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Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, visite nuestro sitio web.
Table of Contents:
- Important Dates
- Principal’s Message
- School News
- PTSA News
- School Fundraisers
- Class of 2024 Information & Fundraisers
- Class of 2025 Information
Important Dates
February 16-23: Orchestra Booster Pie Fundraiser – Kiwi Pies
February 17: Mock SAT and Mock ACT
February 19: School Holiday – President’s Day
February 21: Class of 2024 Chipotle Restaurant Night, 4:00-8:00 pm, Richmond Highway (see flyer for code)
February 22: Orchestra Booster Restaurant Night Fundraiser – Five Guys (Quander Road & Hybla Valley Locations), 4:00-8:00 pm
February 22: Class of 2024 100 Day Celebration (volunteers and donations needed – see below)
February 28: West Potomac Academy Open House, 6:00-8:00 pm
March 12: PTSA Meeting, WPHS Library 6:00-8:00 pm
Principal’s Message
Happy Friday Wolverines,
Just a few reminders/updates for the week. We all need to keep the importance of attendance in mind each day. Along with report cards, we produced attendance report cards that we sent out this past Monday. Below are attendance reminders:
In addition, I was able to attend a few classes this week. I am proud of all the engaging instruction I am seeing at West Potomac. Ms. Pendleton had a highly engaged group of students in her Human Anatomy class: |
Lastly, in the next couple weeks we will be analyzing our halls and procedures, more closely. Please help us remind students that they should be in class and on time, each period. I hope you all have a wonderful, long weekend celebrating President’s Day on Monday.
Jessica Statz, Principal
West Potomac Academy Open House
You’re Invited to West Potomac Academy’s Open House on Wednesday, February 28th from 6-8 PM. West Potomac Academy is a Governor’s Health and Medical Sciences Academy and offers outstanding opportunities and classes with career interests in health and medical sciences, communications and arts, social services, and industrial trades. These are advanced career elective choices that incorporate the latest industry technology and instructional techniques. Come tour our classrooms, meet our teachers and support staff, hear from current students, and learn about our specialized classes and programs!
 Academic Advising and Course Selection 2024-2025
- Course Selection in StudentVue is now live with directions posted on our website. Students are encouraged to login and select their preferred classes before their one on one meeting with their school counselor.
- School counselor meetings are ocurring on the following dates:
- Rising 11th graders – February 12-23 – through PE 10
- Rising 10th graders – Feb 20 – March 1 – through PE 9
- A reminder Parents can view courses selected in the ParentVue account.
NOVA Virtual Information Session:
Northern Virginia Community College will host its virtual information session in Spanish on Tuesday, 2/20 at 7:00 p.m. The session is designed to highlight the numerous opportunities, services & resources available to help get students connected to the NOVA community. See the flyer to register & receive Zoom link.
 Northern Virginia Regional College Fair (HS)
The Office of Admissions at George Mason University invites students & families to the 37th annual Northern Virginia Regional College Fair (NVRCF). You will have the opportunity to meet with admissions representatives from more than 200 colleges and universities.
Northern Virginia Regional College Fair
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
EagleBank Arena, George Mason University –Fairfax Campus
Families are encouraged to pre-register. For more information ND LINKS regarding this college fair please see flyer below
- The PTSA is an integral part of West Potomac including parents, educators and students. The PTSA helps support our academic enrichment programs and is an important way to be an active member of the Wolverine community. It is not too late to join! Go to: Givebacks (memberhub.com) and select the membership that best suits you. Working together, we can help our school community feel supported and appreciated.
SAT and ACT Test Prep News!
Register now for spring classes and mocks!
SAT Spring Group Class starts 3/9/24 and preps for the 6/1/24 official SAT test (digital version). FCPS Laptops required for classes and mocks.
ACT Spring Group Class starts 3/9/24 and preps for the 6/8/24 official ACT test.
Mock SAT and ACT available 2/17 before the start of our spring classes.
MOCK TESTS OFFERED: NOW is the time to determine test preference! Take a mock of each test to find your strength before registering for a class. SAT (digital) and ACT mock test schedule HERE Mock SAT and ACT available 2/17 before the start of our spring classes.
Scholarships for Classes and Mock Tests WPHS student need-based scholarships for mocks and classes are available through the College and Career Center Specialist, Karen B, Young, kbyoung1@fcps.edu.
Test optional does not mean test blind! Many students still provide test scores with their college applications. Test scores are used for admissions, scholarships, and class placement. Take a mock test to see if you’re in the scholarship range or just a prep class away from that range. Test optional means YOU CHOOSE whether or not to send your scores. A good test score can only strengthen your application.
Read this recent news about Darthmouth’s reasons for reinstating the SAT/ACT score submission requirement - ABC News Dartmouth
Need Flexibility? We have an online class option! Try Applerouth’s Self-Paced Online Course - Animated video lessons and comprehensive practice for every section of the Digital SAT or ACT. Available for purchase ($125.00) on the PTSA’s MemberHubStore. More details about content for SAT course available here. More about the ACT course here.
PTSA Test Prep Chair, Marilyn Aboff, marilynaboff@yahoo.com
WPHS Test Prep Web Page – for more details about test prep and events
WPHS Orchestra
Restaurant Night at Five Guys on Thursday, 22 February, 4-8 pm. Support the orchestra program by grabbing a burger, dog, milkshake, or other freshly made entree at the Quander Road (6210 Quander Road) or Hybla Valley (7622 Richmond Highway) location.
 WPHS Orchestra
Celebrate the upcoming Pi Day with a pie! Choose from a variety of sweet and savory pies between now and Friday, 23 March, with a delivery date of Tuesday, March 12. To order or for additional information, contact WPHS Orchestra Director at AADayJavkhla@fcps.edu.
Important Dates:
February 21: Next Wednesday Class of 2024 Chipotle Restaurant Night
February 22: Class of 2024 100 Day Celebration
(There’s still a need for volunteers and donations for our 100 day Countdown Celebration happening next Thursday, the 22nd. Please click on the link below to help us fill in the blanks.)
April 12: Class of 2024 Senior Breakfast
June 3rd: Class of 2024 Senior Bash to be held on the West Potomac Aux field. Rain date is June 6th.
We’d love any and all help we can get to support our seniors, and if you can’t physically be present, there is also a link to donate funds. Thank you in advance and looking forward to a great last few months together! This link will be periodically updated as needs arise. Please sign up to support these special moments for our seniors:
Class of 2024 Yard Signs are sold out, but more are on the way! Preorder yours at this link for delivery in a couple of weeks.
Senior Parents: Please check out & join the WPHS Class of 2024 Facebook & Instagram group. It’s a great way to keep updated on all the upcoming events, information & opportunities that pertain to this year. We will have several volunteer opportunities throughout the school year for our Senior events & activities. We want to make this the BEST year for our 2024 seniors!!
Feb 16th 7:30 – 9:30: Cosmic bowling at Ft. Myer. $7/ game that includes shoe rental ! Sign up by emailing Ms Simpson at jsimpson1@fcps.edu or Ms. Hackshaw at chackshaw@fcps.edu
Senior Sponsors; Ms. Simpson at jsimpson1@fcps.edu or Ms. Hackshaw at chackshaw@fcps.edu
- JOIN our Facebook page! “West Potomac HS-Class of 2025”
This is a private group for parents and students. Please answer the questions to be allowed to join.
SAVE the Date! Juniors & Seniors are invited to PROM on 4/20/24 at the Torpedo Factory!