2/16 RRMS School Updates

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Important Dates

February 19 - No School (Presidents' Day) 

February 26-29 - Civics Field Trips to Finance Park

March 5 - No School (Teacher Workday)

March 15 - Annual Rocky Run vs Franklin Basketball Games at Chantilly HS, 5 - 9 PM 

RAISE the Ram card winners 2_16

RAISE the Ram Card Winners

Congratulations to this week's Ram card winners:

Sia Vadakoot (Engaged)

Christine Bruening (Safe)

Chase Gordon (Accountable)

Simone Feil (Accountable)

Aaliyah Humphrey (Engaged)

Lesly Hernandez Garcia (Respectful)

Great job Raising the Ram!

A Note from the Principal

Dear Rocky Run Community-

Middle school hallways are always an interesting place to be on Valentine's Day, and this year was no exception! Candies, balloons, flowers, etc. all made appearances at Rocky Run this week. In addition to Valentine’s Day, we recently celebrated Lunar New Year on February 10. On this holiday, people across Asia (and beyond) ushered in the Year of the Dragon. Lunar New Year is typically marked by family gatherings, eating traditional foods, time spent honoring ancestors, and the exchange of small gifts, including money given in traditional red envelopes. Each Asian culture has its own traditions, which may also include a thorough cleaning of the house, lighting firecrackers, performing dances, and wearing traditional clothing. We wish all RRMS families who celebrate Lunar New Year happiness and fortune.

Speaking of happiness and fortune, I'm thrilled to announce that many of our Rocky Run teachers were recently recognized for their contributions to our school. Congratulations to Desi Hatzakos for being named the Outstanding New Teacher for the Chantilly Pyramid, Young Hong for being named the Outstanding Leader for the Chantilly Pyramid and Rose Cho for being named the Outstanding Teacher in the Chantilly Pyramid. Each of these three amazing educators will move on in the process to hopefully become the Region 5 representative in their category. We recently received the good news that Rachel Sweeney was named the Region 5 recipient of the Outstanding Professional category. Dr. Sweeney will compete against the other region winners for the overall FCPS award. Each of these individuals is extremely deserving and I am proud that they represent Rocky Run Middle School.

Enjoy the upcoming three day weekend in celebration of President's Day. As always, thank you for your continued partnership and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions. I look forward to seeing you at RRMS soon.


Peter Kownacki
Rocky Run Middle School

Understanding HS Mathematics Course Offerings Webinar

How can students participate in mathematics throughout high school in a way that is relevant to and supportive of post-secondary and career interests? FCPS Math Specialists are offering a webinar for parents/guardians on March 8th from 10 to 11:30 AM. 

During this session, the presenters will discuss mathematics graduation requirements and how to support students in navigating the various course offerings currently available in FCPS. Students and their families may start thinking about what course pathways are available beginning in middle school. 

Presented by Jennifer Allard FCPS High School Math Specialist and Erin Sylves FCPS Math Specialist.

March 8, 2024, 10-11:30 AM.  Add to Your Calendar

Register for Understanding High School Mathematics Course Offerings

You can access more information on this website

Library Updates

The library has been super busy lately! In fact, we logged our most popular day of the school year on February 9, with 257 students visiting the library just on that day! That’s almost 25% of the student population! Students have enjoyed our games, puzzles, and new Sticker Mosaic, in addition to the books on our shelves and using the library space to study and work on projects. It is my mission as a librarian to support students personal and academic interests, and that’s what’s happening right now!

Bookmark Contest Update: This week, we received the printed copies of the winning student-designed bookmarks from the recent bookmark contest! See below for the winners in both the hand drawn and digital categories. Winners got to pick from the library prize box and received the first copies of their printed bookmarks. There were some amazing entries this year and both students and staff continue to enjoy this annual tradition at Rocky Run.

Classes Update: In the next 2-3 weeks, all English 8 classes will visit the library to get research support on their persuasive essay and Civics will be using the library’s makerspaces, The Inspiration Studio and Tech Den, to work on their Political Process project. It will be wonderful to support our 8th grade students’ learning in multiple ways!

Overdues Update: As of Friday, there are 551 books that are overdue. Students received an email to their fcpsschools account on Thursday with the books they have that are past their due date. Please check with your student if they have overdue books and make a plan for how to return them. There is a mailbox at the front of the school if you would like to drop them off over the weekend! Students who have books from first quarter (before October 31) will receive a bill in the mail next week to cover the cost of replacement. Please email me (ragrover@fcps.edu) if you have any questions or need to pay for a lost book.

Eating Disorder Parent Information

The Code of Virginia, 22.1-273.2 requires Virginia Public Schools to provide, on an annual basis, parent educational information regarding eating disorders for students in grades five through twelve.

According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA 2023),

Eating disorders are serious but treatable mental and physical illnesses that can affect people of all genders, ages, races, religions, ethnicities, sexual orientations, body shapes, and weights. In the United States, 28.8 million Americans will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives.

There is no single cause of an eating disorder. Rather, it is a complex combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors that converge and set off an individual’s predisposed genetic vulnerability.

In collaboration with the Fairfax County Health Department, FCPS has developed a web page with detailed information and resources to be provided to parents and guardians of Fairfax County Public Schools. This information may be found at Eating Disorders

Yearbook Information- Group Picture Order

Rocky Run has many fun groups featured in the yearbook.

Students recently took after-school club and music group pictures.  See them with their friends in the Rocky Run yearbook!  Order for just $30 at: https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/index.cfm/job/5333

VIP Summer Camp

After-School Program Information

Schedule for the week of 2/19

Important Program Information:

  • Mark your calendar - there will be no after-school activities and no late buses on the following dates: 2/16, 3/15, 3/22, 5/24.   
  • Spring Track and Field - we are just 6 weeks out from our form deadline.  Please review the interest meeting slides and interest form if your student would like to participate. All forms must be fully completed and submitted no later than March 22.  
  • Westfield High School Football Interest Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 2/21, during 1st session of after-school (2:30-3:15) at Rocky Run.  Interested students should sign up here.  More high school interest meetings will be posted as scheduled through the Spring.
  • Program updates, announcements, schedules, and late bus routes will be communicated through the After-School Schoology Course - all families have been added
  • Registration form is required for ALL RRMS students (regardless of intent to participate).  Your student will not be able to stay after for any clubs, activities, or events if this form is not completed.  
  • Check out our Program Preview
  • Questions?  Contact Shannon Campbell, After-School Program Specialist, at SLCampbell@fcps.edu

Rocky Run vs Franklin Basketball

Chantilly HS Ice Hockey Club

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