News You Choose

February 11th, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Ms. Mirnaly Vega

Dear Sleepy Hollow Families,

We hope this newsletter finds you well and excited for the many milestones and opportunities that lie ahead as we journey through the academic year. We're thrilled to share some highlights and updates from our school community as we mark the 100th day of school and look forward to the promising signs of spring.

Celebrating 100 Days of Learning: February 9th  marked a significant milestone in our academic calendar – the 100th day of school! We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our students for their hard work, dedication, and perseverance over the past several months. From those first tentative steps into the classroom to the confident strides they're making now, we're incredibly proud of each and every one of them. Throughout the day, our teachers prepared special activities and lessons to celebrate this momentous occasion, reinforcing the importance of every day in the journey of learning.

Full Day of Planning for Teachers: In our commitment to delivering the best possible education for our students, all classroom teachers collaborated as a grade level and received a full day of planning for the third quarter. This dedicated time allows our educators to reflect on their teaching practices, collaborate with colleagues, and design engaging lessons tailored to the needs and interests of our students. We're grateful for their unwavering dedication and the effort they put into continuously improving their craft to benefit our school community.

Spring is on the Horizon: As we reach the midpoint of the academic year, we can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the season ahead. With spring just around the corner, we're excited for the opportunities it brings for outdoor activities, exploration, and renewed energy. Our school is buzzing with plans for upcoming events, projects, and initiatives that will enrich the learning experience and foster a sense of belonging and community among our students.

Thank You Families: We want to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all our families for your unwavering support of our school. Your partnership, involvement, and encouragement play a vital role in creating a positive and nurturing environment where our students can thrive. Whether it's volunteering in the classroom, attending school events, or simply being present and engaged in your child's education, your support is invaluable and deeply appreciated.

As we celebrate the 100th day of school and look ahead to the exciting opportunities that await us, let's continue to work together to inspire, challenge, and empower our students to reach their fullest potential.

Thank you for being a part of our school community!

Warm regards, 

Mirnaly Vega and Tim Scesney

Principal and Assistant Principal

Important Upcoming Dates 

February 12 - February 16 Book Fair

February 19 - President's Day - No School 

February 22 - Bus Drivers Appreciation Day

Save the Dates

International Night - Thursday March 7, 2024

Curriculum Night -  Wednesday April 17, 2024

PTA Silent Auction - April 22 - April 28

♥ Kindness Week Opportunities ♥

Virginia Kindness Week begins on February 12th. The purpose is to recognize that simple day-to-day acts of kindness enable our schools, communities, and state to be a kinder, safer, healthier, and more inclusive place to live, work, learn, and play. At Sleepy Hollow, we will celebrate kindness to one another from February 12th - February 20th. 

To encourage kindness within the school for, we will have a Kindness Opportunities Board for EVERYONE to complete. The rules are simple. Students participating will come up with seven acts of kindness they plan to complete during the week and record them on their board daily. We have included in this newsletter, a Kindness Board Ideas (English and Spanish) for families to support their child in selecting acts of kindness. Once a student has completed ALL seven acts of kindness, they will receive a prize. Students can come in the morning to the office to choose their prize. The Kindness Board Opportunities Board allows students to win as often as they reach seven acts of kindness. Their is no limit on acts of kindness!


kindness spanish

📚 Lexia Parent Night: How We Help Your

Child Learn to Read

FCPS funds the use of Lexia for all elementary and middle schools to use as part of their literacy instruction. Lexia is a computer-based program that supplements classroom instruction to help students develop literacy skills. It also provides teachers with data to identify students who need additional support, and the ability to know which specific concepts and skills to prioritize.Attend an information night on Monday, February 12, at 6:30 p.m., at Thoreau Middle School. Parents/caregivers will learn more about Lexia, and how FCPS is integrating it into the classroom and supporting student growth in reading. Attendees will also get tips for supporting their students at home.

Register to attend or submit a question in advance. Unable to attend in person? Join on Zoom

Integrating Lexia into the literacy curriculum aligns with the Virginia Literacy Act, FCPS’ Equitable Access to Literacy, and FCPS Strategic Plan Goal 3, which aims to have all students reading on level by the end of third grade. 

😎 Dive into summer fun with FCPS!

is now open for FCPS summer camps and learning opportunities. Sign your child up for a summer program for a fun-filled experience that will enhance your child academically. Don't miss out on the chance to learn and have a blast. Secure your child’s spot today!

Tech Adventure Camp is available for current grade K-5 students to explore STEAM, culinary, health, trades, and business and marketing areas. E-IFTA is a weekly arts camp for elementary students who love to sing, dance, act, perform, make, and create. Visit the E-IFTA webpage to register.


Magnet Schools

Learn About Science, Technology, and Arts Magnet Schools

Three FCPS elementary magnet schools provide programs that enhance learning in science, technology, and performing arts. 

If you are interested in sending your student to an elementary magnet school program, consider attending a school-based information night at Hunters Woods Elementary School, Bailey’s Primary Elementary School, or Bailey’s Upper Elementary School

Information nights will provide an opportunity to learn about individual school programs, student eligibility, the lottery process, and transportation.

Registration for the 2024-25 elementary magnet lottery is open Tuesday, March 5, through Friday, April 12. Get more information about the schools, their programs, and locations. Teacher-Referred Tutoring

Through Schoology®, all FCPS students have 24/7 access to no-cost, year-round, on-demand, 1-to-1 tutoring services through

A new Teacher-Referred Tutoring program feature provides targeted support and extends student learning. Teachers can now refer students for tutoring, with their specific needs already identified. Students can get extra support — on their own schedule — and reinforce their in-class learning.

Caregivers can guide students to access expert tutoring, homework help, and writing support by clicking on the icon in their Schoology portal—anytime, anywhere.

Plus, look for teachers’ tutoring session referrals on the homepage.

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