Fox Mill Focus February 16, 2024

Fox Mill Focus

Good evening, Fox Mill Family,

We hope you had a wonderful week listening to conversations around learning at Fox Mill. We had lots of activities across the school on Wednesday. Thanks to all the teachers and parents who collaboratively ensured that each grade level enjoyed their Valentine celebrations.

As part of their Valentines celebration, Mrs. Nandury’ s class collected 293 books for donation to Reading Is Fundamental of NOVA. Student donations will go to support local schools in our area who are in need of books for their various student populations. Go second graders, we appreciate your huge heart of love.

A Few Updates





**SPACE IS LIMITED: Please choose only 1 session. **


AM Session:       9:00-9:20 AM    


PM Session:        12:30-12:50 PM


Parents of Japanese Immersion student applicants will have the opportunity to observe a 20-minute classroom interaction.  For more information, contact the school.




Parent Coffee

Topic : Trauma 101 for Parents

Thursday, February 29th, 2024 - 9:00 - 10:00 AM 

Fox Mill Elementary Cafeteria


Join us on Thursday, February 29th, from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in the school cafeteria for our fourth “Parent Coffee” of the school year. Mental health counselors from the "Youth Initiatives Program of Northern Virginia Family Services" will provide parents with an informative session on the impact of trauma on the brain, reactions to trauma according to age, effects of trauma on development and family functioning, what it means to be trauma informed, and how and when to seek resources. Additionally, there will also be a discussion concerning coping with bullying. 

The presentation will conclude with a Q&A session. Everyone is invited! Coffee and donuts will be provided.

Kindergarten Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:

  1. Determine eligibility. 
  2. Identify your local school. 
  3. Gather documents. 
  4. Fill out forms. 
  5. Schedule an appointment.

After the appointment at the school (the student and one caregiver must be present), the student will be ready for orientation, Bridge to Kindergarten, or any other introductory events each school may host. Read more about the registration process.

Be on the lookout for more information on Fox Mill’s Kindergarten Round Up.

PTA CORNER A big thank you to Stephanie Alger and Carla Richter who presented at our PTA meeting last night. They provided a detailed look at what assessments our students are taking throughout their elementary experience and how the data is used. If you have any follow up questions please feel free to contact them via email at and

Looking ahead, the second grade families are hosting this month's teacher breakfast on Friday, February 23rd. There are many ways to contribute and sign ups can be found here. In the evening of Friday, February 23rd the sixth grade will present their talent show at 7:00 PM in the cafeteria. This is a free event for all families to come out and enjoy- we hope to see you there!

Also, the PTA is looking for 5 volunteers to join the planning committee for The Challenge** and a co-leader for Teacher Appreciation Week!  Please contact Meagan Bahamonde at to volunteer for The Challenge and Tory Nelson at, if interested in co-leading TAW.

**The Challenge is a night where students and parents team up and compete in a variety of events.  Parents and students are assigned to groups and rotate through 8 stations throughout the evening.  The 8 Stations consist of Human Hungry Hungry Hippo, parachute volleyball, Rock Paper Scissors Rally, Crazy Noodles, Magician, Trivia, Photo booth & games, whipped cream eating contest.  Please feel free to contact the PTA  through the general contact form on our website or by reaching out to board members directly through email (email addresses are listed here on the PTA website) if you have any questions, we are always happy to help!

Office of Student Safety & Wellness Info

Stress, Trauma & Coping

The experience of traumatic events shapes us, no matter if they happened during childhood or as an adult. Trauma is an event or series of circumstances that have lasting effects on mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual well-being. Stress occurs from our minds and bodies identifying an event as physically or emotionally life-threatening. The situation triggers our survival instincts and our natural fight-flight-freeze response. But our minds and bodies cannot sustain being in survival mode for extended periods of time. Sometimes, those who experience high amounts of stress and traumatic situations are unable to process or move past what has happened, and as a result are stuck in a loop.

Childhood trauma manifests in many ways and when carried into adulthood, it can create a cycle of adverse experiences that affect future generations. The effects of traumatic events place a heavy burden on the individual, connected families, and communities. Responses to stress and traumatic experiences are personal. There is an intersection between trauma, coping, and substance misuse.

Studies show that about 61% of adults have had at least one adverse childhood experience (ACE) according to the CDC. Trauma prevention and intervention strategies are important. Creating a strategy of helpful coping skills to pull from prepares us to face difficult moments and our levels of resilience and feelings of wellbeing increases also. Here are a few tips to add to your coping strategies:

  1. Seek mental health and/or substance use treatment.
  2. Identify one or more people you feel safe with who can help to hold you accountable.
  3. Develop, repair, or maintain healthy relationships for internal and external support.
  4. Learn and practice self-regulation skills.
  5. Encourage yourself and others.
  6. Find ways to increase your self-esteem.
  7. Focus on your strengths.
  8. Model healthy behavior when dealing with difficult situations.
  9. Identify your triggers and practice ways to work through them.



Why Historical Trauma is Critical to Understanding Black Mental Health

Addressing Childhood Trauma Starts with Family Support

Violence Prevention

ACEs and Minorities

For general questions about the FCPS Substance Abuse Prevention Program, please contact the Office of Student Safety & Wellness at: 571.423.4270.

Dates For Your Diary

Monday, February 19- Presidents’ Day


Have a lovely long weekend.

Brian Moose     Anice S. Denton

Principal            Assistant Principal



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