton and Ron Tugwell Scholarship
Open to WSHS graduating seniors who participated in a VHSL sanctioned event or an FCPS supported club sport at WSHS at any time and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
Eligible Participants include, but not necessarily limited to:
Athletes Performers Managers Trainers Statisticians Videographers
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Sunday, April 7, 2024
Student-Athletes can apply HERE.
Question: wshs.spartans.athletic.boosters@gmail.com.
Athletic Boosters Club Nominations and Elections
The Spartan Athletic Boosters are accepting nominations for the Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 school year.
Elections will be held on May 1, 2024 at the Booster Club Board Meeting. Submission Deadline is April 28, 2024
Need additional information? Check out our website and social media pages at:
📣Spirit Wear
Shop online for spirit wear. Two options:
Option #1: HERE
- 15% off $70 with code: WIN15
(Exclusions apply to the brands: The North Face, Acrux, and TravisMathew).
Option # 2: Looking for flannel pajama bottoms, hoodies, beanies, and decals? These items are available at the concession stand at all home games!
Family Engagement Survey to Open March 3
FCPS is partnering with independent research firm K12 Insight to administer a Family Engagement Survey, which will be open from Sunday, March 3, to Friday, March 22. Your feedback is critical in helping FCPS to better recognize, understand, respect, and address family strengths and needs throughout the district. Survey topics include:
- Welcoming environment
- Communication
- Student success
- Advocacy
- Family and school partnerships
- Community partnerships
The survey will be available in English, Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Pashto, Spanish, Urdu, and Vietnamese.
Parents/caregivers will receive the survey link via email from K12 Insight. A public link will also be posted on FCPS’ website. Paper surveys will be available in our front office. Please stay tuned for more information.
💭 Share Your Thoughts on Schoology
FCPS will be conducting voluntary, anonymous surveys on the use of Schoology from Monday, March 11, to Friday, March 22. Surveys will be delivered to:
- Elementary students (grades 3-6) through the Schoology App Center.
- Secondary students via email from Naviance.
Student feedback will inform the school division’s use of Schoology and help improve its processes, communication, and professional learning for staff. FCPS’ Instructional Services Department will also be reaching out to families through focus groups.
Please contact Schoology@fcps.edu if you have questions.
FCPS Purple Up!
T-Shirts Available for Purchase
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) is gearing up to honor and celebrate its military-connected youth in April, the Month of the Military Child and on Purple Up! Day!
This year, Virginia will celebrate Purple Up! Day on Wednesday, April 17. Purple Up! Day is a special day for communities to come together and wear purple as a visible gesture of support for our military-connected youth and their families. Purple symbolizes the combined colors of all branches of the military.
FCPS Purple Up! t-shirts are available for purchase now through Friday, March 8, 2024 here. The shirts highlight our gratitude and appreciation for our 14,000 military-connected students and their families. #PurpleUpFCPS!
For more information and/or to connect with FCPS resources, email us at militaryfamilies@fcps.edu.
Our Schools, Our Future: Register for Community Conversations
Join Dr. Reid for Our Schools, Our Future – A Community Conversation. Your voice matters! Share your thoughts about FCPS and bring your questions to a conversation on:
Tuesday, April 16, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Graham Road Elementary School.
Tuesday, April 30, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at South County Middle School.
Thursday, May 2, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Terraset Elementary School.
Wednesday, May 8, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Hybla Valley Elementary School.
Thursday, May 16, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Poe Middle School.
Tuesday, May 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m., at Katherine Johnson Middle School.
Pre-registration for a Community Conversation is not required but will help us plan. Childcare and interpretation services will be provided for all events based on staff availability. Events are open to all. Learn about other opportunities to connect with Dr. Reid.
Save the Date: FCPS Military Fair (Virtual), March 20, 5:30pm
- Service Panel
- 2 x Optional Breakout Sessions
- Service Academies / ROTC
- Enlistment
More information to follow!
Fairfax County Science and Engineering Fair Open House
Members of the general public are invited to attend the science fair open house at Robinson Secondary School on Sunday, March 17, 1-3pm.
FCPS Quick Links
Sign Up for FCPS Summer Camps and Learning Programs
Registration is now open for several summer camps and learning opportunities offered by Fairfax County Public Schools for all students.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) camps and Institute for the Arts camps will be held in July at Lake Braddock Secondary School from 8:30am to 2pm. Bus transportation will be available from select FCPS middle and high schools.
CTE programs are available for grade 6-11 students to explore CTE program areas, develop skills, and begin career exploration. IFTA allows students to select from nearly 90 classes in art, dance, health and physical education 9, music, and theater. Visit the IFTA webpage to register.
Summer Learning
Programs are also available for high school students to fulfill the Economics and Personal Finance course requirement, earn a high school course credit via this summer’s online campus program, or recover one high school course credit through the Credit Recovery Academy.
FCPS' free online class for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) provides FCPS middle and high school English Learners the opportunity to continue developing their academic, reading, and writing skills in online discussions with an ESOL teacher.
Find session dates, registration links, and registration deadlines on FCPS summer programs.
2024 Fairfax County Teen Job Fair Schedule
The Annual Fairfax County Teen Job Fair focuses on students and young job seekers who are looking for a variety of employment opportunities; full time, after-school, seasonal positions, internship opportunities, and volunteer positions.
The fairs have provided thousands of teenagers the opportunity to get in front of employers and for our employers to find talented Fairfax County students to fill their positions.
This year, the fairs will run on two Saturdays in March:
- March 2 at Chantilly High School, 11am - 1pm*
- March 9 at West Springfield High School, 11am - 1pm*
*Final workshops will end at 1:30pm
The fairs are open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.
Student registration is free and open to all teens in Fairfax County looking for employment, volunteer opportunities, or tips on building their resume.
Business registration is also free and open to any organization providing positions for students. Free table space and a complimentary table covering will be provided to registered businesses and organizations to advertise their available positions. Participating businesses must provide positions for students at the fair; soliciting without offering positions is not permitted.
WSHS Class of 2024 ANGP
Find general information HERE
Have you purchased your Class of 2024 Yard Sign yet? Options to personalize! Show your Spartan spirit all year long with a Spartan Class of 2024 or Home of a Spartan yard sign. Yard signs aren’t just for seniors! All proceeds benefit the ANGP for the Class of 2024! Order yours at https://wshs-angp.square.site/signs
Ready to Eat, Live, and Love Better?
Friends and families of West Springfield High School can sign up for the Seasonal Roots online farmers market and get a 1-year membership for just $25 (50% off)! For each sign up, Seasonal Roots will donate $20 to the West Springfield High School All Night Grad Party!
Seasonal Roots offers custom orders with convenient home delivery of a wide variety of farm-fresh produce, baked goods, eggs, milk and artisan goods.
Click here to sign up and be sure to use the promo code WSHSANGP2024.
Do you own a local business?
Please consider donating as the ANGP depends largely on the generosity of the community and the senior parents to help make it a successful event and a night to remember.
You can donate online at wshs-angp.square.site. Click the “Donate” link at the bottom of the page. All donations are tax-deductible.
We will show our appreciation for your support by acknowledging all donors on our West Springfield All Night Grad Party website and communications.
We appreciate your support!
WSHS Social Media
Find WSHS Spartans on:

Need Help? Contact our Family Liaison
If you have questions about navigating the school, learning about FCPS resources, or getting your student setup for success, our Family Liaison can help. Email to set up an appointment.